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-, They were without date or title , only ,, on the first , " December 15 S 3 , " was marked with a pen , and " 162 S . " on the second , in like manner . . CNo ; ig . ,. BE IT KNOWN to all Men , be these present Letters , Us Deacons , Masters and Freemen of the Masons within the Realm of Scotland
. ; , with express - ' Assent and Consent of William Shaw Master of Work to our sqveraine Lord , FORASMEIKLE AS , fiae Age to Age , it has been observed among us , that the Lairds of Ratline has ever beine Patrons and Protectors of us and our Privileges . LIKEAS , our Predecessors has obeyed and . acknowledged them as Patrons and Protectors , quhill that within Ihir few Years , ' through Negligence and Slouthfulness , the samyn has past forth of Use , whereby not only has . the Lairds of ' Rosline lyen out of their just
Right , but also our haill Craft has been destitute of an Patron ancl Pro * tector and Overseer , whilk has genderit many false Corruptions and Imperfections both amongst ourselves and . in ou . r ' Craf t , and has given Occasion to many Persons to conceave Evil amongst us and our Craft , and to leave off great Inlerpryses of Policie , by Reason of ' our great Misbehaviour without Correction , whereby not only the Commi . tta . rs of the ' Faults but also the honest Menare disappointed of their-Craft andProfit : As
, . likewise , when divers and sundry Contraversies falls out amongst ourselves , there follows great and manyfold Inconveniencies through the want of -. . .- - - - - - - we not being able to wait upon the ordinary Judges and Judgment of this Realm ,, through the Occasion of our Poverty and Langsomness of Process : FOR REMEID whereof , and for
keeping of good Order amangst Us in all Time coming , and for Advancement of our Craft and Vocation within this Realm , and furtherim * of Policie within the samyn , We for ourselves , and in Name of our haill Brethren and Craftsmen , with Consent foresaid , AGREES , and CONSENTS , that William Sinclair , now of Rosline , for himself and his Heirs , purchase and obtain , at the Hands of our soverain Lord , Liberty , Freedom-and Jurisdiction upon Us and our Successors , in al / Time coming , as Patrons and Judges to Us , and the several Professors of our Craft within
this Realm , whom of we have Power and Commission , swa that hereafter we may acknowledge him and his Heirs as our Patrons and Judges under our soverain Lord , without any Kind of Appellation , or declining from his Judgment , with Power to the said William and his Heirs to depute Judges under him , ane or mae , and to use such ample and large Jurisdiction upon Us and our Successors , als well in Burgh as Land , as it shall please our soverain Lord to gram to him and his Heirs . Sic subscribitur , William Shaw Master of Work , Thomas Weir Mason in Edinburgh , Thomas Robertson Warden of the Lod
ges of Dumfermling and St . Andrews , and taking the Burden upon him for his Brethren of the Mason-Craft within the Lodges , and for the Commissioners aftermentioned , viz . David Shougal , Alexander Gilbert , and David Spans , for the Lodge of St . Andrews , Andrew Alison and Archibald Angoue Commissioners for the Lodge of Dumfermling , and Robert Kaillie for the Lodge of Hadd ' mgloun , with our Hands led at the Pen be the Notar underwritten , at our Commands , because we could not write . litest Laurentius Robertson Notarius publicus ad piwmissa requisilus de specif alibus mandalis A ' iclarum personarum . scribere nescien . ut asseruerunl teste manu men .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
-, They were without date or title , only ,, on the first , " December 15 S 3 , " was marked with a pen , and " 162 S . " on the second , in like manner . . CNo ; ig . ,. BE IT KNOWN to all Men , be these present Letters , Us Deacons , Masters and Freemen of the Masons within the Realm of Scotland
. ; , with express - ' Assent and Consent of William Shaw Master of Work to our sqveraine Lord , FORASMEIKLE AS , fiae Age to Age , it has been observed among us , that the Lairds of Ratline has ever beine Patrons and Protectors of us and our Privileges . LIKEAS , our Predecessors has obeyed and . acknowledged them as Patrons and Protectors , quhill that within Ihir few Years , ' through Negligence and Slouthfulness , the samyn has past forth of Use , whereby not only has . the Lairds of ' Rosline lyen out of their just
Right , but also our haill Craft has been destitute of an Patron ancl Pro * tector and Overseer , whilk has genderit many false Corruptions and Imperfections both amongst ourselves and . in ou . r ' Craf t , and has given Occasion to many Persons to conceave Evil amongst us and our Craft , and to leave off great Inlerpryses of Policie , by Reason of ' our great Misbehaviour without Correction , whereby not only the Commi . tta . rs of the ' Faults but also the honest Menare disappointed of their-Craft andProfit : As
, . likewise , when divers and sundry Contraversies falls out amongst ourselves , there follows great and manyfold Inconveniencies through the want of -. . .- - - - - - - we not being able to wait upon the ordinary Judges and Judgment of this Realm ,, through the Occasion of our Poverty and Langsomness of Process : FOR REMEID whereof , and for
keeping of good Order amangst Us in all Time coming , and for Advancement of our Craft and Vocation within this Realm , and furtherim * of Policie within the samyn , We for ourselves , and in Name of our haill Brethren and Craftsmen , with Consent foresaid , AGREES , and CONSENTS , that William Sinclair , now of Rosline , for himself and his Heirs , purchase and obtain , at the Hands of our soverain Lord , Liberty , Freedom-and Jurisdiction upon Us and our Successors , in al / Time coming , as Patrons and Judges to Us , and the several Professors of our Craft within
this Realm , whom of we have Power and Commission , swa that hereafter we may acknowledge him and his Heirs as our Patrons and Judges under our soverain Lord , without any Kind of Appellation , or declining from his Judgment , with Power to the said William and his Heirs to depute Judges under him , ane or mae , and to use such ample and large Jurisdiction upon Us and our Successors , als well in Burgh as Land , as it shall please our soverain Lord to gram to him and his Heirs . Sic subscribitur , William Shaw Master of Work , Thomas Weir Mason in Edinburgh , Thomas Robertson Warden of the Lod
ges of Dumfermling and St . Andrews , and taking the Burden upon him for his Brethren of the Mason-Craft within the Lodges , and for the Commissioners aftermentioned , viz . David Shougal , Alexander Gilbert , and David Spans , for the Lodge of St . Andrews , Andrew Alison and Archibald Angoue Commissioners for the Lodge of Dumfermling , and Robert Kaillie for the Lodge of Hadd ' mgloun , with our Hands led at the Pen be the Notar underwritten , at our Commands , because we could not write . litest Laurentius Robertson Notarius publicus ad piwmissa requisilus de specif alibus mandalis A ' iclarum personarum . scribere nescien . ut asseruerunl teste manu men .