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ham Sinclair , whereby he , and his Heirs , are acknowledged as our Patron and Judge , under our soverain Lord , over Us , and the haill Professors of the said Vocation , within this his Heines Kingdom of Scotland , without any Appellation or Declination from their Judgments , in time hereafter , forever . AND FARDER , We all in one Voice , as said is , of new , have made , constitute and ordained , and be thir Presents makes , constitutes and ordains the said Sir W ' uliam Sinclair wow of Rosline , and his Airs male , . our only Patrons , Protectors and Overseers , under our soveraine Lord to
us and our successors , Deacons , Masters ancl Freemen of our said Vocations of Masons , Hammermen , within the hail Kingdom of Scotland , and of our hail Privileges and Jurisdictions belonging thereto , wherein he , his Father , and their Predecessors Lairds of Rosline , have been in use of Possession thir many Ages bygane , with full power to . him and them , be themselves , their Wardens and Deputes to be constitute bq them , to affix and appoint Places of Meeting for keeping of good Order in the said Craft , as aft and sua aft as Need shall . requyre , all and sundry Persons that may be
known to be subject to the said Vocation , to make be called absent , to amerciate . Transgre ' ssors , punish Unlaws , Casualitys , and other Dewtys whatsomever pertaining and belonging , or that may befal to be payed be whatsomever Person or Persons subject to the said Craft , to ask , crave , receave , intromet with and uplift , and the samen to their own proper Use to apply , Deputes under them in the said Office , with Clarks , Serjands , Assisters , and all other Officers and Members of Court needful , to make , create , substitute and ordain , for whom they shall be holden to answer ALL and sundry Plents , Actions and Causes pertaining to the said Craft and Vocation , and against whatsomever Person or Persons Professors thereof , and to hear , discuss , decern and decide , Acts , Decreets and Sentences thereupon to pronounce , and the same to due Execution to cause
be put ; and generally all and sundry other Priviledges , Libevtys and Immunitys whatsomever concerning the said Craft , to do , use and exerce , and cause be done , or might have done themselves in any Time bygane , freely quietly weel and in Piece , but ony Revocatione , Obsticle , Impediment or Again-calling whatsomever . IN Witness of the whilk Thing , to thir Presents written be Alexander Ackhead Servitor to Andrew Hay Writer , we have subscribed thir Presents with our Hands at , Sic subscribitur , The Lodge of Dundee , Robert Strachan Master , Andrew Wast and David
While Masters in Dundee , with our Hands at the Pen led be the Notar under subscriband at our Commands , because we cannot write . Thomas Roberlsone Notarius Publicus asseruil , Robert Johnston Master , David Mason Master . The Lodge of Edinburgh , William Wallace Deacon , John . Wall , Thomas Peterson , Thomas Fteyming Wairdine in Edinburgh , and Hugh Forrest , with our -Hands at the Pen led by the Notar under subscribing for us at our Command , because we cannot write , Th . Flcyming Notarius Publicus . I Robert Caldwel in Glasgow , with my Hand at the Pen led by the Notar under
subscribing for me , because I cannot write myself , . / . Henryson Notarius Publicus asseruil . The Lodge of Glasgow , John Boyd Deacon , Robert Boyd one of the Masters-, Hew Dick Deacon of the Mason Craft and Wrights of Ayr , George Lydde ! Deacon of the Squaremen , and was Ouarter-masier . The Lodge of Stirling , John Thomson , James Ryne , I John Servito Master of the Crafts of Stirling , with my Hand at the Pen led be the Notar under subscribing for . me , because 1 cannot write , J . Henryson Notarius asseruil . The Lodge of Dumfermling , Robert Alison ane of the Masters of Dumfermling 1
, John Burrock ane of the Masters of Dumfermling , with my Hand at the i en led be the Notar under subscribing for me at my Command , because I cannot write myself , J . Henryson Notarius asseruil . David Robcrtsone ane of the Master-Masons of St . Andrews , and Thomas gersone of the said Lodge of St . Andrews .
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ham Sinclair , whereby he , and his Heirs , are acknowledged as our Patron and Judge , under our soverain Lord , over Us , and the haill Professors of the said Vocation , within this his Heines Kingdom of Scotland , without any Appellation or Declination from their Judgments , in time hereafter , forever . AND FARDER , We all in one Voice , as said is , of new , have made , constitute and ordained , and be thir Presents makes , constitutes and ordains the said Sir W ' uliam Sinclair wow of Rosline , and his Airs male , . our only Patrons , Protectors and Overseers , under our soveraine Lord to
us and our successors , Deacons , Masters ancl Freemen of our said Vocations of Masons , Hammermen , within the hail Kingdom of Scotland , and of our hail Privileges and Jurisdictions belonging thereto , wherein he , his Father , and their Predecessors Lairds of Rosline , have been in use of Possession thir many Ages bygane , with full power to . him and them , be themselves , their Wardens and Deputes to be constitute bq them , to affix and appoint Places of Meeting for keeping of good Order in the said Craft , as aft and sua aft as Need shall . requyre , all and sundry Persons that may be
known to be subject to the said Vocation , to make be called absent , to amerciate . Transgre ' ssors , punish Unlaws , Casualitys , and other Dewtys whatsomever pertaining and belonging , or that may befal to be payed be whatsomever Person or Persons subject to the said Craft , to ask , crave , receave , intromet with and uplift , and the samen to their own proper Use to apply , Deputes under them in the said Office , with Clarks , Serjands , Assisters , and all other Officers and Members of Court needful , to make , create , substitute and ordain , for whom they shall be holden to answer ALL and sundry Plents , Actions and Causes pertaining to the said Craft and Vocation , and against whatsomever Person or Persons Professors thereof , and to hear , discuss , decern and decide , Acts , Decreets and Sentences thereupon to pronounce , and the same to due Execution to cause
be put ; and generally all and sundry other Priviledges , Libevtys and Immunitys whatsomever concerning the said Craft , to do , use and exerce , and cause be done , or might have done themselves in any Time bygane , freely quietly weel and in Piece , but ony Revocatione , Obsticle , Impediment or Again-calling whatsomever . IN Witness of the whilk Thing , to thir Presents written be Alexander Ackhead Servitor to Andrew Hay Writer , we have subscribed thir Presents with our Hands at , Sic subscribitur , The Lodge of Dundee , Robert Strachan Master , Andrew Wast and David
While Masters in Dundee , with our Hands at the Pen led be the Notar under subscriband at our Commands , because we cannot write . Thomas Roberlsone Notarius Publicus asseruil , Robert Johnston Master , David Mason Master . The Lodge of Edinburgh , William Wallace Deacon , John . Wall , Thomas Peterson , Thomas Fteyming Wairdine in Edinburgh , and Hugh Forrest , with our -Hands at the Pen led by the Notar under subscribing for us at our Command , because we cannot write , Th . Flcyming Notarius Publicus . I Robert Caldwel in Glasgow , with my Hand at the Pen led by the Notar under
subscribing for me , because I cannot write myself , . / . Henryson Notarius Publicus asseruil . The Lodge of Glasgow , John Boyd Deacon , Robert Boyd one of the Masters-, Hew Dick Deacon of the Mason Craft and Wrights of Ayr , George Lydde ! Deacon of the Squaremen , and was Ouarter-masier . The Lodge of Stirling , John Thomson , James Ryne , I John Servito Master of the Crafts of Stirling , with my Hand at the Pen led be the Notar under subscribing for . me , because 1 cannot write , J . Henryson Notarius asseruil . The Lodge of Dumfermling , Robert Alison ane of the Masters of Dumfermling 1
, John Burrock ane of the Masters of Dumfermling , with my Hand at the i en led be the Notar under subscribing for me at my Command , because I cannot write myself , J . Henryson Notarius asseruil . David Robcrtsone ane of the Master-Masons of St . Andrews , and Thomas gersone of the said Lodge of St . Andrews .