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Copy Of A Letter. From The Rev. Dr. Sturges,
p lication for such Tracts , but that considering them as likely to be employed improperly , he had declined procuring or selling any for a considerable time , and knows nothing now of any thing stfspicious or offensive of this sort . Mr . ROBBINS , a Bookseller and Printer , says the same as Mr . BURDON about Tracts . He had formerly applications to piocure them , but on it ' s being represented that an improper use might be made of themhe has also declined having any
, in his hands , and has actually not had any for a twelvemonth . This circumstance of English Tracts carries with it more presumptive evidence of a desire to make converts than any other . His press is ( I believe ) that supposed to be at their command . He has only printed for them three or four works , and those in French ( see the end of this letter ) which he apprehended could only be for their
own use , and therefore unexceptionable , and which ( taking them to be such ) he printed in the common course of trade , declaring he would not print any thing that had a suspicious tendency . I have now gone through the particulars I mentioned ; the truth ' of what I have told yon , must rest With the persons who have given me this information ; but on their evidence 1 am perfectly satisfied
, that what I have told yon is true . In a place where so many priests are assembled , of a communion so different from our own , and in some respects so hostile to it , it is natural and commendable for us , to be vigilantly on our guard against any aggressions b y which the religious profession of our own people may be shaken . But while we are thus on our guard , itis surely but justice to these unfortunate
men , sufferers for that reli gion which they professed and administered under the ancient laws of their country , not to give a ready admission to . all complaints against them , without proper information or proof ; or if there were any real ground for complaint , not to exaggerate it beyond its just dimensions , and thereby to increase the popular dislike towards them . The general prejudice of Englishmen against their Church and Nation—their long stay—their
main-. tenance by this Country—ancl the excessive price of the necessaries of life concurring with ir , have already raised this dislike 10 an alarming degree ; a degree by which they are continually exposed to insults , and their personal security often endangered . It surely becomes the wiser and more temperate part of the community , at the same time that we take all proper precautions not to
suffer by our kindness to them , rather to soften the public disposition ; not to turn suspicions into proofs , ancl apprehensions into actual injuries ; even to consider the infirmities of our common nature , and to reflect how unreasonable it is ( supposing causes of complaint to exist ) to expect ( hat a thousand wen will , for a considerable length of timeall . act properl ancl all do what their superiorsfrom
mo-, y , , tives of interest , if not of virtue , would wish them . I confess I have considered their general conduct apart from the particular subjects of this letter ) as exemplary in the highest degree . I have upon all occasions , and to all persons , borne this testimony of . them , and bear it still with pleasure , that during their continuance here , Rr 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Copy Of A Letter. From The Rev. Dr. Sturges,
p lication for such Tracts , but that considering them as likely to be employed improperly , he had declined procuring or selling any for a considerable time , and knows nothing now of any thing stfspicious or offensive of this sort . Mr . ROBBINS , a Bookseller and Printer , says the same as Mr . BURDON about Tracts . He had formerly applications to piocure them , but on it ' s being represented that an improper use might be made of themhe has also declined having any
, in his hands , and has actually not had any for a twelvemonth . This circumstance of English Tracts carries with it more presumptive evidence of a desire to make converts than any other . His press is ( I believe ) that supposed to be at their command . He has only printed for them three or four works , and those in French ( see the end of this letter ) which he apprehended could only be for their
own use , and therefore unexceptionable , and which ( taking them to be such ) he printed in the common course of trade , declaring he would not print any thing that had a suspicious tendency . I have now gone through the particulars I mentioned ; the truth ' of what I have told yon , must rest With the persons who have given me this information ; but on their evidence 1 am perfectly satisfied
, that what I have told yon is true . In a place where so many priests are assembled , of a communion so different from our own , and in some respects so hostile to it , it is natural and commendable for us , to be vigilantly on our guard against any aggressions b y which the religious profession of our own people may be shaken . But while we are thus on our guard , itis surely but justice to these unfortunate
men , sufferers for that reli gion which they professed and administered under the ancient laws of their country , not to give a ready admission to . all complaints against them , without proper information or proof ; or if there were any real ground for complaint , not to exaggerate it beyond its just dimensions , and thereby to increase the popular dislike towards them . The general prejudice of Englishmen against their Church and Nation—their long stay—their
main-. tenance by this Country—ancl the excessive price of the necessaries of life concurring with ir , have already raised this dislike 10 an alarming degree ; a degree by which they are continually exposed to insults , and their personal security often endangered . It surely becomes the wiser and more temperate part of the community , at the same time that we take all proper precautions not to
suffer by our kindness to them , rather to soften the public disposition ; not to turn suspicions into proofs , ancl apprehensions into actual injuries ; even to consider the infirmities of our common nature , and to reflect how unreasonable it is ( supposing causes of complaint to exist ) to expect ( hat a thousand wen will , for a considerable length of timeall . act properl ancl all do what their superiorsfrom
mo-, y , , tives of interest , if not of virtue , would wish them . I confess I have considered their general conduct apart from the particular subjects of this letter ) as exemplary in the highest degree . I have upon all occasions , and to all persons , borne this testimony of . them , and bear it still with pleasure , that during their continuance here , Rr 2