Article THE DOG-TAX; A FRAGMENT. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CIVIC ANECDOTE. Page 1 of 1
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The Dog-Tax; A Fragment.
rolls along upon the ground , unable sufficiently to evince his jo 3 * ous zeal . Every gesture betokens mirthful extravagance ; every sound is expressive of empassioned fondness . Ah ! tell me , ye modern philosophical sages , profound disciples of Descartes , to what happy combination of matter and motion do ye attribute all these wonderful effects ? What secret springs , think
ye , actuate a machine , thus differently working in exact conformity to varying circumstances , thus with amazing pathos communicating the alternate ebullitions of sensibillity ? Were Pompey , indeed , a creature destitute of intelligence ; were his attachment indeed , produced merely by the force of intricate machinery ; could I , when travelling in a foreign land , and ignorant of surrounding
probabilities , could I dare to entrust my life to his protection and safeguard , amidst solitary plains and gloomy forests—But now , I carelessly lay me down to rest under the ample foliage of a wide-spreading oak ; and sleep most soundh ' , secure in the tried fidelity of my dog : for , I well know that Pompey will bark amain , in case of surprize , and intrepidly defend me ; till fully awakened from repose , I can myself
engage in the contest . Placid , honest Pompey ! Inseparable companion in my toils and dangers ! Witness both to my unmerited troubles ,-and to my fortitude under them 1 Oh ! may this hasty tribute of gratitude and affection consecrate thy good qualities ; and may future times record thy humble eulogy : thou conlinuedest faithful to thy poor master ,
when intimate friends and acquaintances either betrayed , or forgot , or forsook him ; when those , to -whom he applied for succour , cruelly united to oppress him . " Yes , dearest Pompey , I will pay the fax !" W . B , Chelsea , May 12 , 1796 .
Civic Anecdote.
A CERTAIN Lord Mayor of London , whose name we con . ~ ^ ceal , for the honour of that high station , being seated at the Old Bailey in all the form and state of Chief Judge , but forgetting where he was , and the character he had to sustain , called out to one of the attendants , in waiting , whom he personally knew , and in a familiar tone of voice , " Loades ! Loades !"— " My Lord "— " Put that candle
" out ; it makes such a d d stink in court , there ' s no bearing out . ' " Soon after , perceiving a man with his hat on , he called again upon Loades to turn th & tfdler out a court , who had his hat on ; but upon the man refusing to comply , he was called by my Lord to tbe Bar ! " Sirrah , " saul his Lordship , " what is the reason you wear your hat on in courtand would not out when I ordered you ? " " Why
, go , my Lord , no more I won ' t , " replied the felloW , " for this here chap " has got mv backer box . " My Lord made the man return it . When the stink was out , the man ' s hat in his hand , and the box in his pocket , the court proceeded to other business ,
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The Dog-Tax; A Fragment.
rolls along upon the ground , unable sufficiently to evince his jo 3 * ous zeal . Every gesture betokens mirthful extravagance ; every sound is expressive of empassioned fondness . Ah ! tell me , ye modern philosophical sages , profound disciples of Descartes , to what happy combination of matter and motion do ye attribute all these wonderful effects ? What secret springs , think
ye , actuate a machine , thus differently working in exact conformity to varying circumstances , thus with amazing pathos communicating the alternate ebullitions of sensibillity ? Were Pompey , indeed , a creature destitute of intelligence ; were his attachment indeed , produced merely by the force of intricate machinery ; could I , when travelling in a foreign land , and ignorant of surrounding
probabilities , could I dare to entrust my life to his protection and safeguard , amidst solitary plains and gloomy forests—But now , I carelessly lay me down to rest under the ample foliage of a wide-spreading oak ; and sleep most soundh ' , secure in the tried fidelity of my dog : for , I well know that Pompey will bark amain , in case of surprize , and intrepidly defend me ; till fully awakened from repose , I can myself
engage in the contest . Placid , honest Pompey ! Inseparable companion in my toils and dangers ! Witness both to my unmerited troubles ,-and to my fortitude under them 1 Oh ! may this hasty tribute of gratitude and affection consecrate thy good qualities ; and may future times record thy humble eulogy : thou conlinuedest faithful to thy poor master ,
when intimate friends and acquaintances either betrayed , or forgot , or forsook him ; when those , to -whom he applied for succour , cruelly united to oppress him . " Yes , dearest Pompey , I will pay the fax !" W . B , Chelsea , May 12 , 1796 .
Civic Anecdote.
A CERTAIN Lord Mayor of London , whose name we con . ~ ^ ceal , for the honour of that high station , being seated at the Old Bailey in all the form and state of Chief Judge , but forgetting where he was , and the character he had to sustain , called out to one of the attendants , in waiting , whom he personally knew , and in a familiar tone of voice , " Loades ! Loades !"— " My Lord "— " Put that candle
" out ; it makes such a d d stink in court , there ' s no bearing out . ' " Soon after , perceiving a man with his hat on , he called again upon Loades to turn th & tfdler out a court , who had his hat on ; but upon the man refusing to comply , he was called by my Lord to tbe Bar ! " Sirrah , " saul his Lordship , " what is the reason you wear your hat on in courtand would not out when I ordered you ? " " Why
, go , my Lord , no more I won ' t , " replied the felloW , " for this here chap " has got mv backer box . " My Lord made the man return it . When the stink was out , the man ' s hat in his hand , and the box in his pocket , the court proceeded to other business ,