Article EXCERPTA ET COLLECTANEA. Page 1 of 2 →
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Excerpta Et Collectanea.
T AINEZ was born at Chimay ; where , after various voyages and •^ travels , he had retired . As he was very poor , he led " a solitary life for the space of two years ; and was then drawn from it by a very singular adventure . Mr . DE FAUTRIER , a man of great knowledge , was Iritehdant of the Province of Hainault ; and , at that time , received an order from Mr . DE LOUVOIS to find outand arrestthe
, , authors of certain libels then circulated throughout Flanders . Mr . De Fautrier , hearing that there was a man at Chimay , who was always shut up in his house , and employed in writing , went thither with a detachment of fifty men ; ancl found Lainez in a dirty nightgown , surrounded by papers . These were searched ; and nothing found in them but pleasant stories , and elegant Verses . The perusS of them
gave the Intendant great deli ght ; and he told the poet , he was not circumstanced as his merit deserved ; and made him an offer of conducting him to his own house , as a more proper abode for him . Lainez told him frankly , he had no other clothes than his nightgown . " Never mind that , " replied the Intendant , " go into my coach , and I will take care that have clothesand thing
you , every . necessary . " When Lainez was at Paris , he hired a room in the environs of St . Germains ; a place no person of rank was acquainted with . Whenever he" had an invitation to dine , he had a coach to cany him home , if he chose ; but his constant orders to the drivers were , to set him down on the Pont-Neuf , opposite to the Brazen Horse ; from whence he went foot to his obscure
on lodgings . He divided all his time between the table and his books . His monstrous appetite surprized everyone he dined with . . . One day , after having been at table five or six hours , he was asked by a person who saw him sit down again a few minutes after , if he had not dined ? Is my stomach lied heendowed with do think ?
, rep , memory you One of his friends seeing him enter the King ' s library , after a debauch of eight hours , there to remain till bed-time , expressed great astonishment at his conduct . Lainez , seeing his wonder , repeated the following Latin distich , which he composed on the instant :
Rignat NocteCalix , volvuntur Biblia mane : Cum Phcebo Bacchus dividit Imperium . Lainez never gave any copies of the verses he recited ; and , as they could not be perfectly remembered , he used pleasantly to say — - / shall certainly be obliged to build an Invalid Hospital for all my tame verses . ¦ VOL . VI . Tj u
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Excerpta Et Collectanea.
T AINEZ was born at Chimay ; where , after various voyages and •^ travels , he had retired . As he was very poor , he led " a solitary life for the space of two years ; and was then drawn from it by a very singular adventure . Mr . DE FAUTRIER , a man of great knowledge , was Iritehdant of the Province of Hainault ; and , at that time , received an order from Mr . DE LOUVOIS to find outand arrestthe
, , authors of certain libels then circulated throughout Flanders . Mr . De Fautrier , hearing that there was a man at Chimay , who was always shut up in his house , and employed in writing , went thither with a detachment of fifty men ; ancl found Lainez in a dirty nightgown , surrounded by papers . These were searched ; and nothing found in them but pleasant stories , and elegant Verses . The perusS of them
gave the Intendant great deli ght ; and he told the poet , he was not circumstanced as his merit deserved ; and made him an offer of conducting him to his own house , as a more proper abode for him . Lainez told him frankly , he had no other clothes than his nightgown . " Never mind that , " replied the Intendant , " go into my coach , and I will take care that have clothesand thing
you , every . necessary . " When Lainez was at Paris , he hired a room in the environs of St . Germains ; a place no person of rank was acquainted with . Whenever he" had an invitation to dine , he had a coach to cany him home , if he chose ; but his constant orders to the drivers were , to set him down on the Pont-Neuf , opposite to the Brazen Horse ; from whence he went foot to his obscure
on lodgings . He divided all his time between the table and his books . His monstrous appetite surprized everyone he dined with . . . One day , after having been at table five or six hours , he was asked by a person who saw him sit down again a few minutes after , if he had not dined ? Is my stomach lied heendowed with do think ?
, rep , memory you One of his friends seeing him enter the King ' s library , after a debauch of eight hours , there to remain till bed-time , expressed great astonishment at his conduct . Lainez , seeing his wonder , repeated the following Latin distich , which he composed on the instant :
Rignat NocteCalix , volvuntur Biblia mane : Cum Phcebo Bacchus dividit Imperium . Lainez never gave any copies of the verses he recited ; and , as they could not be perfectly remembered , he used pleasantly to say — - / shall certainly be obliged to build an Invalid Hospital for all my tame verses . ¦ VOL . VI . Tj u