Article TO READERS, CORRESPONDENTS, &c. Page 1 of 1
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To Readers, Correspondents, &C.
OUR worthy and esteemed Brother Spmerville will se _ e , that , in the " D ECLARATION , " we have followed the Document he so kindly favoured ns with exactly , unless in a few words , where we have left Blanks , which ., we could not decypher . We regard the printed papers he sent us as very curious pieces , and beg our Readers to understand that they are printed lite , ratim from the Oriinals with which we were furnished . We hope soon to
g be favoured with No . z of the State of Freemasonry in Scotland . If S . will oblige us with the whole of his B IOLOGY , we shall be better able to judge of its claim to a place in the Freemasons' Magazine . Our valuable Correspondent M . will see that we have paid attention to his communications : we shall insert more of his favours next month .
We be < r our sincere thanks to the different Bretheren who furnished us with the ° Masonic Intelligence , inserted this month ; and hope , that the Craft throughout Great Britain and Ireland , will favour us with accounts of their Anniversaries , of the Institution of New Lodges , & c . The account of the Grand Lodge Dinner , which is detailed at length , unavoidably prevents the insertion of the Gazettes ; but we shall
nevertheless continue them in a regular series . It is hoped that Correspondents will oblige us with their favours for the body of our Miscellany , before the 20 th of each month . Articles of Masonic and other Intelligence , will be received a few days after that time .-This Magazine now be had Complete in FIVE VOLUMESbound according fq
may , the Taste of the Purchaser . A very few complete Sells remain on hand ; so that an early application is recommended to such Persons ( Brethren or others ) as desire to possess themselves of the most elegant and entertaining Miscellany hitherto published under the denomination of Magazine . SUBSCRIBERS may have their Volumes bound by sending them as above .
PRICES OF BINDING PER VOLUME . s . i . Half-bound , Russia back - - 20 Calf , lettered - ' - - 30 Ditto , gilt - - - - 3 6 Extra , with Masonic Embellishments - 4 6
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To Readers, Correspondents, &C.
OUR worthy and esteemed Brother Spmerville will se _ e , that , in the " D ECLARATION , " we have followed the Document he so kindly favoured ns with exactly , unless in a few words , where we have left Blanks , which ., we could not decypher . We regard the printed papers he sent us as very curious pieces , and beg our Readers to understand that they are printed lite , ratim from the Oriinals with which we were furnished . We hope soon to
g be favoured with No . z of the State of Freemasonry in Scotland . If S . will oblige us with the whole of his B IOLOGY , we shall be better able to judge of its claim to a place in the Freemasons' Magazine . Our valuable Correspondent M . will see that we have paid attention to his communications : we shall insert more of his favours next month .
We be < r our sincere thanks to the different Bretheren who furnished us with the ° Masonic Intelligence , inserted this month ; and hope , that the Craft throughout Great Britain and Ireland , will favour us with accounts of their Anniversaries , of the Institution of New Lodges , & c . The account of the Grand Lodge Dinner , which is detailed at length , unavoidably prevents the insertion of the Gazettes ; but we shall
nevertheless continue them in a regular series . It is hoped that Correspondents will oblige us with their favours for the body of our Miscellany , before the 20 th of each month . Articles of Masonic and other Intelligence , will be received a few days after that time .-This Magazine now be had Complete in FIVE VOLUMESbound according fq
may , the Taste of the Purchaser . A very few complete Sells remain on hand ; so that an early application is recommended to such Persons ( Brethren or others ) as desire to possess themselves of the most elegant and entertaining Miscellany hitherto published under the denomination of Magazine . SUBSCRIBERS may have their Volumes bound by sending them as above .
PRICES OF BINDING PER VOLUME . s . i . Half-bound , Russia back - - 20 Calf , lettered - ' - - 30 Ditto , gilt - - - - 3 6 Extra , with Masonic Embellishments - 4 6