Article REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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Review Of New Publications.
Were we to transcribe the stanza that concludes the piece , we are convinced Mr . T . would never forgive our malignity . But , of reproof enough . Let us resume the tone of panegyric . The description of Ossian is pathetic ; and the characters of Lucan and Corneille highly appropriate : The close- ; " And stern Horatius , whose heroic mind j d the shield of death
" Wish'd that his son had rais' " To save his honour " is sublime . Plato , Demosthenes , and Longinus ; Pindar , Dryden , and Gray ; Homer also , and Milton ; are well depicted , The contrast between the last is grand : « ' ¦ Bothas tbey sate
, , " Appear'd of equal size ; but I could well " Perceive , delighted , that when each uprear'd " His mighty stature , Britain ' s giant son " . Would proudly rise , and leave the Greek below . " We shall not particularize more minute blemishes and graces : —Mr . Thompson has certainl with all his defeftsvery strong claims to
approy , , bation ; and the present poem is a strong earnest of what we may expect from his muse . His orig inality ranks him very high ; and his beauties , ; is well as his faults are all his own : He has . boldly soared an unknown flight , and though the sun may have dazzled , it has not-blinded him .
An Apology for the Bible , in a Series of Letters , addressed to Thomas Paine , & c . By R . Watson , D . D . F . R . S . Lord Bishop of Landaff , and Regius Professor of'Divinity in the university of Cambridge . 3 S 5 Pages . Price 4 s . . THIS is a masterly performance ; and were alone sufficient to place its writer in the fairest light , independent of his other celebrated traits .. The niiso-uided objea of his censure is well known . " Landaff ' s good bishop " Partial extracts would
reproves with gentleness , and chastises with a smile . but faintly demonstrate the splendid talents , the critical acumen , the caustic raillery , the extensive erudition , the sweet benevolence , the Christian charity , which alternately enrich , whilst they diversify , the Apology . _ Pages 207 , 208 , 209 , present a fine specimen of Dr . W . ' s powers ot imagination . To follow the excursive flig ht of metaphor with ardour , to soar sublimelabove itand to with resistless force the preyis
y , pounce upon , one of the most arduous efforts of genius . Paine's allusion is apposite ; his reverend adversary ' s amplification is . replete with awful grandeur . We shall rejoice to peruse a translation of this treatise . The French clergy may gloriously vindicate their character from obloquy , by uniting in the accprate selection of similar works , and clothing them in such a garb as shall attract notice from their deluded countrymen . . Lastly , we recommend the adoption of worse paper , and of an interior be wideldisseminated the
type ; that , if possible , the antidote may as y as corosive poison against which it is directed . Four shillings is , indeed , too high a p rice : it constitutes full half the weekly stipend cf many thousands inthat industrious portion of our fellow-creatures , who " Live but to labour , labouring but to live 1 " . who , yet , possess good understandings , and eagerly long to ascertain ' sound p rincip les of morality and religion .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Review Of New Publications.
Were we to transcribe the stanza that concludes the piece , we are convinced Mr . T . would never forgive our malignity . But , of reproof enough . Let us resume the tone of panegyric . The description of Ossian is pathetic ; and the characters of Lucan and Corneille highly appropriate : The close- ; " And stern Horatius , whose heroic mind j d the shield of death
" Wish'd that his son had rais' " To save his honour " is sublime . Plato , Demosthenes , and Longinus ; Pindar , Dryden , and Gray ; Homer also , and Milton ; are well depicted , The contrast between the last is grand : « ' ¦ Bothas tbey sate
, , " Appear'd of equal size ; but I could well " Perceive , delighted , that when each uprear'd " His mighty stature , Britain ' s giant son " . Would proudly rise , and leave the Greek below . " We shall not particularize more minute blemishes and graces : —Mr . Thompson has certainl with all his defeftsvery strong claims to
approy , , bation ; and the present poem is a strong earnest of what we may expect from his muse . His orig inality ranks him very high ; and his beauties , ; is well as his faults are all his own : He has . boldly soared an unknown flight , and though the sun may have dazzled , it has not-blinded him .
An Apology for the Bible , in a Series of Letters , addressed to Thomas Paine , & c . By R . Watson , D . D . F . R . S . Lord Bishop of Landaff , and Regius Professor of'Divinity in the university of Cambridge . 3 S 5 Pages . Price 4 s . . THIS is a masterly performance ; and were alone sufficient to place its writer in the fairest light , independent of his other celebrated traits .. The niiso-uided objea of his censure is well known . " Landaff ' s good bishop " Partial extracts would
reproves with gentleness , and chastises with a smile . but faintly demonstrate the splendid talents , the critical acumen , the caustic raillery , the extensive erudition , the sweet benevolence , the Christian charity , which alternately enrich , whilst they diversify , the Apology . _ Pages 207 , 208 , 209 , present a fine specimen of Dr . W . ' s powers ot imagination . To follow the excursive flig ht of metaphor with ardour , to soar sublimelabove itand to with resistless force the preyis
y , pounce upon , one of the most arduous efforts of genius . Paine's allusion is apposite ; his reverend adversary ' s amplification is . replete with awful grandeur . We shall rejoice to peruse a translation of this treatise . The French clergy may gloriously vindicate their character from obloquy , by uniting in the accprate selection of similar works , and clothing them in such a garb as shall attract notice from their deluded countrymen . . Lastly , we recommend the adoption of worse paper , and of an interior be wideldisseminated the
type ; that , if possible , the antidote may as y as corosive poison against which it is directed . Four shillings is , indeed , too high a p rice : it constitutes full half the weekly stipend cf many thousands inthat industrious portion of our fellow-creatures , who " Live but to labour , labouring but to live 1 " . who , yet , possess good understandings , and eagerly long to ascertain ' sound p rincip les of morality and religion .