Article REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Review Of New Publications.
positive proof by the silence of the advocates for the authenticity of the papers in question . There is a very long investigation of several oth . er dates * ' deducible by inference ; " more particularly of one , which arises from the mention of the Earl of Leicester in the letter of Queen Elizabeth ; but our limits will not allow us to follow Mr . M . in the diffuse investigation . The fourth and last objection is " the dissimilitude of the liand-vvriting to the real writing of the person to whom it is ascribed . " In support of this
objection Fac similes of the hand-writings of Queen Elizabeth , Lord Southampton , John Heminges , & c . & c . are produced . To make any observations on these is almost unnecessary , since ocular demonstration alone can be satisfactory . We cannot , however , but think , that the objection to the handwriting has not all the force Mr . M . wishes it to have : for it is perhaps not too bold an assertion to say—that there is not a man existing , who would be positive of his ownfor 7 or 10 years together . The variation-. or dissimilitude of
handwriting is so great , from various accidental circumstances . Besides that some of the Fac similes produced in the " Inquiry , " seem to stand as much in need of proof , as those produced by Mr . Ireland . We wish not to espouse either one side or the other ; we are neither over credulous , nor altogether infidels ; but we are quite of op inion that the hand-writing of Elizabeth , as given by Mr . Ireland , does not vary more from that given b y Mi . Malone , than the difference of a goodor badpen miht occasion .
, , g We bave thus cursorily considered the principal objections , of Mr . Malone to the authenticity of the MSS . in Mr . Ireland ' s possession ; and upon fairly summing-up the evidence on both sides , we give , as our decided opinion— -tRat the arguments contained in the Enquiry , however ingenious , are not conclusive ; and that it is onl y the silence of Mr . Ireland , and his friends , that can make them so . When Dr . Farmer wrote bis " Essay on tbe learning of Shakespeare , " a
great critic of that time upon reading it , observed , " that whatever opinions might have before existed on the subieft , the point was then put beyond all doubt * and settled for ever . " We could almost wish to say the same of the present performance , but truth will not let us . Perhaps , hereafter , the learned doctor just mentioned , who is still in the full vigour of intellect , may favour the world with his thoughts on this mysterious subject . The style of Mr . Malone ' s book , taken altogether , is but indifferent : he
affects to be elegant , and is . puerile . Politics and criticism are things generically different ; yet politics are here dragged in with all the rage and fire of Edmund Burke ; and Mr . M . is as violent against the rulers in France , as . against the supposed forgers of tbe MSS . We could wish he had pursued bis inquiry with more temper and less egotism : he is constantly telling us of the " bungling impostors" and of " the hundred authentic documents in his possession , from which he is composing bis life of Shakespeare . " This
somewhat resembles Mr , Sylvester Daggerwood in tbe farce , who , on every occasion , informs us that " his benefit is fixed for such a day . " We know not ¦ whether Mr . M . be an Irishman or not ; but be is very fond of bulls ; thus we have frequent doubts- ^ - " whether any one of the decisive proofs of forgery which have been produced , are valid . " ( Pa ^ e 34 6 ) and many other doubts equally rational . We cannot close our observations without a smile at the folly of Mr . 'Malone in introducing himself unasked among the celestials .
( Pages 35 6 , 357 . ) He seems to think a seat on Parnassus as easy to be obtained , as a seat in the pit of Drury-hne Theatre . It has been very frequent with poets to introduce their patrons , and heroes , among the Gods ; but we belitve Mr . Malone to be the first critic , poet , or other person , who has written his own apotheosis , and introduced himself there . This is a very curious proof of his modesty , and of that regard for strict propriety , which he so strongly recommends .
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Review Of New Publications.
positive proof by the silence of the advocates for the authenticity of the papers in question . There is a very long investigation of several oth . er dates * ' deducible by inference ; " more particularly of one , which arises from the mention of the Earl of Leicester in the letter of Queen Elizabeth ; but our limits will not allow us to follow Mr . M . in the diffuse investigation . The fourth and last objection is " the dissimilitude of the liand-vvriting to the real writing of the person to whom it is ascribed . " In support of this
objection Fac similes of the hand-writings of Queen Elizabeth , Lord Southampton , John Heminges , & c . & c . are produced . To make any observations on these is almost unnecessary , since ocular demonstration alone can be satisfactory . We cannot , however , but think , that the objection to the handwriting has not all the force Mr . M . wishes it to have : for it is perhaps not too bold an assertion to say—that there is not a man existing , who would be positive of his ownfor 7 or 10 years together . The variation-. or dissimilitude of
handwriting is so great , from various accidental circumstances . Besides that some of the Fac similes produced in the " Inquiry , " seem to stand as much in need of proof , as those produced by Mr . Ireland . We wish not to espouse either one side or the other ; we are neither over credulous , nor altogether infidels ; but we are quite of op inion that the hand-writing of Elizabeth , as given by Mr . Ireland , does not vary more from that given b y Mi . Malone , than the difference of a goodor badpen miht occasion .
, , g We bave thus cursorily considered the principal objections , of Mr . Malone to the authenticity of the MSS . in Mr . Ireland ' s possession ; and upon fairly summing-up the evidence on both sides , we give , as our decided opinion— -tRat the arguments contained in the Enquiry , however ingenious , are not conclusive ; and that it is onl y the silence of Mr . Ireland , and his friends , that can make them so . When Dr . Farmer wrote bis " Essay on tbe learning of Shakespeare , " a
great critic of that time upon reading it , observed , " that whatever opinions might have before existed on the subieft , the point was then put beyond all doubt * and settled for ever . " We could almost wish to say the same of the present performance , but truth will not let us . Perhaps , hereafter , the learned doctor just mentioned , who is still in the full vigour of intellect , may favour the world with his thoughts on this mysterious subject . The style of Mr . Malone ' s book , taken altogether , is but indifferent : he
affects to be elegant , and is . puerile . Politics and criticism are things generically different ; yet politics are here dragged in with all the rage and fire of Edmund Burke ; and Mr . M . is as violent against the rulers in France , as . against the supposed forgers of tbe MSS . We could wish he had pursued bis inquiry with more temper and less egotism : he is constantly telling us of the " bungling impostors" and of " the hundred authentic documents in his possession , from which he is composing bis life of Shakespeare . " This
somewhat resembles Mr , Sylvester Daggerwood in tbe farce , who , on every occasion , informs us that " his benefit is fixed for such a day . " We know not ¦ whether Mr . M . be an Irishman or not ; but be is very fond of bulls ; thus we have frequent doubts- ^ - " whether any one of the decisive proofs of forgery which have been produced , are valid . " ( Pa ^ e 34 6 ) and many other doubts equally rational . We cannot close our observations without a smile at the folly of Mr . 'Malone in introducing himself unasked among the celestials .
( Pages 35 6 , 357 . ) He seems to think a seat on Parnassus as easy to be obtained , as a seat in the pit of Drury-hne Theatre . It has been very frequent with poets to introduce their patrons , and heroes , among the Gods ; but we belitve Mr . Malone to be the first critic , poet , or other person , who has written his own apotheosis , and introduced himself there . This is a very curious proof of his modesty , and of that regard for strict propriety , which he so strongly recommends .