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List Of New Publications.
DIVINITY . AN Essav on the Biblical Hebrew . By Ge ' rald Fitzgerald , D . D . Svo . Price 6 s . Robinsons . ' An Essay on the Necessity of Revealed Religion . Svo . Price 2 s . 6 d . Jiivingtons .
A Sermon preached at Saint Paul ' s Church , May 7 , 1796 . By C . P . Layard , D . D . F . R . S . F . A . S . Svo . Price I s . Rivingtons . LAW . A Treatise by Lord Chief Justice Haleentitled " the Jurisdiction of the
, Lords' House , or Parliament considered according to ancient records , " including a Preface . By Francis Hargrave , Esq . 410 . Price il . 7 s . Cadell and Davies . PHYSIC . Chemyco—Phisiological
Observations on Plants . By M . Von Uslar . Svo . Price 3 s . 6 A . Robinsons . HISTORY and TRAVELS . Collections for the History of Hampshire , and the Bishopric of Winchester . By the Rev . Richard Warner . 6 vol . 4 W . Price 51 . 5 s . Faultier .
POETRY . Specimens of Arabian Poetry . By J . D , Carlyle , B . D , F . R . S . E . 4 to . Price 16 s . Payne . Sketches -in verse , with prose illustrations . Svo . Price 4 s . Caiell and Davies .
The Lamentation of a Dog on the Tax , with Notes . By Scriblerus Secundum . Svo . Price is . Symonds . The Dog-Tax , inverse . 4 10 . Price is . Low . Leonore , a Tale . By H . J . Pye . 4 to . Price is . 6 d . Lo-. v . Bagatelles of original and translated
Poetry . By Weedon Butler , B . A . Svo . Price 3 s . Cadetl and Davies . NOVELS . ¦ ¦ . ¦• Consequences , or Adventures of Raxhall Castle . By a Gentlemen . 121110 . Price 6 s , Boosey .
Hannah Hewit . By Mr . Dibdin . I zmo . 1 vol . Dibdin . DRAMATIC . The Smugglers , a Musical Drama . By Samuel Birch . Price is . Dilly . The Dramatic works of Shakespeare . By James RamiA . M . 6 vol . Svo .
, Price 2 I . 2 S . Rhingtons . MISCELLANEOUS . Geographical Extracts . By John Payne . 8 vo . Price 8 s . Robinsons . The ancient Bee Master ' s Farewell . By John Keys . Svo . Price 3 s , 6 d .
Robinsons . Dialogues on the Amusements of Clergymen . Svo . Price 3 s . 6 d . White . A General and Introductory View of Professor Kant ' s Principles concerning Man , the World , and the Deity . By F . A . Nitsch . Svo . Price 5 s . Dotimes Anecdotes of some distinguished
persons , chiefly of the present and two preceding centuries . Vol . IV . Svo . Price 8 s . Cadell and Davies . A Treatise on the Discipline of the Light Cavalry . By Captain L . Neville . Svo . Price 4 s . Egerton .. Letters to Archdeacon Paley , containing some strictures on his Moral and Political Philosophy . Svo . Price . 3 s . Johnson .
PAMPHLETS . Dispassionate Observations on the Death and Succession to the late Nabob of Arcot and the Carnatic . Svo . Price is . Stockdale . The substance of a Speech made by Lord Auckland on the 2 d . of May , 179 6 . .
Svo . Price is . Walter . Observations on the Expediency of making Bye-Laws to prevent the Sale of the Commands of East India Ships . By Richard Twining . Svo . Price is . Cadell and Davies . An Examination of Jones ' s English System of Book-keeping . By James Mill . 410 . " Price 2 S . 6 d . Vernor and Hood .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
List Of New Publications.
DIVINITY . AN Essav on the Biblical Hebrew . By Ge ' rald Fitzgerald , D . D . Svo . Price 6 s . Robinsons . ' An Essay on the Necessity of Revealed Religion . Svo . Price 2 s . 6 d . Jiivingtons .
A Sermon preached at Saint Paul ' s Church , May 7 , 1796 . By C . P . Layard , D . D . F . R . S . F . A . S . Svo . Price I s . Rivingtons . LAW . A Treatise by Lord Chief Justice Haleentitled " the Jurisdiction of the
, Lords' House , or Parliament considered according to ancient records , " including a Preface . By Francis Hargrave , Esq . 410 . Price il . 7 s . Cadell and Davies . PHYSIC . Chemyco—Phisiological
Observations on Plants . By M . Von Uslar . Svo . Price 3 s . 6 A . Robinsons . HISTORY and TRAVELS . Collections for the History of Hampshire , and the Bishopric of Winchester . By the Rev . Richard Warner . 6 vol . 4 W . Price 51 . 5 s . Faultier .
POETRY . Specimens of Arabian Poetry . By J . D , Carlyle , B . D , F . R . S . E . 4 to . Price 16 s . Payne . Sketches -in verse , with prose illustrations . Svo . Price 4 s . Caiell and Davies .
The Lamentation of a Dog on the Tax , with Notes . By Scriblerus Secundum . Svo . Price is . Symonds . The Dog-Tax , inverse . 4 10 . Price is . Low . Leonore , a Tale . By H . J . Pye . 4 to . Price is . 6 d . Lo-. v . Bagatelles of original and translated
Poetry . By Weedon Butler , B . A . Svo . Price 3 s . Cadetl and Davies . NOVELS . ¦ ¦ . ¦• Consequences , or Adventures of Raxhall Castle . By a Gentlemen . 121110 . Price 6 s , Boosey .
Hannah Hewit . By Mr . Dibdin . I zmo . 1 vol . Dibdin . DRAMATIC . The Smugglers , a Musical Drama . By Samuel Birch . Price is . Dilly . The Dramatic works of Shakespeare . By James RamiA . M . 6 vol . Svo .
, Price 2 I . 2 S . Rhingtons . MISCELLANEOUS . Geographical Extracts . By John Payne . 8 vo . Price 8 s . Robinsons . The ancient Bee Master ' s Farewell . By John Keys . Svo . Price 3 s , 6 d .
Robinsons . Dialogues on the Amusements of Clergymen . Svo . Price 3 s . 6 d . White . A General and Introductory View of Professor Kant ' s Principles concerning Man , the World , and the Deity . By F . A . Nitsch . Svo . Price 5 s . Dotimes Anecdotes of some distinguished
persons , chiefly of the present and two preceding centuries . Vol . IV . Svo . Price 8 s . Cadell and Davies . A Treatise on the Discipline of the Light Cavalry . By Captain L . Neville . Svo . Price 4 s . Egerton .. Letters to Archdeacon Paley , containing some strictures on his Moral and Political Philosophy . Svo . Price . 3 s . Johnson .
PAMPHLETS . Dispassionate Observations on the Death and Succession to the late Nabob of Arcot and the Carnatic . Svo . Price is . Stockdale . The substance of a Speech made by Lord Auckland on the 2 d . of May , 179 6 . .
Svo . Price is . Walter . Observations on the Expediency of making Bye-Laws to prevent the Sale of the Commands of East India Ships . By Richard Twining . Svo . Price is . Cadell and Davies . An Examination of Jones ' s English System of Book-keeping . By James Mill . 410 . " Price 2 S . 6 d . Vernor and Hood .