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Masonic Intelligence.
putable to them , the Lodge , and not the individuals admitted , being culpable . ¦ - ¦ ORDERED , That No . 350 , Lodge of Rural Friendship ,-be discontinued on the list of Lodges , being united to No . 330 , the Lodge of the Nine Muses ; at the Thatched-House-Tavern , St . James ' s-Street . ORDERED , That the following Lodges be erazed out of . the list , having
ceased to meet , or neglected to conform to the laws of the Society , viz . 207 Star Lodge , Chester . 33 6 Impregnable Lodge , Sandwich . 393 St . Margaret ' s Lodge , Dartmouth-street , Westminster . N . B . A COMMITTEE OF CHARITY will be held on Friday the 5 th of August , another on Friday the 18 th of November , and a QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION on Wednesday the 43 d of November , 1706 .
Anniversary Of The Grand Lodge Of England.
WEDNESDAY , MAY II , 179 6 . HPHIS day tlie Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of FREE and Ac A CEPTED MASONS of England , held their annual GRAND FEAST , at their Hall , in Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-fields , which was very numerously attended . The society , on this occasion , was honoured by the presence of their illustrious and princely brother , his Royal Hi ° hness GEORGE PRINCE OF WALES ,. G . M . accompanied by his Royal Highness 1 mice who had been
ERNEST , previousl y initiated into the mysteries ' of the Order , at the house of the Earl of MOIRA , A . G . M . the ceremony of which prevented the Royal Brothers arriving at an apartment in the hall where the Grand Officers were in waiting to receive them , before six o ' clock ' Upon being informed that the Brethren had been waiting some time , the innce expressed much anxiety , and politely requested Brother HESELTINE , <^ . I . to enter the halland apologizein his for the
, , name , unexpected cause of the delay . No sooner was this apology made ( which refk-Cls the highest honour on the affability and goodness of heart of the ROYAL GRAND MASTER ) than the most unbounded plaudits echoed through the hall , and every countenance bespoke the pleasing feelings of the heart ° - ' In a few minutes after , Brother Wan E , G . S . desired the Duke of York ' s band to play the Prince ' s March ; the Customary procession formed ; and the Royal Brethren entered the Hall with the Earl of MOIRA , A . G M the ¦ est ot the Grand Oflicers
, past and present , and several othei noble and - 'istmguished characters ; amongst whom was BARON HOMSPACH , an ' officer m the 1 .-ussian service , and member of the Lodge oFPerfeS Union at Vienna who appeared highly gratified with the reception he met with . ' _ Never did Masonry receive such great honour as on this occasion never * ei e the effusions of loyalty and attachment more strong ; never was the plea , ¦ i-g condescension and ail ' eCtionate dignity of a Prince more manifest . Hap-2 z 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Intelligence.
putable to them , the Lodge , and not the individuals admitted , being culpable . ¦ - ¦ ORDERED , That No . 350 , Lodge of Rural Friendship ,-be discontinued on the list of Lodges , being united to No . 330 , the Lodge of the Nine Muses ; at the Thatched-House-Tavern , St . James ' s-Street . ORDERED , That the following Lodges be erazed out of . the list , having
ceased to meet , or neglected to conform to the laws of the Society , viz . 207 Star Lodge , Chester . 33 6 Impregnable Lodge , Sandwich . 393 St . Margaret ' s Lodge , Dartmouth-street , Westminster . N . B . A COMMITTEE OF CHARITY will be held on Friday the 5 th of August , another on Friday the 18 th of November , and a QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION on Wednesday the 43 d of November , 1706 .
Anniversary Of The Grand Lodge Of England.
WEDNESDAY , MAY II , 179 6 . HPHIS day tlie Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of FREE and Ac A CEPTED MASONS of England , held their annual GRAND FEAST , at their Hall , in Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-fields , which was very numerously attended . The society , on this occasion , was honoured by the presence of their illustrious and princely brother , his Royal Hi ° hness GEORGE PRINCE OF WALES ,. G . M . accompanied by his Royal Highness 1 mice who had been
ERNEST , previousl y initiated into the mysteries ' of the Order , at the house of the Earl of MOIRA , A . G . M . the ceremony of which prevented the Royal Brothers arriving at an apartment in the hall where the Grand Officers were in waiting to receive them , before six o ' clock ' Upon being informed that the Brethren had been waiting some time , the innce expressed much anxiety , and politely requested Brother HESELTINE , <^ . I . to enter the halland apologizein his for the
, , name , unexpected cause of the delay . No sooner was this apology made ( which refk-Cls the highest honour on the affability and goodness of heart of the ROYAL GRAND MASTER ) than the most unbounded plaudits echoed through the hall , and every countenance bespoke the pleasing feelings of the heart ° - ' In a few minutes after , Brother Wan E , G . S . desired the Duke of York ' s band to play the Prince ' s March ; the Customary procession formed ; and the Royal Brethren entered the Hall with the Earl of MOIRA , A . G M the ¦ est ot the Grand Oflicers
, past and present , and several othei noble and - 'istmguished characters ; amongst whom was BARON HOMSPACH , an ' officer m the 1 .-ussian service , and member of the Lodge oFPerfeS Union at Vienna who appeared highly gratified with the reception he met with . ' _ Never did Masonry receive such great honour as on this occasion never * ei e the effusions of loyalty and attachment more strong ; never was the plea , ¦ i-g condescension and ail ' eCtionate dignity of a Prince more manifest . Hap-2 z 2