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Anniversary Of The Grand Lodge Of England.
Though we have not room to enter more at length into the excellent Speech of the noble Acting Grand Master , and are restrained by ohvions considerations from touching on some admirable remarks appropriate to the occasion , we trust that the more the knowledge of our principles becomes extended , the niore will Masonry be venerated ; and if we may be allowed a prediction—the time will-come , when monarchs , in every country of the world , shall protectnot persecute—shall patronizenot proscribe of
, , , , a body men , the tenets ot whose union must be in all exigencies the firmest supports of their thrones . , < * The lateness of the hour at which the dinner was served , in a great degree abridged the vocal exertions of the company ; a few excellent glees were , however , we 1 performed b y Messrs . Page , Dignum , Leete , Sedgwick , & c , previous-to the Grand Master ' s departure , shortly after ' whom the greater part of the company withdrew . ' ' . * .
DARTFORD , MAY I 7 , I 79 6 . YESTERDAY the Anniversary meeting of the FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS was held here , and afforded one of the grandest spectacles-ever exhibited in this town . WILLIAM PERFECT , Esq . Provincial Grand Master and CLEMENT TAYLOR , Esq . Deputy Provincial Grand Master , arrived soon after ten 0 clock , accompanied by upwards of fifty of the craft . About eleventhe Brethren of the Lod from
, ges Deptford , Woolwich , and Lewisham , preceded by colours flying , and an excellent band of music , entered the town - and in about halt an hour after , the whole procession formed , in number about three hundred , and headed by the Provincial Grand Master , who , in honour to the PRINCE OF WALES , wore in his hat three beautiful feathers with the motto of Ich Dien , on an enamelled plate with the arms of Kent In addition to tins uncommonl y brilliant , numerous , and respectable processionmuch beauty and derived
, elegance was from the LAD Y MASONS , who assembled m great numbers , dressed in white and purple , and after joining the procession , were politely condufted into the church b y the Provincial Grand Master , whose presence and conduct was accompanied with everv possible mark of approbation and respeCt . Soon after , the service besran - and an excel ent sermon was preached by the Rev . J . INWOOD , Provincial Grand Chaplain , from ^ th ctap . of St . Paul ' s Epistle to the Romans , y . . Let not good be evil spoken of" whichat the
your , , request of the society he consented should be panted . An Oration * of considerable-merit wis delivered m the most impressive manner b y the Provincial Grand Master and received with reiterated applause ; after-which the society partook of an elegant dinner , and the afternoon was spent with that harmony and a d humour , so _ peculiar to the fraternity of FREE and ACCEPTED MASON ' — lnthe evening a ball was given to the ladies , which was opened by the Provincial Grand Master , and , concluded a Festival , that will be long remembered with pleasure b y every one who shared in its mirth and festivities
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Anniversary Of The Grand Lodge Of England.
Though we have not room to enter more at length into the excellent Speech of the noble Acting Grand Master , and are restrained by ohvions considerations from touching on some admirable remarks appropriate to the occasion , we trust that the more the knowledge of our principles becomes extended , the niore will Masonry be venerated ; and if we may be allowed a prediction—the time will-come , when monarchs , in every country of the world , shall protectnot persecute—shall patronizenot proscribe of
, , , , a body men , the tenets ot whose union must be in all exigencies the firmest supports of their thrones . , < * The lateness of the hour at which the dinner was served , in a great degree abridged the vocal exertions of the company ; a few excellent glees were , however , we 1 performed b y Messrs . Page , Dignum , Leete , Sedgwick , & c , previous-to the Grand Master ' s departure , shortly after ' whom the greater part of the company withdrew . ' ' . * .
DARTFORD , MAY I 7 , I 79 6 . YESTERDAY the Anniversary meeting of the FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS was held here , and afforded one of the grandest spectacles-ever exhibited in this town . WILLIAM PERFECT , Esq . Provincial Grand Master and CLEMENT TAYLOR , Esq . Deputy Provincial Grand Master , arrived soon after ten 0 clock , accompanied by upwards of fifty of the craft . About eleventhe Brethren of the Lod from
, ges Deptford , Woolwich , and Lewisham , preceded by colours flying , and an excellent band of music , entered the town - and in about halt an hour after , the whole procession formed , in number about three hundred , and headed by the Provincial Grand Master , who , in honour to the PRINCE OF WALES , wore in his hat three beautiful feathers with the motto of Ich Dien , on an enamelled plate with the arms of Kent In addition to tins uncommonl y brilliant , numerous , and respectable processionmuch beauty and derived
, elegance was from the LAD Y MASONS , who assembled m great numbers , dressed in white and purple , and after joining the procession , were politely condufted into the church b y the Provincial Grand Master , whose presence and conduct was accompanied with everv possible mark of approbation and respeCt . Soon after , the service besran - and an excel ent sermon was preached by the Rev . J . INWOOD , Provincial Grand Chaplain , from ^ th ctap . of St . Paul ' s Epistle to the Romans , y . . Let not good be evil spoken of" whichat the
your , , request of the society he consented should be panted . An Oration * of considerable-merit wis delivered m the most impressive manner b y the Provincial Grand Master and received with reiterated applause ; after-which the society partook of an elegant dinner , and the afternoon was spent with that harmony and a d humour , so _ peculiar to the fraternity of FREE and ACCEPTED MASON ' — lnthe evening a ball was given to the ladies , which was opened by the Provincial Grand Master , and , concluded a Festival , that will be long remembered with pleasure b y every one who shared in its mirth and festivities