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A MASONIC SONG . * * We have obtained from a Brother , who was present at the GHAKD LODGE Anniversary May n , permission to lay before our Readers the following Song , vvriuenfor' ^ iiat occasion ; but which for want of opportunity ( or , as we rather believe , from his own diffidence ) was not sung .
( TUNE , " HEARTS OF OAK . " ) A SYSTEM more pure ne'er was modell ' -i by man , Than that which we boast as the Freemason ' s plan ; It unites all the world by the strongest of ties , And adds to mens' bliss , while it makes them more wise . From the prince to the boor ,
Be he rich , be he poor , A M ASON is a B ROTHER , And each will help the other , . So grateful the tie is of F REEMASONRY . That hence flow the purest enjoyments of life , banishd from hence dissension and strife
That ' are , That the lessons are good which we practice and teach , - Are truths that onr foes vainly strive to impeach . From the prince , Sec . The greatest ofmonarchs , the wisest , and best Have ° Masons become , and been true to the test ; rites 'd
And still with that SANCTION our arepursu ,. Admir'dby the wise , and approv'dby the good . From the prince , & c . " The King and the Craft" having claim'd our applause , The guardian the one , t ' other firm to _ the laws . In union , my Brethren , assist me to sing , " Ever true be the Craft to a patriot King 1 " From the prince , & c .
To Georoe Prince of Wales our affections we owe , To his health let libations with due honours flow ; With zeal let our Royal Grand Master be given , And the blessings of Masons be sanction'd by Heav ' n . From the prince , & c .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A MASONIC SONG . * * We have obtained from a Brother , who was present at the GHAKD LODGE Anniversary May n , permission to lay before our Readers the following Song , vvriuenfor' ^ iiat occasion ; but which for want of opportunity ( or , as we rather believe , from his own diffidence ) was not sung .
( TUNE , " HEARTS OF OAK . " ) A SYSTEM more pure ne'er was modell ' -i by man , Than that which we boast as the Freemason ' s plan ; It unites all the world by the strongest of ties , And adds to mens' bliss , while it makes them more wise . From the prince to the boor ,
Be he rich , be he poor , A M ASON is a B ROTHER , And each will help the other , . So grateful the tie is of F REEMASONRY . That hence flow the purest enjoyments of life , banishd from hence dissension and strife
That ' are , That the lessons are good which we practice and teach , - Are truths that onr foes vainly strive to impeach . From the prince , Sec . The greatest ofmonarchs , the wisest , and best Have ° Masons become , and been true to the test ; rites 'd
And still with that SANCTION our arepursu ,. Admir'dby the wise , and approv'dby the good . From the prince , & c . " The King and the Craft" having claim'd our applause , The guardian the one , t ' other firm to _ the laws . In union , my Brethren , assist me to sing , " Ever true be the Craft to a patriot King 1 " From the prince , & c .
To Georoe Prince of Wales our affections we owe , To his health let libations with due honours flow ; With zeal let our Royal Grand Master be given , And the blessings of Masons be sanction'd by Heav ' n . From the prince , & c .