Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. Page 1 of 3 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
TKINCOMALE , ( East-Indies ) January 20 , 179 6 . THE King of Candy has entered into a treaty of amity and commerce with the . East India Company , and dispatched ambassadors to Madras to ratify it . CAPE OF GOOD HOPE , March 12 . Every thing remains tranquil , and nearly in the same state when I last wrote . We have had rumours here of a French fleet having left the Mediterranean to pay us a visit ; if they come they will meet with a warm reception : the garrison is in excellent healthand capable of resisting greater force than it is probable France
, a will , or Holland can send against us . We have accounts from Fort St . George , of the 24 th November last . They mention the Paishwa to have been drowned by falling into a pond . There are strong suspicions entertained of his death not being altogether the result of accident . The minister , Fomavere , governs during the inter-regnum , and it is imagined will , to prolong his power , either by the murder or advancement of the son of the late Paishwa , who is at present a child . A son of the celebrated Rogoba is candidate for the
a succession , and is supported by ' several Mahratta Chiefs . Tippoo regards with jealousy our encreasing dominion in this hemisphere , but , he is too weak to offer impediments . The intercourse between him and Lord Hobart has the appearance of cordiality ancl friendship . The Mahrattas had nearly overun the Deacan and fomented a civil war , at the head of which was the Nizam ' s son ; buffer the contest which is now about to take place amongst those mauraders , it is more than probable that the Decan would have been united to the Mahratta Confederacy . The rebellion is at an end .
The Dart packet arrived here from Europe a few days since . CONSTANTINOPLE , April 9 . The Porte continues its naval operations , under the direction of the famous marine architect , Le Bron . He has constructed them a very fine 6 4 gun ship with which the Admiral is so contented that he makes it the flag ship . The crew of this vessel are chiefly Europeans , chosen by himself and dressed in a very well fancied uniform . The new Beglerbegof Romelia , who commands in the camp of Adrianople , sends daily various beads to Constantinople , which he says are those of the rebels of Bulgaria , whom he incessantly pursues . That , however of Passovan Ouglu , the Arch-rebel , he has not yet found it convenient to send .
HAGUE , Mayi . The Batavian National Assembly , in the sitting of the 28 th ult . approved a Resolution which had been taken by a General Committee , by which it is ordered that a circular letter shall be written to the respective Provinces , for the purpose of raising the sum of sixty millions of florins , to provide for the service of the army and marines during the current year , lt is to be paid at three different payments , the first on the 1 st . of June , the second on the 1 st . of September , and the ist ot " December next . ,
The Deputy Scheemer ( hen called the attention of the Assembly to the refusal made in the preceding year by the English minister to make any " remittances to Holland , a refusal by which the inhabitants of the Republic had been deprived of the sums due as interest upon their money in the English Funds . He proposed m consequence , to decree a reciprocal refusal to . pay any money to the subjects of Great Britain or Ireland , or on the . ir account , whether for Bills of Exchange drawn from the Baltic on account of the English , or for Bills drawn on the Republic by way of Hamburgh , & c . Citizen Vackenaer moved in addition , that the . interest due on sums-in the English Funds shall not be laid out in those Funds . Both the motions were referred to a Committee of five members .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
TKINCOMALE , ( East-Indies ) January 20 , 179 6 . THE King of Candy has entered into a treaty of amity and commerce with the . East India Company , and dispatched ambassadors to Madras to ratify it . CAPE OF GOOD HOPE , March 12 . Every thing remains tranquil , and nearly in the same state when I last wrote . We have had rumours here of a French fleet having left the Mediterranean to pay us a visit ; if they come they will meet with a warm reception : the garrison is in excellent healthand capable of resisting greater force than it is probable France
, a will , or Holland can send against us . We have accounts from Fort St . George , of the 24 th November last . They mention the Paishwa to have been drowned by falling into a pond . There are strong suspicions entertained of his death not being altogether the result of accident . The minister , Fomavere , governs during the inter-regnum , and it is imagined will , to prolong his power , either by the murder or advancement of the son of the late Paishwa , who is at present a child . A son of the celebrated Rogoba is candidate for the
a succession , and is supported by ' several Mahratta Chiefs . Tippoo regards with jealousy our encreasing dominion in this hemisphere , but , he is too weak to offer impediments . The intercourse between him and Lord Hobart has the appearance of cordiality ancl friendship . The Mahrattas had nearly overun the Deacan and fomented a civil war , at the head of which was the Nizam ' s son ; buffer the contest which is now about to take place amongst those mauraders , it is more than probable that the Decan would have been united to the Mahratta Confederacy . The rebellion is at an end .
The Dart packet arrived here from Europe a few days since . CONSTANTINOPLE , April 9 . The Porte continues its naval operations , under the direction of the famous marine architect , Le Bron . He has constructed them a very fine 6 4 gun ship with which the Admiral is so contented that he makes it the flag ship . The crew of this vessel are chiefly Europeans , chosen by himself and dressed in a very well fancied uniform . The new Beglerbegof Romelia , who commands in the camp of Adrianople , sends daily various beads to Constantinople , which he says are those of the rebels of Bulgaria , whom he incessantly pursues . That , however of Passovan Ouglu , the Arch-rebel , he has not yet found it convenient to send .
HAGUE , Mayi . The Batavian National Assembly , in the sitting of the 28 th ult . approved a Resolution which had been taken by a General Committee , by which it is ordered that a circular letter shall be written to the respective Provinces , for the purpose of raising the sum of sixty millions of florins , to provide for the service of the army and marines during the current year , lt is to be paid at three different payments , the first on the 1 st . of June , the second on the 1 st . of September , and the ist ot " December next . ,
The Deputy Scheemer ( hen called the attention of the Assembly to the refusal made in the preceding year by the English minister to make any " remittances to Holland , a refusal by which the inhabitants of the Republic had been deprived of the sums due as interest upon their money in the English Funds . He proposed m consequence , to decree a reciprocal refusal to . pay any money to the subjects of Great Britain or Ireland , or on the . ir account , whether for Bills of Exchange drawn from the Baltic on account of the English , or for Bills drawn on the Republic by way of Hamburgh , & c . Citizen Vackenaer moved in addition , that the . interest due on sums-in the English Funds shall not be laid out in those Funds . Both the motions were referred to a Committee of five members .