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The Freemasons' Magazine. For May 1796. Present State Of Freemasonry In Scotland.
173 6 , yet nothing appears in their possession to show that they ever got a regular charter , notwithstanding which , they have been acknowledged by the Grand Lodge as regular , for many years after , as appears by their minutes . It appears from a minute of March 5 , 1737 , that they had a promise from Sir William Baillie , ( I suppose of Lamington ) to represent them in the Grand Lodge ; but he having failed to fulfil his
pro mise , they appointed Brother Thomas Simpson to act as proxy in his room on the 4 th of April following . On the 12 th of the said month , they gave him a full double of their charter from Linlith gow , with instructions how to regulate the Lodge business witii the Grand Lodge . —The above proxy appears to have attended-the-quarterl y communication of the Grand Lodon the 13 thfrom a of the
ge , copy proceedings found among the old papers belonging to theLodge , and in which Biggar is marked as one of the thirty Lodges who were present . Seven Lodges are marked as absent . On St . John ' s Day , in December 1737 , the members of the Lodge had a procession , in the same manner as last year . . The Lodge was at this time represented by Brother William Gray /
as appears from a petition among the papers of the Lodge . For the long period of upwards of twenty years nothing occurs , but elections , money matters , & c . The Lodge seems to have been then in a prosperous condition . ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ : At a meeting of the date of January 2 r , 176 ; , the members having considered . " the frequent letters they had received from Linlith
gow Lodge , of which they are a pendicle , did , nemine contradkente , resolve to send three of their Lodge according to desire , also they appoint each man his day ' s wages , and necessary charges , till his return . " Thus , they seem to have acknowledged , at this time , two
superiors . » [ Here occurs another period of twenty-three years , in which nothing material happened ' - . ] November 28 , 17 82 . —At a meeting , called to consult about matters of the Lodge , a letter was wrote to the Grand Lodge at Edinburgh , requesting information relative to the expences of a charter . . On the 27 th of December followingthe members metancl
, , " voted the offices all vacant , as none of the office-bearers attended . " The funds of the Lodge were now reduced to il . 19 s . 4 f d sterling . December 27 , 1783 . —At a meeting of the Lodge , five of tlie members bound themselves to advance the money necessary to defray the expence of getting a charter from the Grand Lodge . These wereGeorge Murrayin Tliankerton ; John BarclaySchoolmaster
, , , , in Culter ; John Lawson , Mason , in Skirling ; and John Inglis , in Wolf-Clyde . On the 27 th of December 1785 , the members , at last , " unanimously agreed to have the charter from the Grand Lodge . " A regular charter was accordingly obtained from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , in the month of October 1786 .
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The Freemasons' Magazine. For May 1796. Present State Of Freemasonry In Scotland.
173 6 , yet nothing appears in their possession to show that they ever got a regular charter , notwithstanding which , they have been acknowledged by the Grand Lodge as regular , for many years after , as appears by their minutes . It appears from a minute of March 5 , 1737 , that they had a promise from Sir William Baillie , ( I suppose of Lamington ) to represent them in the Grand Lodge ; but he having failed to fulfil his
pro mise , they appointed Brother Thomas Simpson to act as proxy in his room on the 4 th of April following . On the 12 th of the said month , they gave him a full double of their charter from Linlith gow , with instructions how to regulate the Lodge business witii the Grand Lodge . —The above proxy appears to have attended-the-quarterl y communication of the Grand Lodon the 13 thfrom a of the
ge , copy proceedings found among the old papers belonging to theLodge , and in which Biggar is marked as one of the thirty Lodges who were present . Seven Lodges are marked as absent . On St . John ' s Day , in December 1737 , the members of the Lodge had a procession , in the same manner as last year . . The Lodge was at this time represented by Brother William Gray /
as appears from a petition among the papers of the Lodge . For the long period of upwards of twenty years nothing occurs , but elections , money matters , & c . The Lodge seems to have been then in a prosperous condition . ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ : At a meeting of the date of January 2 r , 176 ; , the members having considered . " the frequent letters they had received from Linlith
gow Lodge , of which they are a pendicle , did , nemine contradkente , resolve to send three of their Lodge according to desire , also they appoint each man his day ' s wages , and necessary charges , till his return . " Thus , they seem to have acknowledged , at this time , two
superiors . » [ Here occurs another period of twenty-three years , in which nothing material happened ' - . ] November 28 , 17 82 . —At a meeting , called to consult about matters of the Lodge , a letter was wrote to the Grand Lodge at Edinburgh , requesting information relative to the expences of a charter . . On the 27 th of December followingthe members metancl
, , " voted the offices all vacant , as none of the office-bearers attended . " The funds of the Lodge were now reduced to il . 19 s . 4 f d sterling . December 27 , 1783 . —At a meeting of the Lodge , five of tlie members bound themselves to advance the money necessary to defray the expence of getting a charter from the Grand Lodge . These wereGeorge Murrayin Tliankerton ; John BarclaySchoolmaster
, , , , in Culter ; John Lawson , Mason , in Skirling ; and John Inglis , in Wolf-Clyde . On the 27 th of December 1785 , the members , at last , " unanimously agreed to have the charter from the Grand Lodge . " A regular charter was accordingly obtained from the Grand Lodge of Scotland , in the month of October 1786 .