Article WISDOM AND FOLLY: A VISION. Page 1 of 7 →
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Wisdom And Folly: A Vision.
No . I . T T A TFT y happened to be reading a performance of Fielding , in I vMii h he ret , esents Signor Opera , Miss N-we 1 Mons . enrP . uitondi and other personages , as in hig h favour at the court ot Queen enemies of Common kense . f
No ense and avowed Queen >< - '' ^ onFidd " n , ' s description , I regretted , that the discerning -mud uS fertile genius of that author had not pursued the votaries 01 > on-, „„ , „ throuoi , a crreater variety of situations . I could not m . tp Sng SlfVth fancying his talents . employed in tracing and exhibiting the manifold characters , practices , and pumms , at
riance tvidi Common Sense . . „„< nPn . or ,. I the Musintr on this subject , in an easy cha . r , I fell as . eep -nJ ti . e impressions of the evening being strong upon my mine , 1 d . eamed th £SSI ' w ^ in sig ht of a range of very high— ah , s^s^^^
Si^^ FS^^ ' „ . ; , , at nresent still more populous . The principal p . o-
vinces are Frivolity , Silliness , and Stupidity . _ ... _ , T , ¦ ' - \ dioUAino- to it are thc dynasties of V amty and Obsanacy . 1 ne iuhabfe S- F ^ l-Lanil are far from being «« - ^' jj . them are emigrants from the neig hbouring cou . itry 01 J v . om , af lured bv the accessibilty of her sacred Majesty Queen I ' . od . i . cr Majesty is indeed eminently distinguished for the atrabiiity o her . to whodesires to visu al
manners refusing admittance no one ^ court The A & generallv p itch their abode in the province of Frivolirj ' -SiJliness % d Stupidity being occupied by indigenous ^ S-inin-r to the . region of Folly is . a neutral territory , ^ cquentfy in " alliance wit ! . Fool-Land , caHed Du // -W . lh ,, lowest district of Wise-Landcalled _ c
Joins on one side the , . ; S . The -Dullanders are often very useful to their ^ rn ^ hours ; unless they have been spoiled by visiting ^ ^ " l ^ P mains of Vanity and Obstinacy , and from thence , p ass . ng into Foo Land . As thev are generally very p lodding and exact as f . u astlei serviceable d'fc _ he
comprehension reaches , they are «<« ° landers , ( or , as , for brevity sake they are called the V e ) in tho e details to which these will not deign to submit tnemseWe ^ Dullanders ( or Call ) are particula . ly successltn as . ;»* .- «/* , tae . u , n ypL , vin . r ?
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Wisdom And Folly: A Vision.
No . I . T T A TFT y happened to be reading a performance of Fielding , in I vMii h he ret , esents Signor Opera , Miss N-we 1 Mons . enrP . uitondi and other personages , as in hig h favour at the court ot Queen enemies of Common kense . f
No ense and avowed Queen >< - '' ^ onFidd " n , ' s description , I regretted , that the discerning -mud uS fertile genius of that author had not pursued the votaries 01 > on-, „„ , „ throuoi , a crreater variety of situations . I could not m . tp Sng SlfVth fancying his talents . employed in tracing and exhibiting the manifold characters , practices , and pumms , at
riance tvidi Common Sense . . „„< nPn . or ,. I the Musintr on this subject , in an easy cha . r , I fell as . eep -nJ ti . e impressions of the evening being strong upon my mine , 1 d . eamed th £SSI ' w ^ in sig ht of a range of very high— ah , s^s^^^
Si^^ FS^^ ' „ . ; , , at nresent still more populous . The principal p . o-
vinces are Frivolity , Silliness , and Stupidity . _ ... _ , T , ¦ ' - \ dioUAino- to it are thc dynasties of V amty and Obsanacy . 1 ne iuhabfe S- F ^ l-Lanil are far from being «« - ^' jj . them are emigrants from the neig hbouring cou . itry 01 J v . om , af lured bv the accessibilty of her sacred Majesty Queen I ' . od . i . cr Majesty is indeed eminently distinguished for the atrabiiity o her . to whodesires to visu al
manners refusing admittance no one ^ court The A & generallv p itch their abode in the province of Frivolirj ' -SiJliness % d Stupidity being occupied by indigenous ^ S-inin-r to the . region of Folly is . a neutral territory , ^ cquentfy in " alliance wit ! . Fool-Land , caHed Du // -W . lh ,, lowest district of Wise-Landcalled _ c
Joins on one side the , . ; S . The -Dullanders are often very useful to their ^ rn ^ hours ; unless they have been spoiled by visiting ^ ^ " l ^ P mains of Vanity and Obstinacy , and from thence , p ass . ng into Foo Land . As thev are generally very p lodding and exact as f . u astlei serviceable d'fc _ he
comprehension reaches , they are «<« ° landers , ( or , as , for brevity sake they are called the V e ) in tho e details to which these will not deign to submit tnemseWe ^ Dullanders ( or Call ) are particula . ly successltn as . ;»* .- «/* , tae . u , n ypL , vin . r ?