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Public Amusements.
THEATRE-ROYAL , COVENT-G ARDE N . April zs- A NEW Opera , under the title of ITALIAN VILLAGE . RS , _ A was produceci at this Theatre , avowedly from the pen of " Prince Hoare , an author to whom the Public is indebted for a considerable share of rational and pleasurable entertainment . The story of the piece is as follows : Ocfavioan Italian Noblemanbanished from the Court of Urbino ,
edu-, , cates in a village his children , Lorenzo and Isabel ; the-former of whom fulls in love with the daughter of Save-all , an old miser in the neighbourhood ; and the latter recei \ 'es the addresses of Valentine , a favourite of the Duke of Urbino , who , in consequence of Oitavio ' s disgrace , endeavours to keep secret liis attachment to " Isabel . The Duke , coming on a hunting party to the village , Valentine is extremely apprehensive of the danger that may ensue from his seeing Isabel , and enjoins her to keep herself concealed ; while , on
bis part , lie endeavours to elude all suspicion , by professing an accidental passion for another woman . Isabel , however , goes to seek the Duke , for the purpose of addressing him in behalf of her father and brother . He restores Oeiavioto his favour , and resenting the distrust of Valentine in not acquainting him with his passion for Isabel , determines to n-ake him jealous , by appearing to be himself enamoured of her ; insisting also on seeing the mistress of Valentine , who shews him as such an old woman , Rodriga , the inhabitant of a cottage , at which Lorenzo , for the sake of oftener seeing Lucilla ,. has just taken a lodging . By the assistance of Rodriga , Annette , her daughter , and Hilary , a merry pedlar , Lorenzo contrives means to prevent the
completion of a contract entered into by Save-all for the marriage of his daughter with Jeremy May thorn , a conceited simpleton , who , without regarding the inclinations of the girl , is sent by his father to marry her . The confederates put in practice various plots and disguises , and at last effect their purpose . Lorenzo carries off Lucilla and her fortune ; but the latter is by Octavio restored to Save-all . In consequence of Hilary ' s schemes , all parties meet in Save-all ' s house , where a general eclaircissetnent ensues . The Duke
confirms the union of Lorenzo and Luciila , gives Valentine the hand of Isabel , and Hilary is rewarded with Annette . In this fresh effort of his muse , the author seems to have formed himself Upon the model of the Italian opera , with a design of trying how far its character could be adapted to the English stage . His attempt has been as successful as he reasonably could have anticipated . He has produced a piece variedand , in many respects , pleasing ; and lie has been hi g hly fortunate in
, his combination of music and action . There are some scenes of interest , and several of pleasantry . The serious dialogue , from the mouths of the Duke , Oftavio , & c . is very highly creditable to the author , and is sufficient to convince us that , in this species of dramatic writing , he has not yet shewn us all that he can do . He has not , in his lighter characters , aimed at wit , or pointed them with satire . He seems more to have copied the simplicity of common life , and framed from
thence an introduction for lyric poetry and music : in both of the latter of which we can safely assert the success has been most uncommonly complete . Thc music is b y Shield , and this charming and popular composer never as-VOL . viu . X S
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Public Amusements.
THEATRE-ROYAL , COVENT-G ARDE N . April zs- A NEW Opera , under the title of ITALIAN VILLAGE . RS , _ A was produceci at this Theatre , avowedly from the pen of " Prince Hoare , an author to whom the Public is indebted for a considerable share of rational and pleasurable entertainment . The story of the piece is as follows : Ocfavioan Italian Noblemanbanished from the Court of Urbino ,
edu-, , cates in a village his children , Lorenzo and Isabel ; the-former of whom fulls in love with the daughter of Save-all , an old miser in the neighbourhood ; and the latter recei \ 'es the addresses of Valentine , a favourite of the Duke of Urbino , who , in consequence of Oitavio ' s disgrace , endeavours to keep secret liis attachment to " Isabel . The Duke , coming on a hunting party to the village , Valentine is extremely apprehensive of the danger that may ensue from his seeing Isabel , and enjoins her to keep herself concealed ; while , on
bis part , lie endeavours to elude all suspicion , by professing an accidental passion for another woman . Isabel , however , goes to seek the Duke , for the purpose of addressing him in behalf of her father and brother . He restores Oeiavioto his favour , and resenting the distrust of Valentine in not acquainting him with his passion for Isabel , determines to n-ake him jealous , by appearing to be himself enamoured of her ; insisting also on seeing the mistress of Valentine , who shews him as such an old woman , Rodriga , the inhabitant of a cottage , at which Lorenzo , for the sake of oftener seeing Lucilla ,. has just taken a lodging . By the assistance of Rodriga , Annette , her daughter , and Hilary , a merry pedlar , Lorenzo contrives means to prevent the
completion of a contract entered into by Save-all for the marriage of his daughter with Jeremy May thorn , a conceited simpleton , who , without regarding the inclinations of the girl , is sent by his father to marry her . The confederates put in practice various plots and disguises , and at last effect their purpose . Lorenzo carries off Lucilla and her fortune ; but the latter is by Octavio restored to Save-all . In consequence of Hilary ' s schemes , all parties meet in Save-all ' s house , where a general eclaircissetnent ensues . The Duke
confirms the union of Lorenzo and Luciila , gives Valentine the hand of Isabel , and Hilary is rewarded with Annette . In this fresh effort of his muse , the author seems to have formed himself Upon the model of the Italian opera , with a design of trying how far its character could be adapted to the English stage . His attempt has been as successful as he reasonably could have anticipated . He has produced a piece variedand , in many respects , pleasing ; and lie has been hi g hly fortunate in
, his combination of music and action . There are some scenes of interest , and several of pleasantry . The serious dialogue , from the mouths of the Duke , Oftavio , & c . is very highly creditable to the author , and is sufficient to convince us that , in this species of dramatic writing , he has not yet shewn us all that he can do . He has not , in his lighter characters , aimed at wit , or pointed them with satire . He seems more to have copied the simplicity of common life , and framed from
thence an introduction for lyric poetry and music : in both of the latter of which we can safely assert the success has been most uncommonly complete . Thc music is b y Shield , and this charming and popular composer never as-VOL . viu . X S