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A Brief Enquiry Into The Learning Of Shakspeare.
KING HENRY IV . ACT IV . ——' O polish'd perturbation ! golden care , That keep ' s ! the ports of slumber open wide To many a watchful night : sleep with it now ! Yet not so sound , and half so deeply s-Meet , As heivhose broiv -mill ) borne ! f-biggen bound , Snores out the nvatch of night . , .
HORACE , CARM . LIB . III . ODE XIII . ' Somuusagrestitim , Lenis virorum non humiles domos Fastidit . ' KING HENRY V . ACT I . ' So work the honey bees ; Creatures , that , by a rule in natureteach
, The art of order to a peopled kingdom . They have a King , and officers of sort ; Where some , like magistrates , correct at home ; Others , like merchants , venture trade abroad ; Others , like soldiers , armed in their stings , Make boot upon the . summer ' s velvet buds : "Which illagetheywith march bring home
p , , merry To the tent-royal of " their emperor j Who , busied in his majesty , surveys The singing mason building roofs of gold ; The civil citizens kneading up the honey ; The poor mechanic porters cronding in Their heavy burdens at the narrow srate :
The sad-ey'd justice , with his surl y hum , Deliv ' ring o ' er to executors pale The lazy , yawning drone . '————— . This is almost a translation of VIRGIL , OEOR . G . IV . VElt . I J } . ' * Sola ; communes natos , consortia tecfa
Urbis habent , magnisqueagitant sublegibus jevunij Et patriam solw , et certos novere penates : Venturaque hyemis memores resta te laborem Experiuntur , et in medium quassita . reponunt . Namque alia : victu invigilant , et fcedere pacto Exercentur agris : pars intra septa domorum Narcissi lacrymam , et lentinn de cortice gluten .
Prima favis ponunt fundamina ; deincle tenaces Suspendunt ceras : alias , spem gentis , adultos Educunt fcetus : alias purissima mella Stipant , et liquid distemhwt nectare cellas . Sunt quihus ad portas cecidit custodia sorti , fnque vicem speculantur aquas et nubila cceli ; Aut onera acci piunt venientum , aut agmine facto Ignavum f ' ucos pecus a pricsepibus arcent . "
MIDSUMMER NIGHT ' S DREAM , ACT I . « Love looks not with the eyes , but with the mind ; And , therefore , is wing'd Cupid painted blind , . Nor hath love ' s mind of any judgment taste-Wings , and no eyes , figure unheed y haste ; And , therefore , h love said to be a child ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Brief Enquiry Into The Learning Of Shakspeare.
KING HENRY IV . ACT IV . ——' O polish'd perturbation ! golden care , That keep ' s ! the ports of slumber open wide To many a watchful night : sleep with it now ! Yet not so sound , and half so deeply s-Meet , As heivhose broiv -mill ) borne ! f-biggen bound , Snores out the nvatch of night . , .
HORACE , CARM . LIB . III . ODE XIII . ' Somuusagrestitim , Lenis virorum non humiles domos Fastidit . ' KING HENRY V . ACT I . ' So work the honey bees ; Creatures , that , by a rule in natureteach
, The art of order to a peopled kingdom . They have a King , and officers of sort ; Where some , like magistrates , correct at home ; Others , like merchants , venture trade abroad ; Others , like soldiers , armed in their stings , Make boot upon the . summer ' s velvet buds : "Which illagetheywith march bring home
p , , merry To the tent-royal of " their emperor j Who , busied in his majesty , surveys The singing mason building roofs of gold ; The civil citizens kneading up the honey ; The poor mechanic porters cronding in Their heavy burdens at the narrow srate :
The sad-ey'd justice , with his surl y hum , Deliv ' ring o ' er to executors pale The lazy , yawning drone . '————— . This is almost a translation of VIRGIL , OEOR . G . IV . VElt . I J } . ' * Sola ; communes natos , consortia tecfa
Urbis habent , magnisqueagitant sublegibus jevunij Et patriam solw , et certos novere penates : Venturaque hyemis memores resta te laborem Experiuntur , et in medium quassita . reponunt . Namque alia : victu invigilant , et fcedere pacto Exercentur agris : pars intra septa domorum Narcissi lacrymam , et lentinn de cortice gluten .
Prima favis ponunt fundamina ; deincle tenaces Suspendunt ceras : alias , spem gentis , adultos Educunt fcetus : alias purissima mella Stipant , et liquid distemhwt nectare cellas . Sunt quihus ad portas cecidit custodia sorti , fnque vicem speculantur aquas et nubila cceli ; Aut onera acci piunt venientum , aut agmine facto Ignavum f ' ucos pecus a pricsepibus arcent . "
MIDSUMMER NIGHT ' S DREAM , ACT I . « Love looks not with the eyes , but with the mind ; And , therefore , is wing'd Cupid painted blind , . Nor hath love ' s mind of any judgment taste-Wings , and no eyes , figure unheed y haste ; And , therefore , h love said to be a child ,