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Report Of The Proceedings Of The British Parliament.
addition to 110 , 000 already voted . —Agreed to ; as was another for allowing 7 I . each per month . - Mr . Pitt moved that 200 , 000 ! . be issued to the Bank for the reduction of the national debt . —13 , 000 ! . for the settlements in Africa—12 . 000 I . to the merchants trading to the Black Sea--vvith several other sums for different purposes , all which wereagreed to . NEW LAND-TAX BILL .
Mr . Pitt then moved the order of the day for the second reading of the new land-tax bill . He stated that his opinion of the utility of the bill was more confirmed b y farther reflections ; and a proof had occurred that day in making the most advantageous bargain for the loan that had ever been made , as he believed , in consequence of that measure . The bill was opposed by Lord She . neld , Messrs . joliffe , Hobhouse , Bastard , Hussey , Tierney , Sec . and supported by the Solicitor-General , Mr . Dundas ,
Mr- Wilberforce , & c . and carried b y 153 against 38 . The bill was then read a second time . ALIEN BILL . Tuesday , 23 . Mr . Windham called the attention of the house to the erroneous opinion which had gone abroad , that every foreigner was an emigrant , and every emigrant a Frenchman . This erroneous idea led , he . observed , to much mischief , and it was a vulgar opinion which he wished to see corrected .
But would-the expulsion of the emigrants from Great Britain remedy the evil ? Certainly not ; for the Directory would still find the means to have spies in the kingdom . This was only an amendment of a former bill , _ After a very desultory conversation , the report was received , and the bill , with several amendments , was agreed to , and ordered to be printed , MESSAGE FROM THE KIN'G . Mr . Pitt delivered a Message from the King , ' requiring ^ ., oo , oool . for such services in Ireland as his Majesty might think necessary ; the expences , incidental charges , and interest of the loan thereon to be defrayed by the Irish Parliament . '—Agreed .
COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY . Mr . \ Yindhsm moved a string of resolutions , founded on the estimates which he had previously presented , of the several expences of the War Department , of which the following are the items -. For out pensioners at Chelsea Hospital , for 1798 , - - Lu 6 , i 6 7 4 3 Pensioners at ditto for ditto , -- . _ .. 26 , 54 . 7 376 pensions to widows of commissioned officers , - - 11 , 95 + 15 3 roads and brid in Scotland
ges , ...... 4 , 500 o o provisional cavalry --...... - j 30 , 000 o o Volunteer-corps , --. 350 , 000 o o embodying the supplementary militia , - - - - 1 , 315 , 708 00 ' barrack department expences , --. _ .. 520 , 717 o o foreign troops in the service of Great Britain , - - 126 , 08 3 n ? army extraordinaries , -- 3 , , 000 o o
service in Ireland , -- a , 000 , 000 o o printing votes and journals for 1797 , beyond what was granted last session , ---.... 360 0 0 convicts at home , ----... - .... 333 S 17 8 services at Somerset Place , --.. _ . _ . 800 j 0 estimates and drawing for repairs at Winchester , - - 9 8 19 o The resolution being read , which voted 130 , 000 ! for the expences of the provisional cavalry , a short conversation took place between General Tarleton , Mr . Pitt , and Mr . Dundas , respecting the training of the provisional cavalry , which the Hon . General thought had been much neglected .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Report Of The Proceedings Of The British Parliament.
addition to 110 , 000 already voted . —Agreed to ; as was another for allowing 7 I . each per month . - Mr . Pitt moved that 200 , 000 ! . be issued to the Bank for the reduction of the national debt . —13 , 000 ! . for the settlements in Africa—12 . 000 I . to the merchants trading to the Black Sea--vvith several other sums for different purposes , all which wereagreed to . NEW LAND-TAX BILL .
Mr . Pitt then moved the order of the day for the second reading of the new land-tax bill . He stated that his opinion of the utility of the bill was more confirmed b y farther reflections ; and a proof had occurred that day in making the most advantageous bargain for the loan that had ever been made , as he believed , in consequence of that measure . The bill was opposed by Lord She . neld , Messrs . joliffe , Hobhouse , Bastard , Hussey , Tierney , Sec . and supported by the Solicitor-General , Mr . Dundas ,
Mr- Wilberforce , & c . and carried b y 153 against 38 . The bill was then read a second time . ALIEN BILL . Tuesday , 23 . Mr . Windham called the attention of the house to the erroneous opinion which had gone abroad , that every foreigner was an emigrant , and every emigrant a Frenchman . This erroneous idea led , he . observed , to much mischief , and it was a vulgar opinion which he wished to see corrected .
But would-the expulsion of the emigrants from Great Britain remedy the evil ? Certainly not ; for the Directory would still find the means to have spies in the kingdom . This was only an amendment of a former bill , _ After a very desultory conversation , the report was received , and the bill , with several amendments , was agreed to , and ordered to be printed , MESSAGE FROM THE KIN'G . Mr . Pitt delivered a Message from the King , ' requiring ^ ., oo , oool . for such services in Ireland as his Majesty might think necessary ; the expences , incidental charges , and interest of the loan thereon to be defrayed by the Irish Parliament . '—Agreed .
COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY . Mr . \ Yindhsm moved a string of resolutions , founded on the estimates which he had previously presented , of the several expences of the War Department , of which the following are the items -. For out pensioners at Chelsea Hospital , for 1798 , - - Lu 6 , i 6 7 4 3 Pensioners at ditto for ditto , -- . _ .. 26 , 54 . 7 376 pensions to widows of commissioned officers , - - 11 , 95 + 15 3 roads and brid in Scotland
ges , ...... 4 , 500 o o provisional cavalry --...... - j 30 , 000 o o Volunteer-corps , --. 350 , 000 o o embodying the supplementary militia , - - - - 1 , 315 , 708 00 ' barrack department expences , --. _ .. 520 , 717 o o foreign troops in the service of Great Britain , - - 126 , 08 3 n ? army extraordinaries , -- 3 , , 000 o o
service in Ireland , -- a , 000 , 000 o o printing votes and journals for 1797 , beyond what was granted last session , ---.... 360 0 0 convicts at home , ----... - .... 333 S 17 8 services at Somerset Place , --.. _ . _ . 800 j 0 estimates and drawing for repairs at Winchester , - - 9 8 19 o The resolution being read , which voted 130 , 000 ! for the expences of the provisional cavalry , a short conversation took place between General Tarleton , Mr . Pitt , and Mr . Dundas , respecting the training of the provisional cavalry , which the Hon . General thought had been much neglected .