Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To The King's Most Excellent Majesty, The Humble Address Of The Grand Lodge, Of The Ancient Fraternity Of Free And Accepted Masons, Under The Constitution Of England.
ment to 7 " " bJeCtS ' * " j | CC , arin 6 ° " ™« and fervent attach . ishelbv t , f ° r nmen ^ by ^ ' ' Lords ' ^ . d Commons , as established by the glorious Revolution of ; 68 S fieefino- ^^ ' " v" ° r " ¦ '' uman I"stit « tioiis is comparative and we k ow Tin , " l ^ Tf "' " ° ^ »< m aptitude to it ' s obje t the PriH i ? " t 0 tHe WOrk 0 f nl : m : Butwhen we view
r , OT ,. FHN ? rTmeUt Whidl ,, ave rece » tiy obtained , "" £ * ' 1 t , m Ll , ne ? tl'e wisest ancl best-poised system the world r ^ r ? , l : " 1 Tr m Which aftbrds "atiALPratection ( the Sii-5 u ^ L ^ . i 00 k ** ' ° r that M is P ^ cticable ) and W
^ lY u ? VV ° UKht ' ' h ? ' that ' being what we are , a private m --Uf en "" ° " tr ted b y hlvisible Ties-professing sicrecy --mjiteuous m our Meet , , —stamped by , Act of Preroo-, ? h , ' , ™ ack' , 0 ; yIedged ^ "o Law Ve assume a port " a , d ho Id mi f I' }? ° w ° T ' t 0 which we ca » « rge no legal or admitted Right . We arethe / rWCifc «„ , Sire , of a free State . * . iiumoer
,,, many thousands of our body .-T ^ H EIR APPARENT of the cfmZ ' , 1 ° " ^ "J—f ^ ' ^ 'Jor the purposes of social intercourse , i 7 S / T T' C 7 "W 7 ^ ' "" Ms *™* ' * ' and goodwill to all ' . And fidelity to a Trust , reverence lo the Magistrate , and obedience to the tZuJ" ^ 7 V ' ' lphah " " Pcdhne " of our Institution : A let us add , that , pervading as we do , every class of the con , mmityand walk of life
, every , and disseminating our principles STfniT ? T' Address ™ y be consklered ' as spiafc ing , m epitome , the Sentiments of a People , Sj " i a"eSted 0 l"" P rinci P > we have only to implore the SUPREME ARCHITECT OP THE UNIVERSE , whose almi ghty hand hath laid m the deep befnn foundation of this eat ! tess
Country ' s g ,- , andwbZ protecting shield hath covered he ,- amidst the crush of Nation that He 3 * T D U V , ° ShfT " ¦ , Ustain her - M < y A * So ^ Zw Zn M and be , Daughters happy , and may your MAJBSTY —the immediate Posteritv In % P «« nt prosperity and power , to whom unbiassed l ostenty shall thus inscribe the COLUMN
With your amiable QUEEN and your ROYAL PROGENY , long , lon R continue to be the blessing and the boast of a grateful happy , and united People ! ' Che , ' , unanimousl y , in GRAND LODGE , at Freemasons' Hall , this 6 tb day of February , 1793 . ( Signed ) ( Counter-Si gned ) RAWDOlsr A r i . r WILLIAM WW , G . S . P ^ TER ^ ARKER JD . G . M
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To The King's Most Excellent Majesty, The Humble Address Of The Grand Lodge, Of The Ancient Fraternity Of Free And Accepted Masons, Under The Constitution Of England.
ment to 7 " " bJeCtS ' * " j | CC , arin 6 ° " ™« and fervent attach . ishelbv t , f ° r nmen ^ by ^ ' ' Lords ' ^ . d Commons , as established by the glorious Revolution of ; 68 S fieefino- ^^ ' " v" ° r " ¦ '' uman I"stit « tioiis is comparative and we k ow Tin , " l ^ Tf "' " ° ^ »< m aptitude to it ' s obje t the PriH i ? " t 0 tHe WOrk 0 f nl : m : Butwhen we view
r , OT ,. FHN ? rTmeUt Whidl ,, ave rece » tiy obtained , "" £ * ' 1 t , m Ll , ne ? tl'e wisest ancl best-poised system the world r ^ r ? , l : " 1 Tr m Which aftbrds "atiALPratection ( the Sii-5 u ^ L ^ . i 00 k ** ' ° r that M is P ^ cticable ) and W
^ lY u ? VV ° UKht ' ' h ? ' that ' being what we are , a private m --Uf en "" ° " tr ted b y hlvisible Ties-professing sicrecy --mjiteuous m our Meet , , —stamped by , Act of Preroo-, ? h , ' , ™ ack' , 0 ; yIedged ^ "o Law Ve assume a port " a , d ho Id mi f I' }? ° w ° T ' t 0 which we ca » « rge no legal or admitted Right . We arethe / rWCifc «„ , Sire , of a free State . * . iiumoer
,,, many thousands of our body .-T ^ H EIR APPARENT of the cfmZ ' , 1 ° " ^ "J—f ^ ' ^ 'Jor the purposes of social intercourse , i 7 S / T T' C 7 "W 7 ^ ' "" Ms *™* ' * ' and goodwill to all ' . And fidelity to a Trust , reverence lo the Magistrate , and obedience to the tZuJ" ^ 7 V ' ' lphah " " Pcdhne " of our Institution : A let us add , that , pervading as we do , every class of the con , mmityand walk of life
, every , and disseminating our principles STfniT ? T' Address ™ y be consklered ' as spiafc ing , m epitome , the Sentiments of a People , Sj " i a"eSted 0 l"" P rinci P > we have only to implore the SUPREME ARCHITECT OP THE UNIVERSE , whose almi ghty hand hath laid m the deep befnn foundation of this eat ! tess
Country ' s g ,- , andwbZ protecting shield hath covered he ,- amidst the crush of Nation that He 3 * T D U V , ° ShfT " ¦ , Ustain her - M < y A * So ^ Zw Zn M and be , Daughters happy , and may your MAJBSTY —the immediate Posteritv In % P «« nt prosperity and power , to whom unbiassed l ostenty shall thus inscribe the COLUMN
With your amiable QUEEN and your ROYAL PROGENY , long , lon R continue to be the blessing and the boast of a grateful happy , and united People ! ' Che , ' , unanimousl y , in GRAND LODGE , at Freemasons' Hall , this 6 tb day of February , 1793 . ( Signed ) ( Counter-Si gned ) RAWDOlsr A r i . r WILLIAM WW , G . S . P ^ TER ^ ARKER JD . G . M