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Traits In The Life Of Count De Buckebourg.
AS RELATED B-Y MONS . ZIMMERMANN , Aulic Counsellor and Physician to his Britannic Majesty at Hanover .
COUNT Schaumberg-Lippe , better known by the title of the Count de Buckebourg . Of all the German authors , I never knew one whose writings were more ridiculed or so little understood ; and yet his name was worthy of being ranked among the greatest characters which his country produced . I became acquainted with him at a time when he lived almost continually in estate with
solitude and retired from the world , managing his small great discretion . There was indeed , it must be confessed , sometiling in his manner and appearance-which , at first sight ,, created disgust , and prevented you from paying a proper attention to the excellent qualities of his mind . The Count de Laci ' formerly ambassador from Spain to
Peters-, burgh , informed me at Hanover , that he led the Spanish army against the Portuguese at the time they were commanded by the Count de Buckebourg ; the singularity of whose person' and manners so forcibly struck the minds of all the Spanish generals , while they were reconnoitring the army with their telescopes , that they exclaimed with one voice" Are the Portuguese commanded by
, Don Quixote ? " The ambassador , however , who possessed a very liberal mind , spoke with enthusiastic rapture of the good conduct of Buckebourg in Portugal , ancl praised in the warmest terms the excellence of his mind and the-greatness of his character . His heroic countenance , his flowing hair , his tall and meagre figure , and above all , the extraordinary length of his visage , might , Mancha
in truth , bring back the recollection of the Knig ht of La ; for certain it is , that at a distance he made a most romantic appearance : on a nearer approach , however , a closer view immediately convinced you of the contrary . The fire and animation of his features announced the elevation , sagacity , penetration , kindness , virtue , and serenity of his soul . Sublime sentiments and heroic thoughts were as familiar and natural to his mind , as they were to the noblest characters of Greece and Rome .
The Count was born in London , and his conduct was , without doubt , whimsical and extraordinary . The anecdotes related to me hy a German prince ( a relation of Count Guillaume ) concerning him , are perhaps not generally known . He was fond of contending with the English in every thing . For instance , he laid a wager that he would ride a horse from London to Edinburgh backwards , that is , with the horse ' s head turned towards Edinburgh , and the Count ' s face towards London ; and in this manner he actuaU < j ^ f 5 yfyf ^ A
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Traits In The Life Of Count De Buckebourg.
AS RELATED B-Y MONS . ZIMMERMANN , Aulic Counsellor and Physician to his Britannic Majesty at Hanover .
COUNT Schaumberg-Lippe , better known by the title of the Count de Buckebourg . Of all the German authors , I never knew one whose writings were more ridiculed or so little understood ; and yet his name was worthy of being ranked among the greatest characters which his country produced . I became acquainted with him at a time when he lived almost continually in estate with
solitude and retired from the world , managing his small great discretion . There was indeed , it must be confessed , sometiling in his manner and appearance-which , at first sight ,, created disgust , and prevented you from paying a proper attention to the excellent qualities of his mind . The Count de Laci ' formerly ambassador from Spain to
Peters-, burgh , informed me at Hanover , that he led the Spanish army against the Portuguese at the time they were commanded by the Count de Buckebourg ; the singularity of whose person' and manners so forcibly struck the minds of all the Spanish generals , while they were reconnoitring the army with their telescopes , that they exclaimed with one voice" Are the Portuguese commanded by
, Don Quixote ? " The ambassador , however , who possessed a very liberal mind , spoke with enthusiastic rapture of the good conduct of Buckebourg in Portugal , ancl praised in the warmest terms the excellence of his mind and the-greatness of his character . His heroic countenance , his flowing hair , his tall and meagre figure , and above all , the extraordinary length of his visage , might , Mancha
in truth , bring back the recollection of the Knig ht of La ; for certain it is , that at a distance he made a most romantic appearance : on a nearer approach , however , a closer view immediately convinced you of the contrary . The fire and animation of his features announced the elevation , sagacity , penetration , kindness , virtue , and serenity of his soul . Sublime sentiments and heroic thoughts were as familiar and natural to his mind , as they were to the noblest characters of Greece and Rome .
The Count was born in London , and his conduct was , without doubt , whimsical and extraordinary . The anecdotes related to me hy a German prince ( a relation of Count Guillaume ) concerning him , are perhaps not generally known . He was fond of contending with the English in every thing . For instance , he laid a wager that he would ride a horse from London to Edinburgh backwards , that is , with the horse ' s head turned towards Edinburgh , and the Count ' s face towards London ; and in this manner he actuaU < j ^ f 5 yfyf ^ A