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An Appeal On The Affairs Of Poland.
t i , e persecutor of the Poles for the sake of a tract of land ; by which we see that all sentiment is absorbed by those two syllables , Power . Opinions , like subterraneous fires , gather greater force by beino- stifled , and though the Poles are overpowered , they are „ ot without resources ; though their actions are circumscribed , they still continue their exertions . lete of that sort of argument
The memorials are comp specimens whose only acuteness lies in the point of the bayonet ; and Stanislaus , on seeing these , could do no more than regret that he had not the power as well as inclination to defend his country ; we cannot help comparing him to a late unfortunate King , when the accusation of public slaug hter was laid to his charge , he expressively appealed to Heaven as a voucher of his- innocence ! They draw up a title , and date their new claim , perhaps 7 or 800 years back to this is added the chart of separation , which they have
the effrontery to shew them as a perfect mirror ot these people s happiness 1 it exhibits an astonishing instance of human depravity , that those who are the legislators of rig ht and wrong for the order and good government of the people , should set at nought the principles ° of public justice , and -yet claim their allegiance , as thoufh the bonds of public confidence had not been loosed . robber sacrifices his life as an atonement for the injured laws of
A his country , but the titled free-booter can desolate kingdoms and triumphantly flourish his glittering blade over the unhappy country . 'We hope to see the day when Poland , emerged from it ' s distress , will as a nation congratulate and thank the English for their nohl » exertions in their favor . As to our government , it would
be presumption to dictate to them . This one observation may with truth , however be advanced , that , as they have publicly lamented the event , whatever measures they mig ht take to succour or assist the Poles , by negociation or otherwise , they would meet the applause and support of every man in this kingdom . Nothing is here inserted with a view but to explode injustice and elevate true dignity by the latest accounts which have arrived
; , we learn that the subjects of the unfortunate Stanislaus , have , from the power of Imperial Greatness , been obliged to swear allegiance to two different Sovereigns : if a Father would weep _ to see his children at enmity , sure it is not unworthy of a Polish King to bewail the loss of so considerable a portion of his faithful people . Wars depopulate kingdoms and ive riht to the victor to possesswith
g g , some justice , the fruits of his conquest : but here we can discover no war declared , 110 aggression proved , nor no injury received . As it is in our power only to deplore , we will calmly consign to future historians , a more particular relation of this great and unfortunate event .
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An Appeal On The Affairs Of Poland.
t i , e persecutor of the Poles for the sake of a tract of land ; by which we see that all sentiment is absorbed by those two syllables , Power . Opinions , like subterraneous fires , gather greater force by beino- stifled , and though the Poles are overpowered , they are „ ot without resources ; though their actions are circumscribed , they still continue their exertions . lete of that sort of argument
The memorials are comp specimens whose only acuteness lies in the point of the bayonet ; and Stanislaus , on seeing these , could do no more than regret that he had not the power as well as inclination to defend his country ; we cannot help comparing him to a late unfortunate King , when the accusation of public slaug hter was laid to his charge , he expressively appealed to Heaven as a voucher of his- innocence ! They draw up a title , and date their new claim , perhaps 7 or 800 years back to this is added the chart of separation , which they have
the effrontery to shew them as a perfect mirror ot these people s happiness 1 it exhibits an astonishing instance of human depravity , that those who are the legislators of rig ht and wrong for the order and good government of the people , should set at nought the principles ° of public justice , and -yet claim their allegiance , as thoufh the bonds of public confidence had not been loosed . robber sacrifices his life as an atonement for the injured laws of
A his country , but the titled free-booter can desolate kingdoms and triumphantly flourish his glittering blade over the unhappy country . 'We hope to see the day when Poland , emerged from it ' s distress , will as a nation congratulate and thank the English for their nohl » exertions in their favor . As to our government , it would
be presumption to dictate to them . This one observation may with truth , however be advanced , that , as they have publicly lamented the event , whatever measures they mig ht take to succour or assist the Poles , by negociation or otherwise , they would meet the applause and support of every man in this kingdom . Nothing is here inserted with a view but to explode injustice and elevate true dignity by the latest accounts which have arrived
; , we learn that the subjects of the unfortunate Stanislaus , have , from the power of Imperial Greatness , been obliged to swear allegiance to two different Sovereigns : if a Father would weep _ to see his children at enmity , sure it is not unworthy of a Polish King to bewail the loss of so considerable a portion of his faithful people . Wars depopulate kingdoms and ive riht to the victor to possesswith
g g , some justice , the fruits of his conquest : but here we can discover no war declared , 110 aggression proved , nor no injury received . As it is in our power only to deplore , we will calmly consign to future historians , a more particular relation of this great and unfortunate event .