Article AN ESSAY ON PATIENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ESSAY ON CHOLER. Page 1 of 2 →
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An Essay On Patience.
sword , Augustus by inheritance , Caligula by the merits of his father , Nero by tyranny , Titus by having vanquished Judea ; but that for his part , though of low extraction , he had obtained it by patience . . , Again , whatever crosses and misfortunes we meet with , and however heavy their burthen , they cannot overwhelm us , whilst not abandoned by patience : on the contrarythey become
we are , proportionably lig htned as we resolutely exercise this virtue . As every thing in nature has it's contrast , so patience is the opposite to despair ; wherefore Christians consider it , as an heavenly grace , and the philosophers of antiquity pronounced it the last efforts of a firm and generous soul . It is very nearly allied to which cannot shine without opponentsin the like manner
courage , ; this virtue disappears as soon as misfortunes desert us . Patience is the most generous of all friends , never appearing in prosperity ; but when our miseries attain a pitch that threatens all ourfuturehappiness , she never fails to offer her assistance to those really inclined to avail themselves of her kindness . In fine , if , as the English poet says ,
The only -wretched are the wise , they alone can judiciouslyavail themselves of the proper antidote . PATIENCE is their birthrig ht ; an inheritance precluded from fools , who are never the architects of their own good fortune , but frequently of their own misery .
Essay On Choler.
A MONG the number of my acquaintance , I know several who are , according to the common definition , very good-natured men , but rather passionate . This description has often led me to reflect upon the effects of choler , even in the best-tempered people . " A certain great genius says , that , though passion is but a short rage , it ' s fatal effects are frequently of long duration . Nothing is more evident " than that a heat of temper is one of the principal obstacles
, to the tranquility of life , and bodily health . It darkens the judgment , and blinds the eye of reason . It has often , with the assistance of very few words , which were spoken without thought , made men unhappy the rest of their days ; and , in a few minutes , has robbed them of the most valuable friends—the fruits of many assiduitiesIt frequently reveals the most precious secrets
years . of the heart , and renders the hasty man ridiculous by his extravagant menaces . In short , how many people have passed the remainder of their days in a painful remorse , for having been carried away by the violence of passion only for a few moments !
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An Essay On Patience.
sword , Augustus by inheritance , Caligula by the merits of his father , Nero by tyranny , Titus by having vanquished Judea ; but that for his part , though of low extraction , he had obtained it by patience . . , Again , whatever crosses and misfortunes we meet with , and however heavy their burthen , they cannot overwhelm us , whilst not abandoned by patience : on the contrarythey become
we are , proportionably lig htned as we resolutely exercise this virtue . As every thing in nature has it's contrast , so patience is the opposite to despair ; wherefore Christians consider it , as an heavenly grace , and the philosophers of antiquity pronounced it the last efforts of a firm and generous soul . It is very nearly allied to which cannot shine without opponentsin the like manner
courage , ; this virtue disappears as soon as misfortunes desert us . Patience is the most generous of all friends , never appearing in prosperity ; but when our miseries attain a pitch that threatens all ourfuturehappiness , she never fails to offer her assistance to those really inclined to avail themselves of her kindness . In fine , if , as the English poet says ,
The only -wretched are the wise , they alone can judiciouslyavail themselves of the proper antidote . PATIENCE is their birthrig ht ; an inheritance precluded from fools , who are never the architects of their own good fortune , but frequently of their own misery .
Essay On Choler.
A MONG the number of my acquaintance , I know several who are , according to the common definition , very good-natured men , but rather passionate . This description has often led me to reflect upon the effects of choler , even in the best-tempered people . " A certain great genius says , that , though passion is but a short rage , it ' s fatal effects are frequently of long duration . Nothing is more evident " than that a heat of temper is one of the principal obstacles
, to the tranquility of life , and bodily health . It darkens the judgment , and blinds the eye of reason . It has often , with the assistance of very few words , which were spoken without thought , made men unhappy the rest of their days ; and , in a few minutes , has robbed them of the most valuable friends—the fruits of many assiduitiesIt frequently reveals the most precious secrets
years . of the heart , and renders the hasty man ridiculous by his extravagant menaces . In short , how many people have passed the remainder of their days in a painful remorse , for having been carried away by the violence of passion only for a few moments !