Article DECLARATION ← Page 2 of 2
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"The conspirators , af : er having for a long time prepared the minds of the people by crafty speeches clothed in patriotic language , have misled the Members of the Popular Societies of the Constituted Authorities , and even the Convention irseif , so as almost to have persuaded them , that to save the country , a new insurrection was necessary . This insurrection has ' been organized by clandestine Committees . Every thing is preconcerted and
arranged . The disorder which they have created in the Convention will serve as a pretext for their projected riot . The women too lend their assistance , many of whom have been formed into rep-iments for this iniquitous undertaking . —At the momentwhen . their misguided arms are uplifted for the destruction of their country , they endeavour to persuade us that they are employed in saving it .
" A great majority of the citizens , it is true , have not been seduced ; but our enemies have succeeded in making fanatics of that credulous part of the people , who , more remarkable for their virtue than their understanding , are easily misled . They have also attempted to persuade the volunteers , who are going to Vendee , that theyought not to depart till after the execution of their project .
^ "The insurgents are to execute , on the Members of . the Convention and other Citizens , the proscriptions which have been ordered by their leaders . The persons proscribed will necessaril y find some defenders , a combat will ensue , and such Members of the . Convention as shall have been led astray will be themselves massacred . —The National Representation will then be destroyedthe
; flames of civil war will break forth ; and the Departments and the Armies will be divided . " A prey to anarchy , there no longer remains to France any rallying point . During these intervals , all the Powers at the " same time attack our frontiers—the Aristocrats shew themselves , and the Counter Revolution is effected .
" Citizens , this is the abyss into which you are about to be precipitated , if , ^ notwithstanding all that you have just heard , you persist in following the instigations of those who mislead you . —I call Heaven to witness , it is for your welfare alone that I speak . —If you could see the bottom of my heart , yen would there discover how much I abhor Slavery—how much I adore Libert ) -. It is she who at this moment inspires me
. ' ' I owe to my country the Declaration that I have made—I have discharged my conscience—and , firm at my post , 1 wait the events . " I love the people , too well not to use my utmost endeavours to save them from the effects of their own madness ; and if , in the excess of their own blindnessit should happenthat in this chair I
, , should receive their attacks , covered with wounds I will still offer up my . prayers for their happiness , and my last words shall be , " O God ! preserve the liberty of my country , and pardon those murderers : they know not -what they do . ( Signed ) ISNARD . "
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"The conspirators , af : er having for a long time prepared the minds of the people by crafty speeches clothed in patriotic language , have misled the Members of the Popular Societies of the Constituted Authorities , and even the Convention irseif , so as almost to have persuaded them , that to save the country , a new insurrection was necessary . This insurrection has ' been organized by clandestine Committees . Every thing is preconcerted and
arranged . The disorder which they have created in the Convention will serve as a pretext for their projected riot . The women too lend their assistance , many of whom have been formed into rep-iments for this iniquitous undertaking . —At the momentwhen . their misguided arms are uplifted for the destruction of their country , they endeavour to persuade us that they are employed in saving it .
" A great majority of the citizens , it is true , have not been seduced ; but our enemies have succeeded in making fanatics of that credulous part of the people , who , more remarkable for their virtue than their understanding , are easily misled . They have also attempted to persuade the volunteers , who are going to Vendee , that theyought not to depart till after the execution of their project .
^ "The insurgents are to execute , on the Members of . the Convention and other Citizens , the proscriptions which have been ordered by their leaders . The persons proscribed will necessaril y find some defenders , a combat will ensue , and such Members of the . Convention as shall have been led astray will be themselves massacred . —The National Representation will then be destroyedthe
; flames of civil war will break forth ; and the Departments and the Armies will be divided . " A prey to anarchy , there no longer remains to France any rallying point . During these intervals , all the Powers at the " same time attack our frontiers—the Aristocrats shew themselves , and the Counter Revolution is effected .
" Citizens , this is the abyss into which you are about to be precipitated , if , ^ notwithstanding all that you have just heard , you persist in following the instigations of those who mislead you . —I call Heaven to witness , it is for your welfare alone that I speak . —If you could see the bottom of my heart , yen would there discover how much I abhor Slavery—how much I adore Libert ) -. It is she who at this moment inspires me
. ' ' I owe to my country the Declaration that I have made—I have discharged my conscience—and , firm at my post , 1 wait the events . " I love the people , too well not to use my utmost endeavours to save them from the effects of their own madness ; and if , in the excess of their own blindnessit should happenthat in this chair I
, , should receive their attacks , covered with wounds I will still offer up my . prayers for their happiness , and my last words shall be , " O God ! preserve the liberty of my country , and pardon those murderers : they know not -what they do . ( Signed ) ISNARD . "