Article A SPECIES OF DECEPTION, Page 1 of 2 →
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A Species Of Deception,
AS PRACTISED BY JOHN DAILEY , A CONVICT , AT PORT-JACKSON . Extracted from the Official Papers as . transmitted to Government by GOVERNOR PHILLIPS .
AR . EPORT was current in the settlement , that one Dailey , a convict , had discovered a piece of ground , wherein he had found a considerable quantity of a yellow coloured ore , which , upon its being tried , appeared to have a certain proportion of gold in it ; at this time the governor happened to be absent on a short excursion into the country , to the northward : the report
havingbeen made to the lieutenant-governor , he , of course , examined the man who had made the discovery , and who told his story with so much plausibility , that it was not doubted but an ore of some kind had been found . Dailey was interrogated as to the place ; but this he refused to give any infonmition of until the return of the governor , to whom he would give a full account-of the discovery , provided he would grant him what the discoverer considered as but a
small compensation for so valuable an acquisition ; this reward was ( as there were ships upon the point of sailing ) his own , and a particular woman convict ' s enlargement , and a passage in one of the ships to England , together with a specified sum of money , which
I do not now recollect . The lieutenant-governor insisted , that as he had already mentioned the discovery he had made , he should also shew what part of the country it was in , otherwise he might expect punishment , for daring-to impose upon those officers to whom he had related this business ; the fear of punishment disposed him to incline a little , though apparently with much reluctance ; he proposed to the lieutenant-governorthat an officer should be sent
, down the harbour with him , for the mine , which he said was in the lower part of the harbour , and near the sea shore , and he would shew the place to the officer : accordingly an officer , with a corporal and two or three private soldiers , ' were sent with him ; belauded , where he said the walk would be but short , and they entered the wood in the way to . the mine : soon after they got among the bushes
, he applied for permission to go on one side for a minute upon some necessary occasion , which was granted him ; the officer continued there some hours without seeing the discoverer again , who , immediately on getting out of his sight , had pushed off for the camp by land , for he knew the road very well , and he had-cunning enough to persuade the officer to send the boat awav as soon as they had" landed , as he
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Species Of Deception,
AS PRACTISED BY JOHN DAILEY , A CONVICT , AT PORT-JACKSON . Extracted from the Official Papers as . transmitted to Government by GOVERNOR PHILLIPS .
AR . EPORT was current in the settlement , that one Dailey , a convict , had discovered a piece of ground , wherein he had found a considerable quantity of a yellow coloured ore , which , upon its being tried , appeared to have a certain proportion of gold in it ; at this time the governor happened to be absent on a short excursion into the country , to the northward : the report
havingbeen made to the lieutenant-governor , he , of course , examined the man who had made the discovery , and who told his story with so much plausibility , that it was not doubted but an ore of some kind had been found . Dailey was interrogated as to the place ; but this he refused to give any infonmition of until the return of the governor , to whom he would give a full account-of the discovery , provided he would grant him what the discoverer considered as but a
small compensation for so valuable an acquisition ; this reward was ( as there were ships upon the point of sailing ) his own , and a particular woman convict ' s enlargement , and a passage in one of the ships to England , together with a specified sum of money , which
I do not now recollect . The lieutenant-governor insisted , that as he had already mentioned the discovery he had made , he should also shew what part of the country it was in , otherwise he might expect punishment , for daring-to impose upon those officers to whom he had related this business ; the fear of punishment disposed him to incline a little , though apparently with much reluctance ; he proposed to the lieutenant-governorthat an officer should be sent
, down the harbour with him , for the mine , which he said was in the lower part of the harbour , and near the sea shore , and he would shew the place to the officer : accordingly an officer , with a corporal and two or three private soldiers , ' were sent with him ; belauded , where he said the walk would be but short , and they entered the wood in the way to . the mine : soon after they got among the bushes
, he applied for permission to go on one side for a minute upon some necessary occasion , which was granted him ; the officer continued there some hours without seeing the discoverer again , who , immediately on getting out of his sight , had pushed off for the camp by land , for he knew the road very well , and he had-cunning enough to persuade the officer to send the boat awav as soon as they had" landed , as he