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A Species Of Deception,
supposed r . e would not choose to quit the place until a good guard came down ; for which purpose the Oificer was to have dispatched a man by land , as soon as he arrived at the place , and was satisfied that it merited attention . The convict arrived in camp pretty early in the afternoon , and informed the lieutenant-governor , that he had left the officer who went down with him in full possession of the gold mine ; he then got a few things out of his own tent , and
disappeared ; the party , after waiting for some hours whooping and searching through the woods for the cheat , left their stations , and marched round to the camp , where they arrived at dusk , heartily tired , and not a little chagrined at the trick the villain had played them . The want of provisions soon brought him from his concealment , and a severe punishment was the necessary consequence of this imposition ; however : he still gave out , that he had made , the discovery which he had before mentioned , and that his reason
for quitting the officer who went with him was , that he thought , if he gave the information to the governor himself , he should certainly get what he . had asked . When the governor returned , another officer was sent with him , although every person now believed that there was no truth in what he had hitherto reported . . This officer informed'him , ingoing down in the boat , that he would not suffer him to go three yards from him when landedand that he
, would certainly shoot him if he attempted to run from him ; for which purpose he shewed him , that he was loading his gun with ball ; this so terrified the cheat , that he acknowledged he knew of no gold mine . He was then interrogated respecting the ore which he had produced , and he confessed he had filed down part of a yellow metal buckleand had mixed with it some gold filed offa guinea
, , ail which had been blended with some earth , and made hard . The man who tried the ore was bred a silversmith , and upon separating the different parts , he discovered that it contained a small quantity of gold : the inventor was , of course , well punished for his trick . "
Singular Anecdote Of Affection.
AFTER the taking of Troy , the Greeks relenting at the cruel fortune of the inhabitants , issued a proclamation , that every free citizen mi ght carry off , upon his shoulders , whatever he thought most valuable . JEneas immediately loaded himself with his household gods , and left the rest of his property behind . The victors , being charmed with such a singular instance of piety , permitted him to returnand carry off a second load . Heaccordinglwent
, , y , home , and took upon his shoulders his father Anchises , a venerable prince , who was almost crippled with the infirmities of age . The Greeks were now more astonished than before ; and , to reward such extraordinary merit as it deserved , restored to him all his effects , and gave him leave to retire with them , wherever he pleased .
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A Species Of Deception,
supposed r . e would not choose to quit the place until a good guard came down ; for which purpose the Oificer was to have dispatched a man by land , as soon as he arrived at the place , and was satisfied that it merited attention . The convict arrived in camp pretty early in the afternoon , and informed the lieutenant-governor , that he had left the officer who went down with him in full possession of the gold mine ; he then got a few things out of his own tent , and
disappeared ; the party , after waiting for some hours whooping and searching through the woods for the cheat , left their stations , and marched round to the camp , where they arrived at dusk , heartily tired , and not a little chagrined at the trick the villain had played them . The want of provisions soon brought him from his concealment , and a severe punishment was the necessary consequence of this imposition ; however : he still gave out , that he had made , the discovery which he had before mentioned , and that his reason
for quitting the officer who went with him was , that he thought , if he gave the information to the governor himself , he should certainly get what he . had asked . When the governor returned , another officer was sent with him , although every person now believed that there was no truth in what he had hitherto reported . . This officer informed'him , ingoing down in the boat , that he would not suffer him to go three yards from him when landedand that he
, would certainly shoot him if he attempted to run from him ; for which purpose he shewed him , that he was loading his gun with ball ; this so terrified the cheat , that he acknowledged he knew of no gold mine . He was then interrogated respecting the ore which he had produced , and he confessed he had filed down part of a yellow metal buckleand had mixed with it some gold filed offa guinea
, , ail which had been blended with some earth , and made hard . The man who tried the ore was bred a silversmith , and upon separating the different parts , he discovered that it contained a small quantity of gold : the inventor was , of course , well punished for his trick . "
Singular Anecdote Of Affection.
AFTER the taking of Troy , the Greeks relenting at the cruel fortune of the inhabitants , issued a proclamation , that every free citizen mi ght carry off , upon his shoulders , whatever he thought most valuable . JEneas immediately loaded himself with his household gods , and left the rest of his property behind . The victors , being charmed with such a singular instance of piety , permitted him to returnand carry off a second load . Heaccordinglwent
, , y , home , and took upon his shoulders his father Anchises , a venerable prince , who was almost crippled with the infirmities of age . The Greeks were now more astonished than before ; and , to reward such extraordinary merit as it deserved , restored to him all his effects , and gave him leave to retire with them , wherever he pleased .