Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 2 of 2
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Masonic Intelligence.
Great Shakspere ' s name the Pile shall boast , A name so much renown'd , Sir ; With flowing Bumpers let this Toast Then chearfully go round , Sir . CHORUS . May this new Lodge for ever stand
To grace Masonic Story , The wonder of this happy Land And raise old Shakspere ' s Glory . The mystic Arts of Masonry , From East to West extending ,
From Pole to Pole expands apace A Gift of Heaven ' s own sending . Blest Lig ht Divine sent from above , To chear the Discontented , To make Mankind unite in Love , Like Masons thus cemented ,,
CHORUS . Blest Light , & c . Great Honours have been paid before ; But Shakspere ' s ' name to blazon , Or give him Fame—None can do more
Than say—H E WAS A MASON ! Upon the Square he firmly stood , Such lovely Structures rear'd , Sir , That ne ' er before , nor since the flood , Have Buildings such appear' d , Sir . CHORUS . Upon the Square , & c . All Nature ' s secrets he explor'd ,
With wonder struck—she view'd him ; She " never saw his like before " And all her works she shew'd him . The child of Fancy , ev ' n in Youth , In knowledge he surpass'd her , None ever could with him compare , But HIRAM our Grand-Master .
CHORUS . May Shakspere ' s Lodge for ever stand And grace Masonic Story , yhe wonder of this happy Land , Old Stratford ' s boast and glory .
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Masonic Intelligence.
Great Shakspere ' s name the Pile shall boast , A name so much renown'd , Sir ; With flowing Bumpers let this Toast Then chearfully go round , Sir . CHORUS . May this new Lodge for ever stand
To grace Masonic Story , The wonder of this happy Land And raise old Shakspere ' s Glory . The mystic Arts of Masonry , From East to West extending ,
From Pole to Pole expands apace A Gift of Heaven ' s own sending . Blest Lig ht Divine sent from above , To chear the Discontented , To make Mankind unite in Love , Like Masons thus cemented ,,
CHORUS . Blest Light , & c . Great Honours have been paid before ; But Shakspere ' s ' name to blazon , Or give him Fame—None can do more
Than say—H E WAS A MASON ! Upon the Square he firmly stood , Such lovely Structures rear'd , Sir , That ne ' er before , nor since the flood , Have Buildings such appear' d , Sir . CHORUS . Upon the Square , & c . All Nature ' s secrets he explor'd ,
With wonder struck—she view'd him ; She " never saw his like before " And all her works she shew'd him . The child of Fancy , ev ' n in Youth , In knowledge he surpass'd her , None ever could with him compare , But HIRAM our Grand-Master .
CHORUS . May Shakspere ' s Lodge for ever stand And grace Masonic Story , yhe wonder of this happy Land , Old Stratford ' s boast and glory .