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Stratagem Of A French Comedian.
The following is a correct translation of the Latin Inscription in marble , raised by the French Emigrant Priests resident in the King ' s House at Winchester , to serve as a perpetual Monument of their Gratitude for the assistance rendered to them by the People of this Country . BY THE FAVOR OF THE MOST HIGH GoD !
Long , free from dangers and alarms , In the love and delight of his People , and in the Admiration of assisted Foreigners , Live GEORGE III . Of GREAT B RITAIN and IRELAND & c .
, A most pious King ! May he enjoy the eternal Blessings of Peace , May the most noble People of Britain Flourish , And increase in works of Piety and Science , Who ,
Forgetful of Political Quarrels , Assisted By the voluntary Contributions of every Class in the Kingdorn , Carefully protected , most tenderly succoured , and Like a Parent received into their hospitable bosom , THE FRENCH CLERGY ; Oppressed by numerous Calamities
, Abandoned to Shipwreck and Exile , and expelled their Native Country . May happiness attend that most excellent British Senator JOHN WILMOT , Most equitable dispenser of the public bounty ; And also those most disinterested and just persons of the Committee .
These blessings the French Clergy earnestly crave , from the Supreme Disposer of all Things , And who are dispersed through the various parts Of the British Empire . More especially that part of the French Clergy , ' Resident in this . Royal Hoiise , With anxious Care
Offer up their Prayers for their Benefactors , Who by the Gift of a noble Duke , Raised this Inscription As the small pledge of their grateful minds , And to perpetuate the Memory of this Event . Anno Repar , Salutis , MDCCXCIII . atque xxxm Regni
GEORGE III . These favors are more deeply imprinted ' pn our hearts , than in marble Sculpture ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Stratagem Of A French Comedian.
The following is a correct translation of the Latin Inscription in marble , raised by the French Emigrant Priests resident in the King ' s House at Winchester , to serve as a perpetual Monument of their Gratitude for the assistance rendered to them by the People of this Country . BY THE FAVOR OF THE MOST HIGH GoD !
Long , free from dangers and alarms , In the love and delight of his People , and in the Admiration of assisted Foreigners , Live GEORGE III . Of GREAT B RITAIN and IRELAND & c .
, A most pious King ! May he enjoy the eternal Blessings of Peace , May the most noble People of Britain Flourish , And increase in works of Piety and Science , Who ,
Forgetful of Political Quarrels , Assisted By the voluntary Contributions of every Class in the Kingdorn , Carefully protected , most tenderly succoured , and Like a Parent received into their hospitable bosom , THE FRENCH CLERGY ; Oppressed by numerous Calamities
, Abandoned to Shipwreck and Exile , and expelled their Native Country . May happiness attend that most excellent British Senator JOHN WILMOT , Most equitable dispenser of the public bounty ; And also those most disinterested and just persons of the Committee .
These blessings the French Clergy earnestly crave , from the Supreme Disposer of all Things , And who are dispersed through the various parts Of the British Empire . More especially that part of the French Clergy , ' Resident in this . Royal Hoiise , With anxious Care
Offer up their Prayers for their Benefactors , Who by the Gift of a noble Duke , Raised this Inscription As the small pledge of their grateful minds , And to perpetuate the Memory of this Event . Anno Repar , Salutis , MDCCXCIII . atque xxxm Regni
GEORGE III . These favors are more deeply imprinted ' pn our hearts , than in marble Sculpture ,