Article PIERCEFIELD WALKS, Page 1 of 2 →
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Piercefield Walks,
A POEM . Humbly inscribed to VALENTINE MORRIS , Esq , XM O more the Muse in sportive mood shall run
Poetic Fancy's" visionary round ; Of castles sing , by magic charm viprear'd , Within some forest ' s deep sequestcr'd shade ; Where sylphs and fairies dance by midnight moon , Or exhalations from the teeming earth To bogs and ditches with delusive flame , Lead peasants wand'ring thro' the darksome night .
Of forms gigantic , and of spectres dire Breathing destruction to adventrous knights , High i ' am'd for hardy deeds , and bold emprize . No more my Muse—these unsubstantial forms , These airy dreams to monkish bards resign . If scenes romanticor elysian fields
, , Attract thy wonder or deserve thy praise ; The rising prospect opens to thy view In PIERCEFIELD ' S happy spot---the muses friend ,, The worthy VALENTINE , in peaceful sweets Of" downy concord , spends the joyous hour : Gen ' rously frugal ; splendidly obscure , By strangers honor'd , by acquaintance lov'd ,
No ill he dreads , because he offers none :-No more he wants , because he asks no more ; No arts are here to be ignobly great , No solemn farce , no empty pomp of state But the wise pleasures of the happy few , Where private virtue finds it's own reward , No more ye goddesses of verse remain , Fix'd to the Gretian or the Latian shore , To British groves , to British streams repair ,. And change Parnassus for a lovlier seat .
Ye sons of Painting , who with kindred fire Bid the descriptive pencil ' s glowing warmth O ' er the strefch'd canvas living charms dispense ,. On which even Nature's self might aptly fix With mute astonishment—attend the call Of her , who bids for you new beauties rise , Unknown to Flemish or to Roman school :
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Piercefield Walks,
A POEM . Humbly inscribed to VALENTINE MORRIS , Esq , XM O more the Muse in sportive mood shall run
Poetic Fancy's" visionary round ; Of castles sing , by magic charm viprear'd , Within some forest ' s deep sequestcr'd shade ; Where sylphs and fairies dance by midnight moon , Or exhalations from the teeming earth To bogs and ditches with delusive flame , Lead peasants wand'ring thro' the darksome night .
Of forms gigantic , and of spectres dire Breathing destruction to adventrous knights , High i ' am'd for hardy deeds , and bold emprize . No more my Muse—these unsubstantial forms , These airy dreams to monkish bards resign . If scenes romanticor elysian fields
, , Attract thy wonder or deserve thy praise ; The rising prospect opens to thy view In PIERCEFIELD ' S happy spot---the muses friend ,, The worthy VALENTINE , in peaceful sweets Of" downy concord , spends the joyous hour : Gen ' rously frugal ; splendidly obscure , By strangers honor'd , by acquaintance lov'd ,
No ill he dreads , because he offers none :-No more he wants , because he asks no more ; No arts are here to be ignobly great , No solemn farce , no empty pomp of state But the wise pleasures of the happy few , Where private virtue finds it's own reward , No more ye goddesses of verse remain , Fix'd to the Gretian or the Latian shore , To British groves , to British streams repair ,. And change Parnassus for a lovlier seat .
Ye sons of Painting , who with kindred fire Bid the descriptive pencil ' s glowing warmth O ' er the strefch'd canvas living charms dispense ,. On which even Nature's self might aptly fix With mute astonishment—attend the call Of her , who bids for you new beauties rise , Unknown to Flemish or to Roman school :