Article PIERCEFIELD WALKS, ← Page 2 of 2 Article PASTORAL STANZAS, Page 1 of 2 →
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Piercefield Walks,
Ye sister Arts , your every talent join , 'Tis PIERCEFIELD ' S blest retreat , which all demand Such touch as * Claudes or Maro ' s muse can form ; Do thou Description aid the advent ' rous Song , Call in thy Milton and thy Shakespere too , With all the letter'd tribe of British bards To dignify tlie subject—nor asham'd
Be thou Ricardo , thus to stand in need Of every help , where all descriptions faint . * Claude Lorrain , a great landscape painter .
Pastoral Stanzas,
BY MRS . ROBINSON . The two following little Poems were wrote at a very early period of the Author ' s life .
VV HEN Aurora ' s soft blushes o ' erspread the blue hill , And the mist dies away at the glances of morn ; / When the birds join the music that floats on the rill , And the beauties of Spring the young woodlands adorn . To breathe the pure air and enliven my soul
, I bound from my Cottage exulting and gay ; No care to molest mc , no pow'r to control , ' . . I sport with my lambkins , as thoughtless as they . Yet , the bright tear of pity bedews my fond eyes , When . I think that for MAN the dear victims must fall . While nature such stores of provision supplies ,
And the bounties of Heaven are common to all . Ah ! tell me , Reflection , why custom decreed That the . sweet feather'd songsters so slaughter ^ should faei For the board of the rich the poor minstrels may bleed , But the fruits of the field are sufficient for me . When I view the proud palace , so pompously gay ,
Whose high g ilded turrets peep over the trees ; I pity it's greatness , and mournfully say , Can mortals delig ht in such trifles as these !
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Piercefield Walks,
Ye sister Arts , your every talent join , 'Tis PIERCEFIELD ' S blest retreat , which all demand Such touch as * Claudes or Maro ' s muse can form ; Do thou Description aid the advent ' rous Song , Call in thy Milton and thy Shakespere too , With all the letter'd tribe of British bards To dignify tlie subject—nor asham'd
Be thou Ricardo , thus to stand in need Of every help , where all descriptions faint . * Claude Lorrain , a great landscape painter .
Pastoral Stanzas,
BY MRS . ROBINSON . The two following little Poems were wrote at a very early period of the Author ' s life .
VV HEN Aurora ' s soft blushes o ' erspread the blue hill , And the mist dies away at the glances of morn ; / When the birds join the music that floats on the rill , And the beauties of Spring the young woodlands adorn . To breathe the pure air and enliven my soul
, I bound from my Cottage exulting and gay ; No care to molest mc , no pow'r to control , ' . . I sport with my lambkins , as thoughtless as they . Yet , the bright tear of pity bedews my fond eyes , When . I think that for MAN the dear victims must fall . While nature such stores of provision supplies ,
And the bounties of Heaven are common to all . Ah ! tell me , Reflection , why custom decreed That the . sweet feather'd songsters so slaughter ^ should faei For the board of the rich the poor minstrels may bleed , But the fruits of the field are sufficient for me . When I view the proud palace , so pompously gay ,
Whose high g ilded turrets peep over the trees ; I pity it's greatness , and mournfully say , Can mortals delig ht in such trifles as these !