Article PASTORAL STANZAS, ← Page 2 of 2 Article By the Same. Page 1 of 1
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Pastoral Stanzas,
Can a pillow of down sooth the woe sticken mind , Can the sweets of Arabia calm sickness and pain ; Can fetters of gold Love ' s true votaries bind , Or the gems of Peru Time ' s light pinions restrain ? Can those limbs which bow down beneath sorrow and age ^ From the floss of the silk worm fresh vi receive
gour ; Can the pomp of the proud , death ' s grim tyrant assuage , Can it teach you to die , or instruct you to live i Ah , no ! then sweet PEACE , lovely offspring of Heav ' n ^ Come dwell in my Cottage , thy handmaid I'll be ; Thus my youth shall pass on , unmolested and even , And the winter of age be enliven'd by thee !
By The Same.
By the Same .
-Dy the side of a mountain , o ' er-shadow'd with trees , With thick clusters of vine intermingled and wove 5 ' I behold my tlia ' tch'd Cottage , dear mansion of ease , The seat of contentment , of friendship , and love !¦ Each morn when I open the latch of my door ,
My heart throbs with rapture to hear the birds sing- ; And at night , when the dance of tlie village is o'er , On my pillow I strew the fresh roses of spring . When I hide in the forest from noon ' s scorching beam , While the torrent ' s deep murmurs re-echoing sound ; When tlie herds quit their pasture to quaff the clear streamy 'And the flocks in the vale lie extended around :
I muse , but my thoughts are contented and free , I regret not the splendors of riches and pride ; The delights of retirement are dearer to me , Than , the proudest appendage to greatness ally'd . sing , and my song is the carol of joy ; My cheek glows with health , like the wild rose in bloom ;'
dance , yet forget not the blithsome and gay , That I measure the footsteps which lead to the tomb . Contented to live---yet not fearful to die , With a conscience unspotted I pass thro' life's scene ; ¦ On the wings of deli ght every moment shall fly , , And the end of my days be resign'd and serene .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Pastoral Stanzas,
Can a pillow of down sooth the woe sticken mind , Can the sweets of Arabia calm sickness and pain ; Can fetters of gold Love ' s true votaries bind , Or the gems of Peru Time ' s light pinions restrain ? Can those limbs which bow down beneath sorrow and age ^ From the floss of the silk worm fresh vi receive
gour ; Can the pomp of the proud , death ' s grim tyrant assuage , Can it teach you to die , or instruct you to live i Ah , no ! then sweet PEACE , lovely offspring of Heav ' n ^ Come dwell in my Cottage , thy handmaid I'll be ; Thus my youth shall pass on , unmolested and even , And the winter of age be enliven'd by thee !
By The Same.
By the Same .
-Dy the side of a mountain , o ' er-shadow'd with trees , With thick clusters of vine intermingled and wove 5 ' I behold my tlia ' tch'd Cottage , dear mansion of ease , The seat of contentment , of friendship , and love !¦ Each morn when I open the latch of my door ,
My heart throbs with rapture to hear the birds sing- ; And at night , when the dance of tlie village is o'er , On my pillow I strew the fresh roses of spring . When I hide in the forest from noon ' s scorching beam , While the torrent ' s deep murmurs re-echoing sound ; When tlie herds quit their pasture to quaff the clear streamy 'And the flocks in the vale lie extended around :
I muse , but my thoughts are contented and free , I regret not the splendors of riches and pride ; The delights of retirement are dearer to me , Than , the proudest appendage to greatness ally'd . sing , and my song is the carol of joy ; My cheek glows with health , like the wild rose in bloom ;'
dance , yet forget not the blithsome and gay , That I measure the footsteps which lead to the tomb . Contented to live---yet not fearful to die , With a conscience unspotted I pass thro' life's scene ; ¦ On the wings of deli ght every moment shall fly , , And the end of my days be resign'd and serene .