Article FOREIGN OCCURRENCES. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Foreign Occurrences.
STOCKHOLM , May ~ . The Duke Regent has forbidden the printing of the proceedings of the Convention of Students at the University of Upsal . Tliefollowinge . xpression in one of those treatises has occasioned this prohibition : — " For these seven centuries " Sweden has either been oppressed , or governed by despotism . " Barort Creutz , the late Swedish Envoy at the Republic of Holland , lately died at the Hague .. On the first of June three regiments of cavalryand five regi ments of infantry
, , are lo encamped about Ladugard . OsrHyo , June i . A column of ; ooo French troops arrived before Fumes about Seven o'clock yesterday morning : the garrison , composed of near 1200 Dutch , opposed than very bravely for four hours . They had only three pieces of cannon , three pounders , whilst the French had more than twelve eight-pounders in this action . The loss of the French is unknown . TheEutch , after havinghad six men killed ,
and ten wounded , were oblisvd 10 retreat , which they effected in good order , and arrived here this evening with their cannon and baggage . ' The French , after having plundered the principal inhabitants , left Fumes at ten o ' clock at night , taking with them the Bailiff " , Burgomaster , and five Magistrates , as hostages for the contributions which the-- demanded in cattle , corn , & c . The Dutch having been informed of their retreat , returned thither this afternoon ; and intelligence is since received ( hat a number of German troops have arrived at Furnes froiU Ypres and C ' ourtray . The transports with the British dragoons arrived here the day before yesterday ; and upon receiving the above intelligence , were ready in less than an hour to proceed on reconnoitering .
AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE . HALUFAX , April 24 . Our worthy Governor is justly generally regarded : the road from Ficton to Preston , which was compleated under his immediate inspection , has been productive of much public benefit and consequent popularity to his Excellency . This place is strangely altered ; the little society there v / as formerly , is totally
destroyed , Ihe Gentlemen in Garrison being constantly engaged at tlie Government-house , the scene of continued gaiety and dissipation : from twenty to thirty daily sit down to dinner ; Sunday is devoted to gambling , and every Officer who can take a few guineas with him is a welcome visitor . Orders are said ( o have been received for the embarkation of the major part of the military in this province for the West Indies . CHARLESTON , April 10 .
Some recent failures in New York and Philadelphia have cast a general damp on all commercial transactions here , and trade of ei'cry description is uncom-: nionly dull . Several orders have been received from France , but few only of them have been executed . Corn is in great demand . PITTSBURGH , April 10 . Notwithstanding the greatest vigilance and activity had been used for the protection of tiie south west frontier of" Washington county , Pennsylvania , Ihe
savages have made several destructive excursions in that quarter ; on the frontiers of Washington and Ohio Country ( hey have committed great devastation , and carried off several persons . Vessels of IOO tons burthen are now employed between this place and New Orleans . PHILADELPHIA , April 17 . .Accounts from the western frontiers continue to he less favourable th ? . n from the active preparations for defence that were made we had reason to expect
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Foreign Occurrences.
STOCKHOLM , May ~ . The Duke Regent has forbidden the printing of the proceedings of the Convention of Students at the University of Upsal . Tliefollowinge . xpression in one of those treatises has occasioned this prohibition : — " For these seven centuries " Sweden has either been oppressed , or governed by despotism . " Barort Creutz , the late Swedish Envoy at the Republic of Holland , lately died at the Hague .. On the first of June three regiments of cavalryand five regi ments of infantry
, , are lo encamped about Ladugard . OsrHyo , June i . A column of ; ooo French troops arrived before Fumes about Seven o'clock yesterday morning : the garrison , composed of near 1200 Dutch , opposed than very bravely for four hours . They had only three pieces of cannon , three pounders , whilst the French had more than twelve eight-pounders in this action . The loss of the French is unknown . TheEutch , after havinghad six men killed ,
and ten wounded , were oblisvd 10 retreat , which they effected in good order , and arrived here this evening with their cannon and baggage . ' The French , after having plundered the principal inhabitants , left Fumes at ten o ' clock at night , taking with them the Bailiff " , Burgomaster , and five Magistrates , as hostages for the contributions which the-- demanded in cattle , corn , & c . The Dutch having been informed of their retreat , returned thither this afternoon ; and intelligence is since received ( hat a number of German troops have arrived at Furnes froiU Ypres and C ' ourtray . The transports with the British dragoons arrived here the day before yesterday ; and upon receiving the above intelligence , were ready in less than an hour to proceed on reconnoitering .
AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE . HALUFAX , April 24 . Our worthy Governor is justly generally regarded : the road from Ficton to Preston , which was compleated under his immediate inspection , has been productive of much public benefit and consequent popularity to his Excellency . This place is strangely altered ; the little society there v / as formerly , is totally
destroyed , Ihe Gentlemen in Garrison being constantly engaged at tlie Government-house , the scene of continued gaiety and dissipation : from twenty to thirty daily sit down to dinner ; Sunday is devoted to gambling , and every Officer who can take a few guineas with him is a welcome visitor . Orders are said ( o have been received for the embarkation of the major part of the military in this province for the West Indies . CHARLESTON , April 10 .
Some recent failures in New York and Philadelphia have cast a general damp on all commercial transactions here , and trade of ei'cry description is uncom-: nionly dull . Several orders have been received from France , but few only of them have been executed . Corn is in great demand . PITTSBURGH , April 10 . Notwithstanding the greatest vigilance and activity had been used for the protection of tiie south west frontier of" Washington county , Pennsylvania , Ihe
savages have made several destructive excursions in that quarter ; on the frontiers of Washington and Ohio Country ( hey have committed great devastation , and carried off several persons . Vessels of IOO tons burthen are now employed between this place and New Orleans . PHILADELPHIA , April 17 . .Accounts from the western frontiers continue to he less favourable th ? . n from the active preparations for defence that were made we had reason to expect