Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 3 of 7 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
A Proc amation has been issued obliging all French persons to give an account of themselves , and prohibiting their continuance in the island without sivinsecurity tor then ; good behaviour , themselves in the sum of 200 I . and a surety in iool . and procuring a licence , which enjoins : " ist . Thathe or they shall not go more than five miles from Kingston without special leave obtained for that purpose . . 2 d athe r S ! a" P ^ nt themselves fourteen
r-,-VTi ' - ° . , once every davs to the Chief Magistrate of the parish where he or they reside , and produce the licence . ' 3 d . Thathe or they * all shew the licence to aJJ . Justices of ihe Peace , and all Officers of tne navy and ar « , y , on being required so to do . —The licence to continue during pleasure . ¦ MOKTEGO BAY , April S : Yesterday afternoon arrived th „ schooner Nautilus , Patterson , from George-TownSouth Carolinain twenty About
, , days . four days before Captain Patterson sailed , he was informed by the Captain of an American ship , who had just left Charleston that two ships , the London of London , and the Amelia of London , were captured by a French frigate , and another vessel , in the Gulf-stream , on their passage to London from Charleston ; that the crews of both ships were landed m South Carolina , and were seen by tt , » American Captain at Charleston , —Where the captures were to carry their prizes wel , ave not been able to leam . —Should tins information be true ( he French
, must have sent iheir cruizer ! to sea before the declaration of war , to intercept our homeward bound vessels from this quarter of the globe . " Captain Patterson also informs that ' 8 large French ships , four of them arnied , had arrived at Charleston from France to purchase provisions . " ROSSEAU , DOMINICA , April 14 . A privateer has been fitied outhere by a MrSangfordwhich has alreadmade
. . , y three captures . —Every thing is quiet here . The greater part of the French in the island are anxiously watching for the arrival of the British fleet , which will easily make a conquest of the French islands , as most of the inhabitants will join them . A fire broke out a few nights since , which consumed five houses , and would most probably have reduced the whole town to ashes but for the great exertions of She soldiers of the 15 th regiment and the crew of the Blanche
GUADALOL-I'E , March zSth . The mother country having involved us in a destructive war , we expected would naturally make the necessary provision for our safety and the preservation of our . valuable island .- —but , ( o our general and unspeakable surprize , dispatches from the Marine Minister are just received , which announce the impossibility of Ins sending us any armed force , but exhorts us to unite to repel our common enemy . Our Magazines are empty , and ibe whole Island in such a defenceless state , that must submit to the first that
we enemy appears : an aversion to the Spaniards might induce a feeble resistance to an attack from them , but a British Squadron would be received without opposition . The Austrian Minister at Grodno , M . de Cachet / has demanded of the Confederation , theWaywodships of Cracow , Sendomiria , and Lublin , as the Emperor ' s share of Poland . The Empress of Russia has presented MrDundas with snuff box which
_ . a , on JS her portrait , valued at 20 , 000 roubles , in compliment to the great abilities displayed by him in the recent treaty between Great Britain and Russia . June 17 th . This day was issued from the Office of the Paymaster General , rSt days pay to the officers in ihe Garrisons of Great Britain , up to Christmas iasi .-also six piontlis allowance for fire and . candle , to die same period ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
A Proc amation has been issued obliging all French persons to give an account of themselves , and prohibiting their continuance in the island without sivinsecurity tor then ; good behaviour , themselves in the sum of 200 I . and a surety in iool . and procuring a licence , which enjoins : " ist . Thathe or they shall not go more than five miles from Kingston without special leave obtained for that purpose . . 2 d athe r S ! a" P ^ nt themselves fourteen
r-,-VTi ' - ° . , once every davs to the Chief Magistrate of the parish where he or they reside , and produce the licence . ' 3 d . Thathe or they * all shew the licence to aJJ . Justices of ihe Peace , and all Officers of tne navy and ar « , y , on being required so to do . —The licence to continue during pleasure . ¦ MOKTEGO BAY , April S : Yesterday afternoon arrived th „ schooner Nautilus , Patterson , from George-TownSouth Carolinain twenty About
, , days . four days before Captain Patterson sailed , he was informed by the Captain of an American ship , who had just left Charleston that two ships , the London of London , and the Amelia of London , were captured by a French frigate , and another vessel , in the Gulf-stream , on their passage to London from Charleston ; that the crews of both ships were landed m South Carolina , and were seen by tt , » American Captain at Charleston , —Where the captures were to carry their prizes wel , ave not been able to leam . —Should tins information be true ( he French
, must have sent iheir cruizer ! to sea before the declaration of war , to intercept our homeward bound vessels from this quarter of the globe . " Captain Patterson also informs that ' 8 large French ships , four of them arnied , had arrived at Charleston from France to purchase provisions . " ROSSEAU , DOMINICA , April 14 . A privateer has been fitied outhere by a MrSangfordwhich has alreadmade
. . , y three captures . —Every thing is quiet here . The greater part of the French in the island are anxiously watching for the arrival of the British fleet , which will easily make a conquest of the French islands , as most of the inhabitants will join them . A fire broke out a few nights since , which consumed five houses , and would most probably have reduced the whole town to ashes but for the great exertions of She soldiers of the 15 th regiment and the crew of the Blanche
GUADALOL-I'E , March zSth . The mother country having involved us in a destructive war , we expected would naturally make the necessary provision for our safety and the preservation of our . valuable island .- —but , ( o our general and unspeakable surprize , dispatches from the Marine Minister are just received , which announce the impossibility of Ins sending us any armed force , but exhorts us to unite to repel our common enemy . Our Magazines are empty , and ibe whole Island in such a defenceless state , that must submit to the first that
we enemy appears : an aversion to the Spaniards might induce a feeble resistance to an attack from them , but a British Squadron would be received without opposition . The Austrian Minister at Grodno , M . de Cachet / has demanded of the Confederation , theWaywodships of Cracow , Sendomiria , and Lublin , as the Emperor ' s share of Poland . The Empress of Russia has presented MrDundas with snuff box which
_ . a , on JS her portrait , valued at 20 , 000 roubles , in compliment to the great abilities displayed by him in the recent treaty between Great Britain and Russia . June 17 th . This day was issued from the Office of the Paymaster General , rSt days pay to the officers in ihe Garrisons of Great Britain , up to Christmas iasi .-also six piontlis allowance for fire and . candle , to die same period ,