Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 4 of 7 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
Marquis Cormvallishas written a letter to the King , requesting apermission to decline accepting the office of Secretary of State for the Home Department , ot which his Majesty had been pleased to make him so generous an offer . The Corporation of London give 700 I . towards the widening of Fetter-lane , at its entrance into Holborn , and the neighbouring inhabitants have subscribed 500 I . The houses arc to taken down from the corner to Mr . Langdale ' s distillery . he of four
On the 7 th inst . a young woman charged with ( care of a child years old belonging to Mr . Pierson , of Whitby , merchant , walking too near the edge of the precipice over the new half-moon battery at that place , the ground gave way and she fell with the child in her arms from the height of near an hundred feet ' perpendicular : —The young woman was dashed to pieces , and her remains were conveyed from the spot , a shocking spectacle ; the child had its right arm broken , but providentially received little or no hurt besides , and is now in a fair
way of recovery . On Tuesday the nth inst-died , at Grange House , near Edinburgh , after a lingering illness , the Rev . Wm . Robertson , D . D . Principal of ihe University of Edinburgh , Historiographer to his Majesty for Scotland , and Author of several celebrated historical works . Authur Young , Esq . is to be Secretary to the New Agricultural Board . On Tuesday tlie rStli inst . Dowlin , who had been tried and convicted of perjury Kimber from the King
in the evidence he gave on the trial of Capt . was brought ' s Bench Prison to tUe Court to receive judgement—when he was sentenced to be imprisoned in Newgate for the term of one month , and at the expiration thereof to be transported for the term of Seven Years , to parts beyond the Seas .
COURT OF KING ' S BENCH . THE KING V . FROST . On Wednesday the 19 th inst . previous to passing . sentence , Mr . Justice Ashhurst , in a concise but energertic speech , addressed the Defendant to the following effect : " John Frost , yon have been justly convicted by a Jury of your Country , upon an Indictment with having uttered falsescandalous and seditious
, charging you , words , tending to alienate the affection of your Fellow-Subjects from that wise , l | j ; st and happy form of Government under which you live , "i ou have attempted to v-ithdraw the love of the Subject from his Most Gracious Sovereign , to sow wide the seeds of Anarchy , and to stir up ( he minds of the People against good Order aud good Government . —This is an offence of the blackest and most atrocious nattu-e . — The words that 3-011 have spoken are these— " J am fir Equality : teastivb should not be on the same fooling -with another : ' On being
I sc no .. y one man asked , what yoa meant by Equality ? you replied " No King . " On being questioned , whether you meant No King in this Country , you answered , "let ; " and added , " The CtmsSfithu rf this Country is a bad one . "—Thatadmirable Constitution which you have attempted to traduce and vilify , was planned by better heads and better hearts than yours . It will stand ihe test of ages , and remain proof against the attack- of its enemies . But that is no reason why the vile endeavours of disloyal and seditious men , like vou , should not meet exemplary punishment . —You and the
stand convicted of an heinous offence against your King , your Country , Constitution . It might have been justly supposed that you , who had so lately returned from France , would have been throughly convinced of the invaluable blessings the Subjects of Great Britain enjoy in common under their happy Constitution , the numberless advantages that result from good Order , and the felicity and harmony that flow from good Government , by comparing them with the arnarchy and confusion with which that unhappy Country is at present over-run . —It is very clear you did not go into France with any good view . " It has been said by your Counsel , in mitigation of punishment , that when you spoke the seditious ' words of which you have been found guilty , you were
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
Marquis Cormvallishas written a letter to the King , requesting apermission to decline accepting the office of Secretary of State for the Home Department , ot which his Majesty had been pleased to make him so generous an offer . The Corporation of London give 700 I . towards the widening of Fetter-lane , at its entrance into Holborn , and the neighbouring inhabitants have subscribed 500 I . The houses arc to taken down from the corner to Mr . Langdale ' s distillery . he of four
On the 7 th inst . a young woman charged with ( care of a child years old belonging to Mr . Pierson , of Whitby , merchant , walking too near the edge of the precipice over the new half-moon battery at that place , the ground gave way and she fell with the child in her arms from the height of near an hundred feet ' perpendicular : —The young woman was dashed to pieces , and her remains were conveyed from the spot , a shocking spectacle ; the child had its right arm broken , but providentially received little or no hurt besides , and is now in a fair
way of recovery . On Tuesday the nth inst-died , at Grange House , near Edinburgh , after a lingering illness , the Rev . Wm . Robertson , D . D . Principal of ihe University of Edinburgh , Historiographer to his Majesty for Scotland , and Author of several celebrated historical works . Authur Young , Esq . is to be Secretary to the New Agricultural Board . On Tuesday tlie rStli inst . Dowlin , who had been tried and convicted of perjury Kimber from the King
in the evidence he gave on the trial of Capt . was brought ' s Bench Prison to tUe Court to receive judgement—when he was sentenced to be imprisoned in Newgate for the term of one month , and at the expiration thereof to be transported for the term of Seven Years , to parts beyond the Seas .
COURT OF KING ' S BENCH . THE KING V . FROST . On Wednesday the 19 th inst . previous to passing . sentence , Mr . Justice Ashhurst , in a concise but energertic speech , addressed the Defendant to the following effect : " John Frost , yon have been justly convicted by a Jury of your Country , upon an Indictment with having uttered falsescandalous and seditious
, charging you , words , tending to alienate the affection of your Fellow-Subjects from that wise , l | j ; st and happy form of Government under which you live , "i ou have attempted to v-ithdraw the love of the Subject from his Most Gracious Sovereign , to sow wide the seeds of Anarchy , and to stir up ( he minds of the People against good Order aud good Government . —This is an offence of the blackest and most atrocious nattu-e . — The words that 3-011 have spoken are these— " J am fir Equality : teastivb should not be on the same fooling -with another : ' On being
I sc no .. y one man asked , what yoa meant by Equality ? you replied " No King . " On being questioned , whether you meant No King in this Country , you answered , "let ; " and added , " The CtmsSfithu rf this Country is a bad one . "—Thatadmirable Constitution which you have attempted to traduce and vilify , was planned by better heads and better hearts than yours . It will stand ihe test of ages , and remain proof against the attack- of its enemies . But that is no reason why the vile endeavours of disloyal and seditious men , like vou , should not meet exemplary punishment . —You and the
stand convicted of an heinous offence against your King , your Country , Constitution . It might have been justly supposed that you , who had so lately returned from France , would have been throughly convinced of the invaluable blessings the Subjects of Great Britain enjoy in common under their happy Constitution , the numberless advantages that result from good Order , and the felicity and harmony that flow from good Government , by comparing them with the arnarchy and confusion with which that unhappy Country is at present over-run . —It is very clear you did not go into France with any good view . " It has been said by your Counsel , in mitigation of punishment , that when you spoke the seditious ' words of which you have been found guilty , you were