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Now on these shores we hail an honour'd guest ; Again to public worth we raise the strains ; For , next to GEORGE , in every grateful breast , _ - Thron'd by anation ' s voice , our T HURLOW reigns . An empire founded ' midst the realms of light ; _ _ Not bought with hostile blood , but claim'd in virtue s right . At the high charge , deep from the winding shell , lad tribute
The green-hair'd Tritons a g pour ; The blooming Nereids the soft " cadence swell , And nymphs and bards re-echo from the shore . See the rapt Minstrel sweep the airy strings ! _ Truth guides the hallow'd strain , while Inspiration sings : " Ye gen ' rous Britons sound the free-born lay : With conscious pride proclaim the lorious
g age , That bids true merit flame in face of day ,-And ' grave his talents on her shining page . . S ; ng how o ' er envying realms the nation towers , That in the highest station seats , the highest powers . " Thro' the . dark chaos of the Statutes , see . The Sun of Equity confusion clear 1 The suitor wonders at the quick decree ;
Nor wades thro' ruin to find Justice near . Stern LAW abates the rigour of her tone , And smiles once more to share her parent REASON ' throne , " Where the high senators , with patriot csjre , Urge the debate ( the ' lib ' ral contest warm ) , See Wisdom dictate from his sacred chair-r--Give order strength ; give dignity to form ! ient
Conviction flashes from his sap . ray ; Serene , he guides , directs , and rules , with luminous sway , » When fierce commotions in the state arise , And P AS T Y issues from her winding caves , The storms of power or faction he defies , ... And stands inflexible ' miclst . hostile waves .. . ,. Like firm rock in independent
Seatyon ; And opposition ' s surge breaks feebly at his feet . » Can weforget , on that tremendous day When mourning Britain wept a monarch ' s woe , i Th' emp hatic voice that shook corruption's sway ? ' Desertion shrunk—and trembled at the vow— . That Truth should ne ' er a suffering King forsake * . He swore—and ' fix'd his soul on the immortal stake 1
« Sucb the lov'd guest that greets pur happy coast : Hail him ye sea-born guardians of the slipi-e ! Ye Naiads raise the pow ' rs ybur ' fountains boast ; From yout . rich urns the healthful crystals pour : Ye living waves , ye breathing gales , combine—And cheer that vital lamp'that burns in honour ' s shrine 1 " So the Minstrel from the sea-beat shore
sung , Artless the lay , yet o ' er the vocal plain The higher bards assenting tributes bore , And Neptune cried : * ' Hang here the votive strain ! Tho' pow ' rs may fail , yet sacred be the lay , ; Where Public Love demands and Truth bears sov ' reign sway . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Now on these shores we hail an honour'd guest ; Again to public worth we raise the strains ; For , next to GEORGE , in every grateful breast , _ - Thron'd by anation ' s voice , our T HURLOW reigns . An empire founded ' midst the realms of light ; _ _ Not bought with hostile blood , but claim'd in virtue s right . At the high charge , deep from the winding shell , lad tribute
The green-hair'd Tritons a g pour ; The blooming Nereids the soft " cadence swell , And nymphs and bards re-echo from the shore . See the rapt Minstrel sweep the airy strings ! _ Truth guides the hallow'd strain , while Inspiration sings : " Ye gen ' rous Britons sound the free-born lay : With conscious pride proclaim the lorious
g age , That bids true merit flame in face of day ,-And ' grave his talents on her shining page . . S ; ng how o ' er envying realms the nation towers , That in the highest station seats , the highest powers . " Thro' the . dark chaos of the Statutes , see . The Sun of Equity confusion clear 1 The suitor wonders at the quick decree ;
Nor wades thro' ruin to find Justice near . Stern LAW abates the rigour of her tone , And smiles once more to share her parent REASON ' throne , " Where the high senators , with patriot csjre , Urge the debate ( the ' lib ' ral contest warm ) , See Wisdom dictate from his sacred chair-r--Give order strength ; give dignity to form ! ient
Conviction flashes from his sap . ray ; Serene , he guides , directs , and rules , with luminous sway , » When fierce commotions in the state arise , And P AS T Y issues from her winding caves , The storms of power or faction he defies , ... And stands inflexible ' miclst . hostile waves .. . ,. Like firm rock in independent
Seatyon ; And opposition ' s surge breaks feebly at his feet . » Can weforget , on that tremendous day When mourning Britain wept a monarch ' s woe , i Th' emp hatic voice that shook corruption's sway ? ' Desertion shrunk—and trembled at the vow— . That Truth should ne ' er a suffering King forsake * . He swore—and ' fix'd his soul on the immortal stake 1
« Sucb the lov'd guest that greets pur happy coast : Hail him ye sea-born guardians of the slipi-e ! Ye Naiads raise the pow ' rs ybur ' fountains boast ; From yout . rich urns the healthful crystals pour : Ye living waves , ye breathing gales , combine—And cheer that vital lamp'that burns in honour ' s shrine 1 " So the Minstrel from the sea-beat shore
sung , Artless the lay , yet o ' er the vocal plain The higher bards assenting tributes bore , And Neptune cried : * ' Hang here the votive strain ! Tho' pow ' rs may fail , yet sacred be the lay , ; Where Public Love demands and Truth bears sov ' reign sway . "