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Basem; Or, The Blacksmith. An Oriental Apologue.
this sherbet , and eat , were it never so little , of what is now before you . Nay , if you do not condescend to oblige me , I swear a divorce by three . " TIIXAH B ' AL TLATA * . " Plold , hold , brother , " cried Basem , rather than you should break your oath , or divorce your wife , I will comply wirh your request ; but the truth is I have no appetite ; for I breakfasted with my companions before receiving your " orderThe victuals were from the khalif s kitchen ; there were ten
. dishes , and in each three fowls , bnt dressed in different fashions . I am quite full , and can hardly draw my breath / ' - " O chief of the bildars ! I know what you do is merely out of complaisance , " said . Otman , " make me happy by tasting what is before you , and indeed you have already been very indulgent . " " Well , " said Basem , " rather than disoblige you , " and taking the in handhe drank it off at
bowl which held some quarts , one , one breath , to the amazement of the confectioner , who little knew that his guest was in the habit of guzzling twice as much wine every night ; but thought within himself , as he received the empty bowl , that the drinker must be the devil in disguise . The cabab , and two long cakes of bread , now made their appearance , which Basem devoured like one famished ; nor did he once look up till he had completely cleared the table , including what aMirst had been set before himas an antidote to the bile . Mallim ( master ) Otman was stiil
, more and more amazed . " This man , " said he , " had breakfasted at the palace ; what would he have done had he come here fasting ! ¦ I believe in my conscience that nothing less than a jack-ass stuffed with forced meat , and roasted whole , would have satisfied him . Pray heaven , I Was well rid of him . " The confectioner now attended to his business and his customers , till it was assoraf , when the dinner cook of th fat
which ' had been ordered at the ' s shop , consisting ree - fowls richly stuffed , was brought in , and delivered to Otman , who in due order set it before Basem ; saying at the same time ,- " in truth , O chief of the bildars , we have starved you to-day , but I fiope your bounteous mind will excuse the scantiness of your entertainment . " I am not concerned about that" replied Basem coolly" but I wish
" , , we may set out in time to reach the palace , before the treasury shuts up , for I must return an answer to my master . " "You have been kindly indulgent to me / ' said Mallim Otman , " and had patience irom morning till now that it is assora ; let me further prevail on you - to honour the poor repast provided for you , after which please God ¦
all shall go well . " _ ,, '' , \ . -, . Basem ,-Without further ceremony , finished the three fowls , drank an- * other bowl of sherbet , and wiped his hands without speakihg a Word . " I must get this man out of my house , " said Otman to himself , ' " or he will eat me up also . " He then went into the back : shop j and filled
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Basem; Or, The Blacksmith. An Oriental Apologue.
this sherbet , and eat , were it never so little , of what is now before you . Nay , if you do not condescend to oblige me , I swear a divorce by three . " TIIXAH B ' AL TLATA * . " Plold , hold , brother , " cried Basem , rather than you should break your oath , or divorce your wife , I will comply wirh your request ; but the truth is I have no appetite ; for I breakfasted with my companions before receiving your " orderThe victuals were from the khalif s kitchen ; there were ten
. dishes , and in each three fowls , bnt dressed in different fashions . I am quite full , and can hardly draw my breath / ' - " O chief of the bildars ! I know what you do is merely out of complaisance , " said . Otman , " make me happy by tasting what is before you , and indeed you have already been very indulgent . " " Well , " said Basem , " rather than disoblige you , " and taking the in handhe drank it off at
bowl which held some quarts , one , one breath , to the amazement of the confectioner , who little knew that his guest was in the habit of guzzling twice as much wine every night ; but thought within himself , as he received the empty bowl , that the drinker must be the devil in disguise . The cabab , and two long cakes of bread , now made their appearance , which Basem devoured like one famished ; nor did he once look up till he had completely cleared the table , including what aMirst had been set before himas an antidote to the bile . Mallim ( master ) Otman was stiil
, more and more amazed . " This man , " said he , " had breakfasted at the palace ; what would he have done had he come here fasting ! ¦ I believe in my conscience that nothing less than a jack-ass stuffed with forced meat , and roasted whole , would have satisfied him . Pray heaven , I Was well rid of him . " The confectioner now attended to his business and his customers , till it was assoraf , when the dinner cook of th fat
which ' had been ordered at the ' s shop , consisting ree - fowls richly stuffed , was brought in , and delivered to Otman , who in due order set it before Basem ; saying at the same time ,- " in truth , O chief of the bildars , we have starved you to-day , but I fiope your bounteous mind will excuse the scantiness of your entertainment . " I am not concerned about that" replied Basem coolly" but I wish
" , , we may set out in time to reach the palace , before the treasury shuts up , for I must return an answer to my master . " "You have been kindly indulgent to me / ' said Mallim Otman , " and had patience irom morning till now that it is assora ; let me further prevail on you - to honour the poor repast provided for you , after which please God ¦
all shall go well . " _ ,, '' , \ . -, . Basem ,-Without further ceremony , finished the three fowls , drank an- * other bowl of sherbet , and wiped his hands without speakihg a Word . " I must get this man out of my house , " said Otman to himself , ' " or he will eat me up also . " He then went into the back : shop j and filled