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The Secrecy Imposed On The Mysteries Of Masonry,
cases already pointed out : and to report , or even to insinuate , that they are , must argue a want of candour , a want of reason , and a want of charity . For by the laws of nature , and of nations , every individual , and every society , has a right to be supposed innocent , till proved otherwise . Yet , notwithstanding the mysteries of our profession are . kept
inviolable , none are excluded from a full knowledge of them in due time and manner , upon proper application , and being found , capable and worthy of the trust . To form other designs and expectations , is building on a sandy foundation , and will only serve to . testify , that of such men , the discretion is always out of the way , when they have most occasion to make use of it . S . .
Sunday Schools.
THAT ignorance is favourable to error and superstition , must , be acknowledged : yet , as there are persons who still dispute the expediency of extending knowledge to the lowest ranks , our readers may receive entertainment and satisfaction from the sentiments of a Writer , whose judgment on subjects of morality will ajways be listened to with respect .
EXTRACT FROM BOSWELL ' S LIFE OF DR . JOHNSON , VOL . I . T . 4 86 , 8 vO EDIT . " Some of the Members of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge , had opposed the scheme of translating the Holy Scriptures into the Erse , or Highland , language , from political considerations of the disadvantage of keeping up the distinctions between the Highlanders and the other inhabitants of North-Britain , Dr . Johninformed of this his friend Drummond of Edin
son , being by , Mr . - burgh , wrote as follows : " TO MR . WM . DRUMMOND . " SIR , " I did not expect to hear that it could be , in an assembly convened for the Propagation of Christian Knowled a questionwhether
ge , , any nation , uninstructed in religion , should receive instruction ? or whether that instruction should be imparted to them by a translation of the Holy Books into their own language ? If obedience to the will of God be necessary to happiness , and knowledge of his will be necessary to obedience , I know not how he that withholds this knowledge , or delays if , can be said to love his neighbour as himself . He , that
voluntarily continues in ignorance , is guilty of all the crimes which ignorance produces ; as to him , that should extinguish the tapers of a lighthouse , might justly be imputed the calamities of shipwrecks .. Christianity is the highest perfection of humanity ; and as no man is o-ood , but as he wishes the good of others , ho man can be good in the hi » best degree , who wishes not to others the largest measures of the Greatest good . To omit for a year , or for a day , the most efficacious
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Secrecy Imposed On The Mysteries Of Masonry,
cases already pointed out : and to report , or even to insinuate , that they are , must argue a want of candour , a want of reason , and a want of charity . For by the laws of nature , and of nations , every individual , and every society , has a right to be supposed innocent , till proved otherwise . Yet , notwithstanding the mysteries of our profession are . kept
inviolable , none are excluded from a full knowledge of them in due time and manner , upon proper application , and being found , capable and worthy of the trust . To form other designs and expectations , is building on a sandy foundation , and will only serve to . testify , that of such men , the discretion is always out of the way , when they have most occasion to make use of it . S . .
Sunday Schools.
THAT ignorance is favourable to error and superstition , must , be acknowledged : yet , as there are persons who still dispute the expediency of extending knowledge to the lowest ranks , our readers may receive entertainment and satisfaction from the sentiments of a Writer , whose judgment on subjects of morality will ajways be listened to with respect .
EXTRACT FROM BOSWELL ' S LIFE OF DR . JOHNSON , VOL . I . T . 4 86 , 8 vO EDIT . " Some of the Members of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge , had opposed the scheme of translating the Holy Scriptures into the Erse , or Highland , language , from political considerations of the disadvantage of keeping up the distinctions between the Highlanders and the other inhabitants of North-Britain , Dr . Johninformed of this his friend Drummond of Edin
son , being by , Mr . - burgh , wrote as follows : " TO MR . WM . DRUMMOND . " SIR , " I did not expect to hear that it could be , in an assembly convened for the Propagation of Christian Knowled a questionwhether
ge , , any nation , uninstructed in religion , should receive instruction ? or whether that instruction should be imparted to them by a translation of the Holy Books into their own language ? If obedience to the will of God be necessary to happiness , and knowledge of his will be necessary to obedience , I know not how he that withholds this knowledge , or delays if , can be said to love his neighbour as himself . He , that
voluntarily continues in ignorance , is guilty of all the crimes which ignorance produces ; as to him , that should extinguish the tapers of a lighthouse , might justly be imputed the calamities of shipwrecks .. Christianity is the highest perfection of humanity ; and as no man is o-ood , but as he wishes the good of others , ho man can be good in the hi » best degree , who wishes not to others the largest measures of the Greatest good . To omit for a year , or for a day , the most efficacious