Article SUNDAY SCHOOLS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ORIGIN OF THE CUSTOM Page 1 of 1
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Sunday Schools.
method of advancing Christianity , in compliance with any purposes that terminate on this side the grave , is , in my opinion , an atrocious crime . " The Papists have , indeed , denied to the laity the use of the Bible ; but this prohibition ( in few places now very rigorously enforced ) is defended by arguments , which have for their foundation the care of souls . To obscure , upon motives merely political , the liht of revelationis a practice reserved for the reformedand
g , ; , surely , the blackest midnight of popery is meridian sunshine to such a reformation . " The efficacy of ignorance has been long tried , and has not produced the consequences expected . —Let knowledge , therefore , take its turn ; and let the patrons of privation stand awhile aside , and admit the operation of positive princiles
p . " You will be pleased , Sir , to assure the worthy man who is employed in the new translation , that he has my wishes for his success ; and if here , or at Oxford , I can be of any use , that I shall think it more than honour to promote his undertaking . " I am , Sir , your most humble servant , Johnson ' s Court , Fleet-strict , " SAM . JOHNSON . "
4 ug- 13 , 1776 . The opponents of this pious scheme being made ashamed of their conduct , the benevolent undertaking was allowed to go on .
Origin Of The Custom
HPHIS way of finding out murderers was practised in Denmark by ¦*• King Christianus the Second , and permitted all over his kingdom ; the occasion whereof was this . Certain gentlemen being on an evening together in a stove , fell out among themselves , and from words grew to blows , ( the candles being out ) insomuch that one of them was stabbed with a poniard . Now the murderer was unknown , b of the number
y reason ; although the gentleman accused a pursuivant of the king ' s for it , who was one of them in the stove . The king , to find out the homicide , caused them all to come together in the stove , and . standing all round the dead corpse , he commanded that they should one after another lay their right hand upon the slain gentleman ' s naked breast , swearing they had not killed him : the did
gentlemen so , and no sign appeared against them ; the pursuivant only remained , who , condemned before in his own conscience , went first of all , and kissed the dead man ' s feet ; but as soon as he laid his hand on his breast , the blood gushed forth in abundance , both out of his wound and nostrils , so that , urged by this evident accusation , he confessed the murder , and was by the king ' s own sentence immediately beheaded . Hence the origin of that practice , which was once so common in many of the countries of Europe , for finding out unknown murderers .
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Sunday Schools.
method of advancing Christianity , in compliance with any purposes that terminate on this side the grave , is , in my opinion , an atrocious crime . " The Papists have , indeed , denied to the laity the use of the Bible ; but this prohibition ( in few places now very rigorously enforced ) is defended by arguments , which have for their foundation the care of souls . To obscure , upon motives merely political , the liht of revelationis a practice reserved for the reformedand
g , ; , surely , the blackest midnight of popery is meridian sunshine to such a reformation . " The efficacy of ignorance has been long tried , and has not produced the consequences expected . —Let knowledge , therefore , take its turn ; and let the patrons of privation stand awhile aside , and admit the operation of positive princiles
p . " You will be pleased , Sir , to assure the worthy man who is employed in the new translation , that he has my wishes for his success ; and if here , or at Oxford , I can be of any use , that I shall think it more than honour to promote his undertaking . " I am , Sir , your most humble servant , Johnson ' s Court , Fleet-strict , " SAM . JOHNSON . "
4 ug- 13 , 1776 . The opponents of this pious scheme being made ashamed of their conduct , the benevolent undertaking was allowed to go on .
Origin Of The Custom
HPHIS way of finding out murderers was practised in Denmark by ¦*• King Christianus the Second , and permitted all over his kingdom ; the occasion whereof was this . Certain gentlemen being on an evening together in a stove , fell out among themselves , and from words grew to blows , ( the candles being out ) insomuch that one of them was stabbed with a poniard . Now the murderer was unknown , b of the number
y reason ; although the gentleman accused a pursuivant of the king ' s for it , who was one of them in the stove . The king , to find out the homicide , caused them all to come together in the stove , and . standing all round the dead corpse , he commanded that they should one after another lay their right hand upon the slain gentleman ' s naked breast , swearing they had not killed him : the did
gentlemen so , and no sign appeared against them ; the pursuivant only remained , who , condemned before in his own conscience , went first of all , and kissed the dead man ' s feet ; but as soon as he laid his hand on his breast , the blood gushed forth in abundance , both out of his wound and nostrils , so that , urged by this evident accusation , he confessed the murder , and was by the king ' s own sentence immediately beheaded . Hence the origin of that practice , which was once so common in many of the countries of Europe , for finding out unknown murderers .