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Curious Facts.
In the nth century it became a custom for men to wear long hair ; which being contrary to the precept of St . Paul , the Bishops strongly opposed it . In 1104 , Serlon , bishop of Seez , preaching at Carenton before Henry I . of England , strenuously against that usage , caused him and all his courtiers to get their hair croptassoon as they went out of church .
Buonaparte, The French Commander In Italy.
THIS enterprising and successful Commander is only twenty-seven years of age , and consequently was of the first requisition . He was born in Corsica , but has been brought up in France . He entered early in the school of artillery , where he applied himself steadily and arrived , after some years service , at the rank of Captain . To the studof the mathematics he added that of historyancient
y , and modern , and military tactics . His comrades took for inordinate ambition , that which , perhaps , was only the restlessness of genius , feeling its power , and ardent to display it . Called to the siege of Toulon , to direct the batteries , Buonapafte found the dispositions of the Generals bad , and he told them so . At first they saw nothing more in these observations than the presumption his adviceThe
of a young man . However they soon listened to . English evacuated the place , and the French re-entered Toulon . Buonaparte was nominated General of artillery ; and co-operated under Scherer , in that capacity , in producing our successes in Italy . The war upon the Mountains did not please Buonaparte . —He imagined himself in possession of a plan to push more rapidly forward . to fall the of
He was for abandoning the war of posts , upon plains Piedmont . This design he has realized . The Committee of Public Safety ordered him from the artillery , in which he had always served , to place him in the infantry , of the detail of which he knew nothing . He came to Paris to remonstrate . It is said , that a woman of intrigue with whom Chenier lived , and sell had
who was supposed to distribute and military employments , disposed of his . and nominated him a successor . Not being able to recover his situation , Buonaparte thought of entering into the Turkish service—but he was disappointe d in- his departure to Constantinople . The 13 th Vendemaire arrived . Barras , who commanded , took Buonaparte under him . He was then appointed General of Paris ancl the Interior ; then sent into Italy . The
rest of his history resounds throug hout Europe . About three months before his setting forward to take the command of the army in Italy , one of his acquaintance was speaking to him of his youth . ' In a year ' s time I shall be old , ' replied he . Buonaparte is low of stature and slender . Pallid , thin , _ and . unpleasant ; but his countenance is military ; and haughty . He is in-a c cessible to fear , and in danger possesses the greatest coolness . Pie is extremely enterprising and bold , and whatever be the difficulty , he never despairs of success . 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Curious Facts.
In the nth century it became a custom for men to wear long hair ; which being contrary to the precept of St . Paul , the Bishops strongly opposed it . In 1104 , Serlon , bishop of Seez , preaching at Carenton before Henry I . of England , strenuously against that usage , caused him and all his courtiers to get their hair croptassoon as they went out of church .
Buonaparte, The French Commander In Italy.
THIS enterprising and successful Commander is only twenty-seven years of age , and consequently was of the first requisition . He was born in Corsica , but has been brought up in France . He entered early in the school of artillery , where he applied himself steadily and arrived , after some years service , at the rank of Captain . To the studof the mathematics he added that of historyancient
y , and modern , and military tactics . His comrades took for inordinate ambition , that which , perhaps , was only the restlessness of genius , feeling its power , and ardent to display it . Called to the siege of Toulon , to direct the batteries , Buonapafte found the dispositions of the Generals bad , and he told them so . At first they saw nothing more in these observations than the presumption his adviceThe
of a young man . However they soon listened to . English evacuated the place , and the French re-entered Toulon . Buonaparte was nominated General of artillery ; and co-operated under Scherer , in that capacity , in producing our successes in Italy . The war upon the Mountains did not please Buonaparte . —He imagined himself in possession of a plan to push more rapidly forward . to fall the of
He was for abandoning the war of posts , upon plains Piedmont . This design he has realized . The Committee of Public Safety ordered him from the artillery , in which he had always served , to place him in the infantry , of the detail of which he knew nothing . He came to Paris to remonstrate . It is said , that a woman of intrigue with whom Chenier lived , and sell had
who was supposed to distribute and military employments , disposed of his . and nominated him a successor . Not being able to recover his situation , Buonaparte thought of entering into the Turkish service—but he was disappointe d in- his departure to Constantinople . The 13 th Vendemaire arrived . Barras , who commanded , took Buonaparte under him . He was then appointed General of Paris ancl the Interior ; then sent into Italy . The
rest of his history resounds throug hout Europe . About three months before his setting forward to take the command of the army in Italy , one of his acquaintance was speaking to him of his youth . ' In a year ' s time I shall be old , ' replied he . Buonaparte is low of stature and slender . Pallid , thin , _ and . unpleasant ; but his countenance is military ; and haughty . He is in-a c cessible to fear , and in danger possesses the greatest coolness . Pie is extremely enterprising and bold , and whatever be the difficulty , he never despairs of success . 2