Article REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ← Page 5 of 8 →
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Review Of New Publications.
form a contrast between the morality and theology of mankind , before , and since revelation ; and from that contrast to deduce the necessity , the use , and beneficial tendency , of revealed religion . ' P . iii . Conformabl y to this plan , the author distributes his subjefls into three pro : positions ; in the first of which he contends , that nothing short of revelation . could have destroyed idolatry ; the second argues it as neceessary , from the ignorance of and the of
man justice god ; the ^' reestablishes the argument of its utility , in having been the instrument of giving glory to God in the highest , and communicating peace and good-will to man . These propositions are elucidated and enforced with a degree of spirit , elegance , and accuracy , that discovers a mind well tutored in general literature , and stromdy impressed with theological truth . ' A Defence of Revelation in Ten Letters to Thomas Paitiebeing to his
, an Ansvm First Part of ' the j / ge . of Reason ,. By Elhanan Winchester . & vo . Pages n . Parsons . 1796 . AFTER the learned and elegant apology of Dr . Watson , ( Vide our Review tf last Month ) it is almost unnecessary to notice the various antagonists of Mr . Paine : the good bishop has done so much that very little remains to do he has stripped the infidel , and held him up to public scorn . Truth , however ' requires to that
us say , , throughput his Defence of Revelation , Mr . Winchester writes as a sound divine and a good christian . The Battle of Eddington , or British Liberty , a Tragedy . Svo . Price zs . 6 d . - Elmsl y . FROM the dedication which is to MrPitt learn that this is
. , we tragedy the performance of a Mr . Penn , grandson and representative , in the elder branch of the founder of the British government in Pehsylvania . We highly commend the generous and manly strain of feeling in which the whole of this tragedy is both conceived and expressed ; and recommend it to the serious perusal of all lovers of their country , who , if they should sometimes objeft to the less polished effusions of the poet , must revere the noble and dignified spirit of the man . °
Letters on the Drama . % vo . Price y . ( , d . Elmsly . 1796 . THESE letters , twelve in number , are from the same aut hor as the last article ; ajid are entitled to the same kind of commendation . - A gentleman who writes for his amusement , is too apt to disdain the minuter rules of composition so necessary to every author . It is but justice , however , to Mr . Penn , to say , that , amidst some careless and some superficial observations , these letters evmce a sound understanding and a good taste .
The Decline ^ and Fall of the English System of Finance . By Thomas Paine , Author of Common Sense , American Crisis , Rights of Mali , Age of Reason , @ c . Pages 44 .. % vo . Price is . Eaton . London . 179 6 . MR . PAINE ' s treatise on finance , like all his other compositions , has so much ori ginality , that we cannot apply to it any known rules : Amid all the wiidness of his fancy , there is however , here and there , some little Plain Sense , The chief objecl of the . present book seems to be to prove the evil conse-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Review Of New Publications.
form a contrast between the morality and theology of mankind , before , and since revelation ; and from that contrast to deduce the necessity , the use , and beneficial tendency , of revealed religion . ' P . iii . Conformabl y to this plan , the author distributes his subjefls into three pro : positions ; in the first of which he contends , that nothing short of revelation . could have destroyed idolatry ; the second argues it as neceessary , from the ignorance of and the of
man justice god ; the ^' reestablishes the argument of its utility , in having been the instrument of giving glory to God in the highest , and communicating peace and good-will to man . These propositions are elucidated and enforced with a degree of spirit , elegance , and accuracy , that discovers a mind well tutored in general literature , and stromdy impressed with theological truth . ' A Defence of Revelation in Ten Letters to Thomas Paitiebeing to his
, an Ansvm First Part of ' the j / ge . of Reason ,. By Elhanan Winchester . & vo . Pages n . Parsons . 1796 . AFTER the learned and elegant apology of Dr . Watson , ( Vide our Review tf last Month ) it is almost unnecessary to notice the various antagonists of Mr . Paine : the good bishop has done so much that very little remains to do he has stripped the infidel , and held him up to public scorn . Truth , however ' requires to that
us say , , throughput his Defence of Revelation , Mr . Winchester writes as a sound divine and a good christian . The Battle of Eddington , or British Liberty , a Tragedy . Svo . Price zs . 6 d . - Elmsl y . FROM the dedication which is to MrPitt learn that this is
. , we tragedy the performance of a Mr . Penn , grandson and representative , in the elder branch of the founder of the British government in Pehsylvania . We highly commend the generous and manly strain of feeling in which the whole of this tragedy is both conceived and expressed ; and recommend it to the serious perusal of all lovers of their country , who , if they should sometimes objeft to the less polished effusions of the poet , must revere the noble and dignified spirit of the man . °
Letters on the Drama . % vo . Price y . ( , d . Elmsly . 1796 . THESE letters , twelve in number , are from the same aut hor as the last article ; ajid are entitled to the same kind of commendation . - A gentleman who writes for his amusement , is too apt to disdain the minuter rules of composition so necessary to every author . It is but justice , however , to Mr . Penn , to say , that , amidst some careless and some superficial observations , these letters evmce a sound understanding and a good taste .
The Decline ^ and Fall of the English System of Finance . By Thomas Paine , Author of Common Sense , American Crisis , Rights of Mali , Age of Reason , @ c . Pages 44 .. % vo . Price is . Eaton . London . 179 6 . MR . PAINE ' s treatise on finance , like all his other compositions , has so much ori ginality , that we cannot apply to it any known rules : Amid all the wiidness of his fancy , there is however , here and there , some little Plain Sense , The chief objecl of the . present book seems to be to prove the evil conse-