Article BRITISH PARLIAMENT. ← Page 2 of 2 Article HOUSE OF COMMONS. Page 1 of 4 →
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British Parliament.
V ' '" Gentlemen of the House of Commons , " I must , in a more particular manner ,. return you my thanks for the libera ) supplies which J'ou have granted , to meet the exigencies oflhe war . - While I regret the extent of those demands , which the present cirsumstances necessarily occasion , it is a" great consolation to me to observe the increasing resources by wliich the country , is enabled to support them . These resources are particularly manifested in the state of the different branches of the revenue ; in the continued and exertion of navigation and commercein the steps which have
progressive our ; been taken for maintaining and improving the public credit ; and in the additional provision which has been made for the reduction of the National Debt . " My Lords and Gentlemen , . " I shall ever reflect with heartfelt satisfaction on the uniform wisdom , temper , and firmness , which have appeared in all your proceedings since I first met in this laceCalled lo deliberate the public affairs of country m a
vou p . on your period of Domestic and Foreign tranquillity , you had the happiness of contributing to raise this Kingdom to a state of unexampled prosperity . You were suddenly compelled to relinquish the full advantages of this situation , in order to resist the unprovoked aggression of an enemy , whose hostility was directed against all civil society , ' but more particularly against the happy" union of order and liberty established in these kingdoms . The nature of the system introduced into France , afforded to that country , in the midst of its calamities , the means ol exertion beof the antf
yond the experience of any former time . Under the pressure new unprecedented difficulties arising from such n contest , you have shewn yourselves worthy of all the blessings that you inherit . By your counsels arid conduct , the Constitution has been preserved ' inviolate against the designs of foreign and domestic enemies ; the honour of the British name has been asserted ; the rank and station which we have hitherto held in Europe has been maintained ; and the decided superiority of our naval power has been established in every quarter of the
World . , " You have omited no opportunity to prove your just anxiety for the re-establishment of General Peace on secure and honourable terms ; But you have , at the same time , rendered it manifest to the world , that , while our enemies shall persist in dispositions incompatible with that object , neither the resources nor spirit of Englishmen will be wanting to the support of a just cause , and to the defence of all their dearest interests . - " A due sense of this conduct is deeply impressed on my heart . I trust that animated with the sentimentsand that their loyalty and
all my subjects are same , public spirit will ensure the continuance of that union and mutual confidence between me and my Parliament , which best promote the true . dignity and glory of my crown , and the genuine happiness of my people , " The ' Speakerof the House of Commons then addressed his Majesty , in a lively picture of the loyalty of the Commons , and mildness of his Majesty ' s reign . After which the Lord Chancellor , by his Majesty ' s command , said , " My Lords and Gentlemen , it is his Majesty ' s Royal will and pleasure that this Parliament be prorogued to Tuesday the jth day of July next , to be then here holden : and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to Tuesday the 5 th day of July next .
House Of Commons.
FRIDAY , May 6 , 1796 . MR . GREY brought forward his promised resolutions for the Impeachment of Ministers , who he charged with false accounts , and misapplication of the public money . Afte , opening at considerable length , the Speaker put the question on the first resolution , which was , " That it is at all times , and in all cir-. eumstances , incumbent on this House , to watch over the expenditure of the public money , and to prevent the misapplication of the same . "
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British Parliament.
V ' '" Gentlemen of the House of Commons , " I must , in a more particular manner ,. return you my thanks for the libera ) supplies which J'ou have granted , to meet the exigencies oflhe war . - While I regret the extent of those demands , which the present cirsumstances necessarily occasion , it is a" great consolation to me to observe the increasing resources by wliich the country , is enabled to support them . These resources are particularly manifested in the state of the different branches of the revenue ; in the continued and exertion of navigation and commercein the steps which have
progressive our ; been taken for maintaining and improving the public credit ; and in the additional provision which has been made for the reduction of the National Debt . " My Lords and Gentlemen , . " I shall ever reflect with heartfelt satisfaction on the uniform wisdom , temper , and firmness , which have appeared in all your proceedings since I first met in this laceCalled lo deliberate the public affairs of country m a
vou p . on your period of Domestic and Foreign tranquillity , you had the happiness of contributing to raise this Kingdom to a state of unexampled prosperity . You were suddenly compelled to relinquish the full advantages of this situation , in order to resist the unprovoked aggression of an enemy , whose hostility was directed against all civil society , ' but more particularly against the happy" union of order and liberty established in these kingdoms . The nature of the system introduced into France , afforded to that country , in the midst of its calamities , the means ol exertion beof the antf
yond the experience of any former time . Under the pressure new unprecedented difficulties arising from such n contest , you have shewn yourselves worthy of all the blessings that you inherit . By your counsels arid conduct , the Constitution has been preserved ' inviolate against the designs of foreign and domestic enemies ; the honour of the British name has been asserted ; the rank and station which we have hitherto held in Europe has been maintained ; and the decided superiority of our naval power has been established in every quarter of the
World . , " You have omited no opportunity to prove your just anxiety for the re-establishment of General Peace on secure and honourable terms ; But you have , at the same time , rendered it manifest to the world , that , while our enemies shall persist in dispositions incompatible with that object , neither the resources nor spirit of Englishmen will be wanting to the support of a just cause , and to the defence of all their dearest interests . - " A due sense of this conduct is deeply impressed on my heart . I trust that animated with the sentimentsand that their loyalty and
all my subjects are same , public spirit will ensure the continuance of that union and mutual confidence between me and my Parliament , which best promote the true . dignity and glory of my crown , and the genuine happiness of my people , " The ' Speakerof the House of Commons then addressed his Majesty , in a lively picture of the loyalty of the Commons , and mildness of his Majesty ' s reign . After which the Lord Chancellor , by his Majesty ' s command , said , " My Lords and Gentlemen , it is his Majesty ' s Royal will and pleasure that this Parliament be prorogued to Tuesday the jth day of July next , to be then here holden : and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to Tuesday the 5 th day of July next .
House Of Commons.
FRIDAY , May 6 , 1796 . MR . GREY brought forward his promised resolutions for the Impeachment of Ministers , who he charged with false accounts , and misapplication of the public money . Afte , opening at considerable length , the Speaker put the question on the first resolution , which was , " That it is at all times , and in all cir-. eumstances , incumbent on this House , to watch over the expenditure of the public money , and to prevent the misapplication of the same . "