Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. ← Page 3 of 3
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Public Amusements.
The music was b y Dr . Arnold ; and , excepting one movement in the Overture , and an air , sung by Miss Leak , is rather below mediocrity . ¦ The Characters ivere as follows : Capt . O'Macgallaher , - - Mr . Aikin . B : itch , ... Mr . Fawcett . Bobb y Notice - - Mr . Suett .
, Jack Hawser , - - Mr . Wathen . Sir George Goodwill - Mr . Davies . Lieut . Goodwill , - - Mr . Truenian . Polly , - - - Mrs . Bland . Mrs . Goodwill , . - ' - Miss Leak . . The Scene lies at Plymouth .
Upon the whole , the piece was favourably received ; and , we doubt not , will , since it is laughable , continue to obtain some portion of public applause . THEATRE-ROYAL , DRURY-LANE . June 15 . The long protracted season at this theatre closed with the Opera of MAHMOUD ; after which , Mr . Palmer came forward , and returned the thanks of the Proprietors and Performeis to the audience , for their patronage , in nearly the same words as those used by Mr . Lewis at the close of the season at Covent-Gnrden theatre .
THEATRE-ROYAL , HAYMARKET . June iz . A new piece , from the pen of Mr . O'Keefe , under the . title of the " MAGIC BANNER ; or , Two Wives in a House , " ivas represented at this theatre . The genius of this very popular writer has hitherto , almost uniformly , laboured to produce broad laugh ; in the present performance , he has attempted a higher species of" composition ; but , we are sorry to add , with very little success . He . has chosen one of the most shining . eras of
English history for his subject , viz . the rescuing his country from savage invaders by the great Alfred . — " The Magic Banner " is the Offa , or enchanted standard of the Danes , which was wove by the three virgin sisters of Hubba , their chief , tinder which they always conquered ; and the story comprehends many of the facts related of our first legislator ;—from the origin of the Trial by Jury , down to the well known- tale of the Peasant ' s Wife and the Oaten Cake . There is an under story , of Gog , a carpenter , who has
" two Wives in a House ; " and , from this , some scenes of very pleasant equivoque are worked up . In the serious part we cannot , however , but think , that Mr . O'Keefe has altogether failed ; his talents are not suited to the grandeur of his subject : he tries , like Icarus , a lofty flight ; but his wings will not support him . Mi ght ive advise , we would recommend it to him to keep to-that line of writing , in which he has been so transcendently excellent : for there he must succeed : let him well weigh his abilities , and consider how he
can turn them to the best advantage . Sumite materiam vestris , qui scribitis , tequam Viribus : et versate diu , quid ferre recusent , Quid valeant humeri : cui lecta potenter erit Res , Nee Facundia deseret nunc , nee lucidus Ordo . Hon . AKT . POET . L . 3 8 , et seq . The piece was , upon the whole , unfavourabl y received ; and we are of opinion , that it never can become a favourite with the public .
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Public Amusements.
The music was b y Dr . Arnold ; and , excepting one movement in the Overture , and an air , sung by Miss Leak , is rather below mediocrity . ¦ The Characters ivere as follows : Capt . O'Macgallaher , - - Mr . Aikin . B : itch , ... Mr . Fawcett . Bobb y Notice - - Mr . Suett .
, Jack Hawser , - - Mr . Wathen . Sir George Goodwill - Mr . Davies . Lieut . Goodwill , - - Mr . Truenian . Polly , - - - Mrs . Bland . Mrs . Goodwill , . - ' - Miss Leak . . The Scene lies at Plymouth .
Upon the whole , the piece was favourably received ; and , we doubt not , will , since it is laughable , continue to obtain some portion of public applause . THEATRE-ROYAL , DRURY-LANE . June 15 . The long protracted season at this theatre closed with the Opera of MAHMOUD ; after which , Mr . Palmer came forward , and returned the thanks of the Proprietors and Performeis to the audience , for their patronage , in nearly the same words as those used by Mr . Lewis at the close of the season at Covent-Gnrden theatre .
THEATRE-ROYAL , HAYMARKET . June iz . A new piece , from the pen of Mr . O'Keefe , under the . title of the " MAGIC BANNER ; or , Two Wives in a House , " ivas represented at this theatre . The genius of this very popular writer has hitherto , almost uniformly , laboured to produce broad laugh ; in the present performance , he has attempted a higher species of" composition ; but , we are sorry to add , with very little success . He . has chosen one of the most shining . eras of
English history for his subject , viz . the rescuing his country from savage invaders by the great Alfred . — " The Magic Banner " is the Offa , or enchanted standard of the Danes , which was wove by the three virgin sisters of Hubba , their chief , tinder which they always conquered ; and the story comprehends many of the facts related of our first legislator ;—from the origin of the Trial by Jury , down to the well known- tale of the Peasant ' s Wife and the Oaten Cake . There is an under story , of Gog , a carpenter , who has
" two Wives in a House ; " and , from this , some scenes of very pleasant equivoque are worked up . In the serious part we cannot , however , but think , that Mr . O'Keefe has altogether failed ; his talents are not suited to the grandeur of his subject : he tries , like Icarus , a lofty flight ; but his wings will not support him . Mi ght ive advise , we would recommend it to him to keep to-that line of writing , in which he has been so transcendently excellent : for there he must succeed : let him well weigh his abilities , and consider how he
can turn them to the best advantage . Sumite materiam vestris , qui scribitis , tequam Viribus : et versate diu , quid ferre recusent , Quid valeant humeri : cui lecta potenter erit Res , Nee Facundia deseret nunc , nee lucidus Ordo . Hon . AKT . POET . L . 3 8 , et seq . The piece was , upon the whole , unfavourabl y received ; and we are of opinion , that it never can become a favourite with the public .