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curtain rings on his fingers . He was so enthusiastically -enraptured with his visionary dignity , as to imagine that lie had frequent correspondence ; with the King , on the subject of raising men , carrying on the war , aiid other important matters of state ; in which he was not , however , perhaps more absurd
than many other insane , self-iangh ' t , reforming politicians of the present day . 20 . Mr . Benson of the Theatre Royal Drury Lane , About three o ' clock iu the Morning he flung himfelf from the top of a house in Bridges Street , Covent Garden , where he lodged , and his head pitching upon the kirb stonehis
, brains were dashed in the high road . . This lamentiible circumstance is attributed to his having been afflicted with a brain-fever , from which he was supposed to have recovered . He had not the least article of cloaths on ; and he attempted to get out of the two pair of stairs windowby breaking a square of
, glass , but not being able to open the window , he got out of the Garret window . He has left a widow (" sister lo Mrs . Stephen Kemble , who was expected in town from Edingburgh the da ' y after the melancholy event happened )
and four young children . He was an industrious , useful , and meritorious performer ; and by his death an aged father and mother are deprived of support . 23-. At Edinburgh , aged 86 , the Right Honourable Primrose , Lady Lovatt . 23 . At Castlemaddockin the county
, of Brecon , universally regretted , Charles Powell , Esq . in the 85 II 1 year of his age . He ivas the Senior Magistrate for the County , and the Senior Common Councilman for the Borough . 28 . At Eccle ^ Sieid , Com . York , aged . 84 , Mrs . Dixon , widow of the late
-Rev . Mr . Dixon , of Worsbro' , near Barnsley . Her charity and goodness of hearfVith her unaffected piety endeared her to all her family and acquaintance . 28 . At Corke , Sir John Franklin , Bart . 30 . Aged 82 Mrs . Parkerwidow of
, , -the late Edward Parker , Esq . . merchant , of Bristol . Her death was occasioned by setting fire to her clothes a few evenings ' since while reading . She was a good Christian , and a kind benefactress to the poor . June 1 . At Blyth , in Nottinghamshire , Mrs , Mason .
At Llmley Castle , Mrs . Jones , aged 95- At Ripley Surry , Mrs . Felland , age'd 9--In Welbeck Street , St . Mary-lebonue , Mrs . Biscoe . At Whitby , la his 69 th year , Mr . J . Sanders one of ihe people called
Quakers . At Hbaton Norris , ' near Stockport , Mrs . Crowthers ; and the same day Mr , Robert Crowlhers ; both aged 64 . At Castle Connel , in the county of Limerick , Janies B . Tlio ' rnh'il Esq . of Thorifhill-lawii , in the county of Cork . In Bedford RowSamuel De-unison
, Esq . in new- Burlington street , Mr . C Medley . At Manchester , Thomas Worsley , Esq . late of Rochdale . At Richmond , Com . York , in consequence of a fall from his horse , Thomas Cornforth Esq .
At Durham , Mrs . Smith , wife of Mr . 'Henry Smith . At Pondichor ' ry , where he commanded Lieitt . Col . Slirlingof the 74 th regiment . Ill-Dublin , aged 64 , the Right Hon . W . B . Conyngham , Esq . one of the Lords of the Treasury in Ireland , Governor of Doiinegaland M . P . for Eiinis .
, 3 , Mrs . Parsons , wife of Mr . Wm . Parsons , in Re'dcross-s'tre ' et ; sincerely lamented by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance , and in whom were united the real Christian , affectionate wife , and agreeable companion . . At Manchester , ¦ Alexander Eason ,
M . D . In the King ' s Bench Prison , Mr . Wilson , the celebrated Comedian . His death ivas partly the consequence cf confinement , and a long depression of mind ; but Ihe immediate ' c __ use of it was his having drank several glasses of brandy before dinner , 011 the preceding day ,
after which he never stirred out of his rooin . He ivas casually provoked to this act of intemperance , without having been previously addicted to drinking . 4 . Lately at Lisinore , in the kingdom of Ireland , Mr . Henry Siiiiih , aged 106 years and six months . Mr . BradleySurgeon . He shot
him-, self , in a hackney coach , opposite the end of Fleet Market . The ball perforated his head , just behind the right ear , took an oblique direction , arid lodged in the upper part of the scull , on the op-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
curtain rings on his fingers . He was so enthusiastically -enraptured with his visionary dignity , as to imagine that lie had frequent correspondence ; with the King , on the subject of raising men , carrying on the war , aiid other important matters of state ; in which he was not , however , perhaps more absurd
than many other insane , self-iangh ' t , reforming politicians of the present day . 20 . Mr . Benson of the Theatre Royal Drury Lane , About three o ' clock iu the Morning he flung himfelf from the top of a house in Bridges Street , Covent Garden , where he lodged , and his head pitching upon the kirb stonehis
, brains were dashed in the high road . . This lamentiible circumstance is attributed to his having been afflicted with a brain-fever , from which he was supposed to have recovered . He had not the least article of cloaths on ; and he attempted to get out of the two pair of stairs windowby breaking a square of
, glass , but not being able to open the window , he got out of the Garret window . He has left a widow (" sister lo Mrs . Stephen Kemble , who was expected in town from Edingburgh the da ' y after the melancholy event happened )
and four young children . He was an industrious , useful , and meritorious performer ; and by his death an aged father and mother are deprived of support . 23-. At Edinburgh , aged 86 , the Right Honourable Primrose , Lady Lovatt . 23 . At Castlemaddockin the county
, of Brecon , universally regretted , Charles Powell , Esq . in the 85 II 1 year of his age . He ivas the Senior Magistrate for the County , and the Senior Common Councilman for the Borough . 28 . At Eccle ^ Sieid , Com . York , aged . 84 , Mrs . Dixon , widow of the late
-Rev . Mr . Dixon , of Worsbro' , near Barnsley . Her charity and goodness of hearfVith her unaffected piety endeared her to all her family and acquaintance . 28 . At Corke , Sir John Franklin , Bart . 30 . Aged 82 Mrs . Parkerwidow of
, , -the late Edward Parker , Esq . . merchant , of Bristol . Her death was occasioned by setting fire to her clothes a few evenings ' since while reading . She was a good Christian , and a kind benefactress to the poor . June 1 . At Blyth , in Nottinghamshire , Mrs , Mason .
At Llmley Castle , Mrs . Jones , aged 95- At Ripley Surry , Mrs . Felland , age'd 9--In Welbeck Street , St . Mary-lebonue , Mrs . Biscoe . At Whitby , la his 69 th year , Mr . J . Sanders one of ihe people called
Quakers . At Hbaton Norris , ' near Stockport , Mrs . Crowthers ; and the same day Mr , Robert Crowlhers ; both aged 64 . At Castle Connel , in the county of Limerick , Janies B . Tlio ' rnh'il Esq . of Thorifhill-lawii , in the county of Cork . In Bedford RowSamuel De-unison
, Esq . in new- Burlington street , Mr . C Medley . At Manchester , Thomas Worsley , Esq . late of Rochdale . At Richmond , Com . York , in consequence of a fall from his horse , Thomas Cornforth Esq .
At Durham , Mrs . Smith , wife of Mr . 'Henry Smith . At Pondichor ' ry , where he commanded Lieitt . Col . Slirlingof the 74 th regiment . Ill-Dublin , aged 64 , the Right Hon . W . B . Conyngham , Esq . one of the Lords of the Treasury in Ireland , Governor of Doiinegaland M . P . for Eiinis .
, 3 , Mrs . Parsons , wife of Mr . Wm . Parsons , in Re'dcross-s'tre ' et ; sincerely lamented by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance , and in whom were united the real Christian , affectionate wife , and agreeable companion . . At Manchester , ¦ Alexander Eason ,
M . D . In the King ' s Bench Prison , Mr . Wilson , the celebrated Comedian . His death ivas partly the consequence cf confinement , and a long depression of mind ; but Ihe immediate ' c __ use of it was his having drank several glasses of brandy before dinner , 011 the preceding day ,
after which he never stirred out of his rooin . He ivas casually provoked to this act of intemperance , without having been previously addicted to drinking . 4 . Lately at Lisinore , in the kingdom of Ireland , Mr . Henry Siiiiih , aged 106 years and six months . Mr . BradleySurgeon . He shot
him-, self , in a hackney coach , opposite the end of Fleet Market . The ball perforated his head , just behind the right ear , took an oblique direction , arid lodged in the upper part of the scull , on the op-