Article DOMESTIC NEWS. ← Page 4 of 10 →
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Domestic News.
gracious Pardon to all Seamen and Marines , s . erving on board the said squadron , who shall , upon notification hereof , onboard their respective ships , return to the regular and ordinary discharge of their duty : and we do hereby declare , that all such Seamen ancl Marines , so returning to their duty , shall be discharged and released from all prosecutions , imprisonments , and penalties , incurred by reason of any act of mutiny or disobedience of orders , or any breach or neglect of duty , previously committed by them , or any of them .
' Given at our Court at Windsor , the 22 d day of April , 1797 , and in the 37 th year of our reign . God save the KINO . ' The dispatches were instantly carried to the Port Admiral , who sent for Lord Bridport , Admirals Gardner , Pole , and Colpoys , and after consulting a long time together , about eleven o ' clock they proceeded on board the Royal George , w-here Lord Kridpon's Hag had been again hoisted . A signal was immediately made for all Captains to go on hoard the Admiral ' s ship , when the nature of
tiie dispatches were divulged . Every Captain then returned to his own ship , and communicated to the crews ( he contents of the dispatches from Windsor . The Seamen unanimously declared , they could give no answer till the proposals were submitted to the Court of Delegates . On assembling the Court , it was was found that Joyce and Glynn , two of the Delegates , were on shore . The Court would not proceed without ( hem . A boat was sent on shore , and they were brought on board in as much form as if they had been two officers . ' The Court of Delegates being completed , proceeded to business . The-pror
posals were discussed , and finally agreed upon at half past six . The signal of approbation being three cheers , was first given by the Queen Charlotte , and then went through the whole fleet , every ship giving in ( his manner its consent . Captain Holloway , of the Duke , first came on shore about seven o ' clock , to announce ( he happy tidings to the thousands of anxious spectators waiting the result on the platform . AU 'he boats ftqm the other ships followed , and the Seamen in each , on landing , declared the business happily settled . The Seamen are satisfied , and they-have unanimously agreed to resume their duly .
The intelligence was received with the most excessive joy by ( he people . The whole of the Fleet , except the Marlborough , Minotaur , arid Ramifies ( who still refused to lift theiranchors ) sailed from St . Helens on ( he zSth of April , but , owing to contrary wind :-, were soon after obliged to put back .
MUTINY AT THE NORE . We shallnow recall ( he reader's attention from what passed at Portsmouth , and dircci it to the Mutiny , still more important in its consequences , which broke out at the Nore , and extended ils baleful influence from Yarmouth ( 0 the . Rivers Thames and Medtvay . The commencement of this disagreeable business was on the 12 th of Afay , and began in the Sandwich gnardship , at ( he Nore , by her people getting on the shrouds , and giving three cheers ' , which was almost instantaneously followed by
the other ships there , and at Sheerness harbour : the crews took tiie immediate command of their respective ships , appointed Committees , and rove ropes in lerrorem from the fore and main yard arms ; there ivas an immediate communication from the different ships , and ( hey appointed the Sandwich to be the theatre of their deliberations ; they . accordingly appointed two Delegates , from each ship , ( o meet on board the Sandwich every morning at nine o ' clock , which Delegates had power to act and represent their ships companies , and make known the grievances of each ship . In the mean time , the crews sent such of their Officers
on shore as , they said , had , by their tyrannical behaviour , rendered themselves obnoxious to them . On Saturday the 13 th of May , there were four Delegates appointed to go lp Portsmouth , and consult with their brethren there . The Inflexible , of 6 4 guns , which was lying at Black-slakes , after receiving on board her guns and stores , unmoored and proceeded to the Great Nore , setting at defiance a report that was spread , that ( he garrison at Sheerness intended to fire on her if she a tempted to pass : as she p ; issed , the crew gave three cheers , which was returned by the same . number from the different hulks and vessels lying in the harbour , and at the
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Domestic News.
gracious Pardon to all Seamen and Marines , s . erving on board the said squadron , who shall , upon notification hereof , onboard their respective ships , return to the regular and ordinary discharge of their duty : and we do hereby declare , that all such Seamen ancl Marines , so returning to their duty , shall be discharged and released from all prosecutions , imprisonments , and penalties , incurred by reason of any act of mutiny or disobedience of orders , or any breach or neglect of duty , previously committed by them , or any of them .
' Given at our Court at Windsor , the 22 d day of April , 1797 , and in the 37 th year of our reign . God save the KINO . ' The dispatches were instantly carried to the Port Admiral , who sent for Lord Bridport , Admirals Gardner , Pole , and Colpoys , and after consulting a long time together , about eleven o ' clock they proceeded on board the Royal George , w-here Lord Kridpon's Hag had been again hoisted . A signal was immediately made for all Captains to go on hoard the Admiral ' s ship , when the nature of
tiie dispatches were divulged . Every Captain then returned to his own ship , and communicated to the crews ( he contents of the dispatches from Windsor . The Seamen unanimously declared , they could give no answer till the proposals were submitted to the Court of Delegates . On assembling the Court , it was was found that Joyce and Glynn , two of the Delegates , were on shore . The Court would not proceed without ( hem . A boat was sent on shore , and they were brought on board in as much form as if they had been two officers . ' The Court of Delegates being completed , proceeded to business . The-pror
posals were discussed , and finally agreed upon at half past six . The signal of approbation being three cheers , was first given by the Queen Charlotte , and then went through the whole fleet , every ship giving in ( his manner its consent . Captain Holloway , of the Duke , first came on shore about seven o ' clock , to announce ( he happy tidings to the thousands of anxious spectators waiting the result on the platform . AU 'he boats ftqm the other ships followed , and the Seamen in each , on landing , declared the business happily settled . The Seamen are satisfied , and they-have unanimously agreed to resume their duly .
The intelligence was received with the most excessive joy by ( he people . The whole of the Fleet , except the Marlborough , Minotaur , arid Ramifies ( who still refused to lift theiranchors ) sailed from St . Helens on ( he zSth of April , but , owing to contrary wind :-, were soon after obliged to put back .
MUTINY AT THE NORE . We shallnow recall ( he reader's attention from what passed at Portsmouth , and dircci it to the Mutiny , still more important in its consequences , which broke out at the Nore , and extended ils baleful influence from Yarmouth ( 0 the . Rivers Thames and Medtvay . The commencement of this disagreeable business was on the 12 th of Afay , and began in the Sandwich gnardship , at ( he Nore , by her people getting on the shrouds , and giving three cheers ' , which was almost instantaneously followed by
the other ships there , and at Sheerness harbour : the crews took tiie immediate command of their respective ships , appointed Committees , and rove ropes in lerrorem from the fore and main yard arms ; there ivas an immediate communication from the different ships , and ( hey appointed the Sandwich to be the theatre of their deliberations ; they . accordingly appointed two Delegates , from each ship , ( o meet on board the Sandwich every morning at nine o ' clock , which Delegates had power to act and represent their ships companies , and make known the grievances of each ship . In the mean time , the crews sent such of their Officers
on shore as , they said , had , by their tyrannical behaviour , rendered themselves obnoxious to them . On Saturday the 13 th of May , there were four Delegates appointed to go lp Portsmouth , and consult with their brethren there . The Inflexible , of 6 4 guns , which was lying at Black-slakes , after receiving on board her guns and stores , unmoored and proceeded to the Great Nore , setting at defiance a report that was spread , that ( he garrison at Sheerness intended to fire on her if she a tempted to pass : as she p ; issed , the crew gave three cheers , which was returned by the same . number from the different hulks and vessels lying in the harbour , and at the