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The Trial Of Richard Parker, The Mutineer, By Court Martial.
K ^ V ^ lv « W * " n ' dSf "" ^^ ^ ^ ^ ,, aSi r «? , ' .. w ,- ° " eVer h ! ? t ; . ris 0 , ler . ° . v other person calling himself a Delegate , sa ' " " " . ' . < ™ y meant by noistmg tho , red flag ? . A . I don't recollect I ever did . y . uid you never ask what it was ? A . T never did . . ' Examined by PARKED . 0 CVCr r 0 l ct S if teat itv the Inflexible
shE ' iRfP ? -u ^ ™ ^ H \ ° - " ' '' ^ s . a . ^ p Wn w , M . ' , J 1 ? F'ee ' "T * , ^ been for ^ at ship , things would have Bern amicably fettled long nnce ? A . Yes , I do . Court . Do yon recollect on what clay the Prisoner said that ? A . I do not . O . vv as ; t after the King ' s Birth-day ? A . I can't sav . ' ^ j J W ' '" know at wliat < ime ofdav , he Repulse cot ori shore , and at what time did she get oft ? A . She got on shore about three o ' clock in the afternoon , to tiie best of my recollection , and got off between five and six the same afternoon . y . Do you recollect what time Parker returned from the Monmouth to the Sandwich ? A do not knowit late
. I ; was . O . Was the Repulse on shore at the time the Prisoner ordered the Sandwich ' s boat tohe hoisted ? A . She had been on shore some time . _ y . At wliat time that afternoon did the Monmouth cease firing ? A . To the best ° ' my recollection , the Repulse was got off before the Monmouth feased firing . O . Was it sufficiently day-light for you to see the Repulse come to her anchor in Sheerness harbour ? A . She was in , tothebest of mv recollection , before dark . O . Can you recollect whether it was before or after ( he Repulse went into Sheerness harbour , that the Prisoner-lid it was a great pitv the . Inflexible was in the fleet ? A . I do not recollect whether it was before or after . '
, I & BW . KRD ALLEU of the Sandwich sworn . Q . Do you recollect the day on which the Mutiny broke out on board his Majesty's ship the Sandwich ? A . No , I do not . , ¦ ' . O . Was yon on board that day ? A . Yes . O . Did I take any active part in the proceedings of that day or the following?—A . Not to my knowledge . O . Do you " recollect my frequently complaining to von and your messmates ? President . W hat you have asked can be of no service to you .
Parker . I mean to shew I considered that it was a pity things should be carried on in the violent manner they were . A . I do not recollect any such words in my presence . I have nothing but conversation of that kind to a-. ! -:. Court . Y " ou shall not be checked in any question . O , Did you ever form an opinion — Court . Unless you can disprove what has been sworn , any opinion can be of no use —however , you mav go on . Did ever form an inionfrom the of that it
Q . you op , manner my proceedings , - would give me pleasure to see matters settled ? A . No , not ' as I know of , I never saw any thing amiss of him . Court . Did yot : ever hear the Prisoner , or any body else calling himself a Delegate , say what they meant by the Red Flag ? A . No . O . Do you know what the Red " Flag was called on board ship—whatwasthe . meaning of it ? A . No , I do not . MATTHEW HOLUSTEH , Seaman of the Director , sworn . O . Do vow recollect at what time I left his Majesty ' s ship Director the day the
Repulse got on shore , attempting to get into Sheerness harbour ? A . I can ' t speak to the hour or minute , but it was late in the evening . The Prisoner said he had . no other question , as the Witness was to be tried himself . Did you . ever hear the Prisoner , or any other person , say what the Red Flag meai . t ? A . As I am bound before Almighty God , I do not know ! THOMAS BAKU Y , of the Monmou . h . Q . What time of the day was it that you stated to the Court respecting my firing fhiTforecastle gun of his Majesty ' s shiMonmouth at the "Repulseonshorewhen
p , , attempting to get into Sheeeness ? A . About four o ' clock in the afternoon . O . You stated to the Cr urt , that you was confined by order of a man , whom you ' tailed Captain Vance ; at what time did that confinement commence , and how long did it continue ? A . I dare say , an hour and a half . U began about a quarter after ' Sour , and ended about a quarter before six . :
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Trial Of Richard Parker, The Mutineer, By Court Martial.
K ^ V ^ lv « W * " n ' dSf "" ^^ ^ ^ ^ ,, aSi r «? , ' .. w ,- ° " eVer h ! ? t ; . ris 0 , ler . ° . v other person calling himself a Delegate , sa ' " " " . ' . < ™ y meant by noistmg tho , red flag ? . A . I don't recollect I ever did . y . uid you never ask what it was ? A . T never did . . ' Examined by PARKED . 0 CVCr r 0 l ct S if teat itv the Inflexible
shE ' iRfP ? -u ^ ™ ^ H \ ° - " ' '' ^ s . a . ^ p Wn w , M . ' , J 1 ? F'ee ' "T * , ^ been for ^ at ship , things would have Bern amicably fettled long nnce ? A . Yes , I do . Court . Do yon recollect on what clay the Prisoner said that ? A . I do not . O . vv as ; t after the King ' s Birth-day ? A . I can't sav . ' ^ j J W ' '" know at wliat < ime ofdav , he Repulse cot ori shore , and at what time did she get oft ? A . She got on shore about three o ' clock in the afternoon , to tiie best of my recollection , and got off between five and six the same afternoon . y . Do you recollect what time Parker returned from the Monmouth to the Sandwich ? A do not knowit late
. I ; was . O . Was the Repulse on shore at the time the Prisoner ordered the Sandwich ' s boat tohe hoisted ? A . She had been on shore some time . _ y . At wliat time that afternoon did the Monmouth cease firing ? A . To the best ° ' my recollection , the Repulse was got off before the Monmouth feased firing . O . Was it sufficiently day-light for you to see the Repulse come to her anchor in Sheerness harbour ? A . She was in , tothebest of mv recollection , before dark . O . Can you recollect whether it was before or after ( he Repulse went into Sheerness harbour , that the Prisoner-lid it was a great pitv the . Inflexible was in the fleet ? A . I do not recollect whether it was before or after . '
, I & BW . KRD ALLEU of the Sandwich sworn . Q . Do you recollect the day on which the Mutiny broke out on board his Majesty's ship the Sandwich ? A . No , I do not . , ¦ ' . O . Was yon on board that day ? A . Yes . O . Did I take any active part in the proceedings of that day or the following?—A . Not to my knowledge . O . Do you " recollect my frequently complaining to von and your messmates ? President . W hat you have asked can be of no service to you .
Parker . I mean to shew I considered that it was a pity things should be carried on in the violent manner they were . A . I do not recollect any such words in my presence . I have nothing but conversation of that kind to a-. ! -:. Court . Y " ou shall not be checked in any question . O , Did you ever form an opinion — Court . Unless you can disprove what has been sworn , any opinion can be of no use —however , you mav go on . Did ever form an inionfrom the of that it
Q . you op , manner my proceedings , - would give me pleasure to see matters settled ? A . No , not ' as I know of , I never saw any thing amiss of him . Court . Did yot : ever hear the Prisoner , or any body else calling himself a Delegate , say what they meant by the Red Flag ? A . No . O . Do you know what the Red " Flag was called on board ship—whatwasthe . meaning of it ? A . No , I do not . MATTHEW HOLUSTEH , Seaman of the Director , sworn . O . Do vow recollect at what time I left his Majesty ' s ship Director the day the
Repulse got on shore , attempting to get into Sheerness harbour ? A . I can ' t speak to the hour or minute , but it was late in the evening . The Prisoner said he had . no other question , as the Witness was to be tried himself . Did you . ever hear the Prisoner , or any other person , say what the Red Flag meai . t ? A . As I am bound before Almighty God , I do not know ! THOMAS BAKU Y , of the Monmou . h . Q . What time of the day was it that you stated to the Court respecting my firing fhiTforecastle gun of his Majesty ' s shiMonmouth at the "Repulseonshorewhen
p , , attempting to get into Sheeeness ? A . About four o ' clock in the afternoon . O . You stated to the Cr urt , that you was confined by order of a man , whom you ' tailed Captain Vance ; at what time did that confinement commence , and how long did it continue ? A . I dare say , an hour and a half . U began about a quarter after ' Sour , and ended about a quarter before six . :