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Description Of The Source Of The Rhine,
At Rechinau , the residence of the Imperial envoy to the Orisons , the two streams of the Rhine form their junction ; aud they could not have chosen throughout the country a spot more delightful .- The principal ' branch was that which we had accompanied from its spring ; the other flows along the valley of Sopra Sih'as . This valley is divided from the canton of Glarus by high mountains and glaciers ,
which form a magnificent back-ground to the pastoral country beneath . Over the two branches of the Rhine , just above the confluence of their streams , two bridges are built on the same plan as that of SchafFhausen . These bridges are much admired for their architecture and sublime simplicity of construction . The Rhine , at its confluence ,
becomes an important river , and flows through the valley , with calm majestic pace , under rocks and wooded hills , which in other countries would be respectable mountains , but which shrink into _ insignificap . ee before the eye that has long been fixed on the gigantic Alps . We passed some ' miles through a piny forest , and at length , from the pastoral valley of Rechinau , beheld the antique towers of Goire , rising majestically from the deep bosom of encircling mountains .
On The Preservation Of Dead Bodies.
THEY preserve , in a vault under the church of Bremen , five or six corpse , which , though they were deposited there fifty ormore years ago , without being enbalmed , or the entrails taken out , are yet entire and uncorrupted . - The skin of . these bodies is hard , and , like a parchment , somewhat shrivelled . I had the curiosity to lift one of them up by the head , and found it so light , that I did not conceive
the whole body ' could weig h more than ten or fifteen pounds . But to give some account of this matter : the vault , in which these corpse are shewn , had not been opened in thirty or more years after the last was deposited ; till some years since , on occasion of putting up a new organ , this place was thought proper for the artificer to cast and sodder his pipes in , as containing so few bodies , which , it was the
supposed , were now fit for the charnel-house . Upon opening vault , and finding the coffins entire , they were only put together in a corner . After some time , one of the workmen being left alone , either out of curiosity , or in expectation of finding some booty , loosened the lid of one of the coffins , and finding the corpse , in the manner I have described , divulged it to his companions ; and upon the matter
being made public , the rest of the coffins were opened , and the bodies contained in them found to be in the same condition . We may account for this without the expence of a miracle . This vault , being under one corner of the church , has two openings to the church-yard , with iron gates : through which the air continually passing , it may reasonably be supposed to have gradually dried up the moisture of these bodies , without suffering them to come to putrefaction .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Description Of The Source Of The Rhine,
At Rechinau , the residence of the Imperial envoy to the Orisons , the two streams of the Rhine form their junction ; aud they could not have chosen throughout the country a spot more delightful .- The principal ' branch was that which we had accompanied from its spring ; the other flows along the valley of Sopra Sih'as . This valley is divided from the canton of Glarus by high mountains and glaciers ,
which form a magnificent back-ground to the pastoral country beneath . Over the two branches of the Rhine , just above the confluence of their streams , two bridges are built on the same plan as that of SchafFhausen . These bridges are much admired for their architecture and sublime simplicity of construction . The Rhine , at its confluence ,
becomes an important river , and flows through the valley , with calm majestic pace , under rocks and wooded hills , which in other countries would be respectable mountains , but which shrink into _ insignificap . ee before the eye that has long been fixed on the gigantic Alps . We passed some ' miles through a piny forest , and at length , from the pastoral valley of Rechinau , beheld the antique towers of Goire , rising majestically from the deep bosom of encircling mountains .
On The Preservation Of Dead Bodies.
THEY preserve , in a vault under the church of Bremen , five or six corpse , which , though they were deposited there fifty ormore years ago , without being enbalmed , or the entrails taken out , are yet entire and uncorrupted . - The skin of . these bodies is hard , and , like a parchment , somewhat shrivelled . I had the curiosity to lift one of them up by the head , and found it so light , that I did not conceive
the whole body ' could weig h more than ten or fifteen pounds . But to give some account of this matter : the vault , in which these corpse are shewn , had not been opened in thirty or more years after the last was deposited ; till some years since , on occasion of putting up a new organ , this place was thought proper for the artificer to cast and sodder his pipes in , as containing so few bodies , which , it was the
supposed , were now fit for the charnel-house . Upon opening vault , and finding the coffins entire , they were only put together in a corner . After some time , one of the workmen being left alone , either out of curiosity , or in expectation of finding some booty , loosened the lid of one of the coffins , and finding the corpse , in the manner I have described , divulged it to his companions ; and upon the matter
being made public , the rest of the coffins were opened , and the bodies contained in them found to be in the same condition . We may account for this without the expence of a miracle . This vault , being under one corner of the church , has two openings to the church-yard , with iron gates : through which the air continually passing , it may reasonably be supposed to have gradually dried up the moisture of these bodies , without suffering them to come to putrefaction .