Article REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ← Page 4 of 8 →
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Review Of New Publications.
strument , unfortunately for my patient , was so perverse , that at every stroke it might be said rather to carry away the flesh than to' shave off the beard . " My little friend , " exclaimed the beggar , not being able any longer to endure the pain he felt , " pray tell me whether you are shaving my beard or stripping my skin ?" "Both , " replied !; "for your beard , my honest fellow , is so thick and stubborn , that it is impossible to take off the one without injuring the
other . " ' My uncle , who entered the shop just as I had finished my operation , could sca ' icely refrain from laughing at the ludicrous figure which the mangled face of the poor devil presented to his view ; but , assuming a solemn countenance , he presented the sufferer with a few pieces of money , in order to alleviate the misfortune of having fallen under my hands . ' This poor fellow most probably took great care to circulate intelligence
of the extent of my skill in shaving to ah his bretnren ; for , from that hour no beggar has ever ventured to ask charity at the shop . ' * My uncle severely reprobated my conduct ; and , to punish me for having acquitted myself so badly , inter , lifted me from using the razor untill further orders . The scissars , however , I was still permitted to wield . One morning , a young student of the university came to the shop for the purpose of having his hair dressed The task w ;\ s assigned to me . This young
gentleman was the son of an eminent woollen-draper ; and my uncle , to have a watchful eye upon my proceedings , chose to be present during this operation , that I might be the-more attentive to my duty . I succeeded tolerably well for some time , and cut his hair according to the fundamental rules of the art . In short , every thing went on in the happiest way imaginable , until the moment I was about to make a finishing stroke , when unfortunately forgetting that he had ears under his hair , 1 carried away at least half of one of them by
a single clip of the scissars . The student tittered a dreadful scream ; and my kind protector was no sooner informed of the catastrophe , than he bestowed upon me an equal and alternate quantit of maledictions and blows . Having applied these little correctives , which I well deserved , he dressed the wounds I had made , and accompanied the sufferer to his father ' s house , to whom he represented the injury as the accident of an aukward blockhead , whom he had left , by the severe punishment he had inflicted , half dead in the shop .
The draper , sensible that no other compensation could be procured for this irreparable injury , was at length appeased by the story my uncle told him , and granted me his pardon . ' The maledictions and blows , however , which my uncle had given me were not the only punishments I received for this offence . 1 was now interdicted not onl y from shaving , but from cutting of hair , and every other surgical operation whatever , under pain of being strapped ; so that I was reduced exclusively to the exercise of my initiatory functions . '
Who is there that is not reminded of something better by the perusal of these adventures- ? Yst we are far from denying that there are parts of the work which have an undoubted claim to ori ginality ; and that pedantry , avarice , and empiricism , as the translator insists , are very successfull y ridiculed in the characters of the licentiate Salablanca , the old kni ght , Dr . Arriscador , and his coadjutor Potoschi . We have also a l .-sson for coquettes , in the misfortunes of Donna limes , and for youthful impetuosity , in the
events which distinguish the story of Don Ramirez de Prado . Moral instruction , however , does not seem to have been the author ' s aim .- and even on the score of amusement , we do not think the History of Vanillo Gonzales very attraftive .
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Review Of New Publications.
strument , unfortunately for my patient , was so perverse , that at every stroke it might be said rather to carry away the flesh than to' shave off the beard . " My little friend , " exclaimed the beggar , not being able any longer to endure the pain he felt , " pray tell me whether you are shaving my beard or stripping my skin ?" "Both , " replied !; "for your beard , my honest fellow , is so thick and stubborn , that it is impossible to take off the one without injuring the
other . " ' My uncle , who entered the shop just as I had finished my operation , could sca ' icely refrain from laughing at the ludicrous figure which the mangled face of the poor devil presented to his view ; but , assuming a solemn countenance , he presented the sufferer with a few pieces of money , in order to alleviate the misfortune of having fallen under my hands . ' This poor fellow most probably took great care to circulate intelligence
of the extent of my skill in shaving to ah his bretnren ; for , from that hour no beggar has ever ventured to ask charity at the shop . ' * My uncle severely reprobated my conduct ; and , to punish me for having acquitted myself so badly , inter , lifted me from using the razor untill further orders . The scissars , however , I was still permitted to wield . One morning , a young student of the university came to the shop for the purpose of having his hair dressed The task w ;\ s assigned to me . This young
gentleman was the son of an eminent woollen-draper ; and my uncle , to have a watchful eye upon my proceedings , chose to be present during this operation , that I might be the-more attentive to my duty . I succeeded tolerably well for some time , and cut his hair according to the fundamental rules of the art . In short , every thing went on in the happiest way imaginable , until the moment I was about to make a finishing stroke , when unfortunately forgetting that he had ears under his hair , 1 carried away at least half of one of them by
a single clip of the scissars . The student tittered a dreadful scream ; and my kind protector was no sooner informed of the catastrophe , than he bestowed upon me an equal and alternate quantit of maledictions and blows . Having applied these little correctives , which I well deserved , he dressed the wounds I had made , and accompanied the sufferer to his father ' s house , to whom he represented the injury as the accident of an aukward blockhead , whom he had left , by the severe punishment he had inflicted , half dead in the shop .
The draper , sensible that no other compensation could be procured for this irreparable injury , was at length appeased by the story my uncle told him , and granted me his pardon . ' The maledictions and blows , however , which my uncle had given me were not the only punishments I received for this offence . 1 was now interdicted not onl y from shaving , but from cutting of hair , and every other surgical operation whatever , under pain of being strapped ; so that I was reduced exclusively to the exercise of my initiatory functions . '
Who is there that is not reminded of something better by the perusal of these adventures- ? Yst we are far from denying that there are parts of the work which have an undoubted claim to ori ginality ; and that pedantry , avarice , and empiricism , as the translator insists , are very successfull y ridiculed in the characters of the licentiate Salablanca , the old kni ght , Dr . Arriscador , and his coadjutor Potoschi . We have also a l .-sson for coquettes , in the misfortunes of Donna limes , and for youthful impetuosity , in the
events which distinguish the story of Don Ramirez de Prado . Moral instruction , however , does not seem to have been the author ' s aim .- and even on the score of amusement , we do not think the History of Vanillo Gonzales very attraftive .