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Review Of New Publications.
saved , and must live for ever in another world , and be the ' re rewarded or punished , as you have behaved well or ill in this life . Even here , if you behave ill , you will suffer for it ; and if you behave well , God and good men will assist you . Ifyou are idle , do you not want bread ? If you are drunken , do not your wives and children suffer . ? Ifyou are dishonest , do you not lose your characters ? If you are honest , and contented , and diligent , do you not find you are happy ? By being happyI do not mean that you have
, everything you want ; or that you have no sickness or sorrow . That is such a happiness as does not fall to the lot of any man in this world . Whatever you may think , the King upon his throne has more cares and vexations than you have . Many and many a night , when you are sound asleep , he and his Ministers are hard at woik for you and me , and all of us . And the case is the same with the great and learned . Some of them , indeed , like some of you , neglect their business , and waste their time in idleness and vice . But
others work as hard , or harder than } ou ; and their work is of a woise sort . Your's preserves your health , while their ' s destroys their health and shortens their lives . God has so ordered it , that in this life no man shall be completely happy ; but that most men ( let their situation be what it will ) may be tolerably happy , if it be not their own fault ; , and every man may be completely happy for ever in another world ; and the same means which will make him happy in another world , will commonly make him comfortable in this . '
The Warning Voice . -4 Poem . 4 to . is . Cawthorn . THIS performance has equal merit in the design and execution . It Is a serious , faithful , and spirited representation of things . We have observed some faulty rhirnes : but these are trivial blemishes , when compared with the general merit of the p iece . The Effusions of the Heart : Poems b y Miss Stockdale . Dedicatedb y Permission
, , to her Majesty . % vo . $ s . Boards- Stockdale . WE are p leased with Miss Stockdale's affeffionate and religious feelings , though we cannot much commend the poetry in which they are expressed . Trifles of Helicon . By Charlotte and Sophia King . % vo . p . Ridgway . THIS is the joint production of two very young ladies . It is natural for
young minds to be captivated by the j ' aux brillant of literature , and to sacri . lice substance to shadow ; the splendour of epithet alluring them too often to a deviation from the paths of simplicity . The poems before us , in many instances , justify this general censure ; and they are also incorreit in language and metre ; but they contain passages which make ample atonement . The Freemasons ' ' Pocket Book and Universal Dail y Ledger for the Year 179 8 ,
& c . & c . % s . bound . Vernor and Hood . WE have here elegance , cheapness , utility , and variety united . Besides the usual articles contained in pocket-books , the editor has given a more perfect list of the Lodges under the English Constitution than ever appeared before . He has also added lists of the Royal Arch Chapters , Lodges of Instruftion , & c . & c . We cheerfully recommend this Masonic vade mecnm to our brethren at large , as hi ghly deserving their patronage .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Review Of New Publications.
saved , and must live for ever in another world , and be the ' re rewarded or punished , as you have behaved well or ill in this life . Even here , if you behave ill , you will suffer for it ; and if you behave well , God and good men will assist you . Ifyou are idle , do you not want bread ? If you are drunken , do not your wives and children suffer . ? Ifyou are dishonest , do you not lose your characters ? If you are honest , and contented , and diligent , do you not find you are happy ? By being happyI do not mean that you have
, everything you want ; or that you have no sickness or sorrow . That is such a happiness as does not fall to the lot of any man in this world . Whatever you may think , the King upon his throne has more cares and vexations than you have . Many and many a night , when you are sound asleep , he and his Ministers are hard at woik for you and me , and all of us . And the case is the same with the great and learned . Some of them , indeed , like some of you , neglect their business , and waste their time in idleness and vice . But
others work as hard , or harder than } ou ; and their work is of a woise sort . Your's preserves your health , while their ' s destroys their health and shortens their lives . God has so ordered it , that in this life no man shall be completely happy ; but that most men ( let their situation be what it will ) may be tolerably happy , if it be not their own fault ; , and every man may be completely happy for ever in another world ; and the same means which will make him happy in another world , will commonly make him comfortable in this . '
The Warning Voice . -4 Poem . 4 to . is . Cawthorn . THIS performance has equal merit in the design and execution . It Is a serious , faithful , and spirited representation of things . We have observed some faulty rhirnes : but these are trivial blemishes , when compared with the general merit of the p iece . The Effusions of the Heart : Poems b y Miss Stockdale . Dedicatedb y Permission
, , to her Majesty . % vo . $ s . Boards- Stockdale . WE are p leased with Miss Stockdale's affeffionate and religious feelings , though we cannot much commend the poetry in which they are expressed . Trifles of Helicon . By Charlotte and Sophia King . % vo . p . Ridgway . THIS is the joint production of two very young ladies . It is natural for
young minds to be captivated by the j ' aux brillant of literature , and to sacri . lice substance to shadow ; the splendour of epithet alluring them too often to a deviation from the paths of simplicity . The poems before us , in many instances , justify this general censure ; and they are also incorreit in language and metre ; but they contain passages which make ample atonement . The Freemasons ' ' Pocket Book and Universal Dail y Ledger for the Year 179 8 ,
& c . & c . % s . bound . Vernor and Hood . WE have here elegance , cheapness , utility , and variety united . Besides the usual articles contained in pocket-books , the editor has given a more perfect list of the Lodges under the English Constitution than ever appeared before . He has also added lists of the Royal Arch Chapters , Lodges of Instruftion , & c . & c . We cheerfully recommend this Masonic vade mecnm to our brethren at large , as hi ghly deserving their patronage .