Article IRlSH PARLIAMENT. Page 1 of 2 →
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Irlsh Parliament.
THUESDAY , MARCH 8 . . nPHE order of the day for going into a Committee upon the bill to mdem * . 1 nify those persons who have ° acted" for the public service * **?««* - in , ? insurrections since the ist of June 1797 , . being : read , s * J ° **« J £ and Mr . Dobb . opposed it , on the ground o this bill _ tending , to ni , e . rupt tta course of justice , and to protect persons guilty of crimes against the punishment which they had incurred . , . bill accused Government ot de
-Mr Ti-h said much against the . He . gn ineT by is p wis on ,, tolnde . nnify' Orange-men for the excesses which they ha d committed against the Catholics . He said that Government had committed many ach to prove that their objeft was to . divide he peope ; and among other things , that they had taken commissions in tiie ffliliDAfaom men of weight and consequence , and given tnem to persons unqualified in "oint of property to hold them . ,, . '' The Attorney-General said , that the ohieft of the b . ll was to allow the jury to judge of a man by his intention . Could murder , which always deiAA : J . „?„ .... „ ... U , . rvLned bv such a permission > -Could felony , which
must always be accompanied with a felonious intention be protected h om due punishment , by thus enlarging the powers of the Jury to judge o . the intention of every act which should come before tnem ? If any one passage of the bill could bear such a construction , he would most gladly alter it . Saturday , 17 . The House resolved into a Committee to take into consideration the amendments made by the Lords in the Insurrection bill . _ Mr . Attorney-Genera ! moved , ' That from and alter the passing of this dirk other such
bill into a law , if any pike , pike-head , spear , , dagger , or weapon , shall be found in the possession of any person or persons , in any proc laimed district , after such person shall have been duly called on and required bv any magistrate to deliver up all arms in his possession , sucr . person or persons shall be deemed within the meaning of this act , and liable to the punishment therein prescribed , and , on conviction thereof before a magistral , will be liable to be sent to serve on board the King s fleets , or in his armies having , however , the liberty of appeal at the next quarter sesssions of the peace '—this amendment , with those made by the Lords , being agreed to it was ordered back to the Lords for their further concurrence .
Monday , id . The amendments made b y the Lords in the Libel bill were read by which the title and imprint of any paper , containing a libel , should be , prima facie evidence to go to a jury on the trial of any indiCtment for such libel " against the registered printer of the newspaper so intituled , unless he shall by evidence shiw that lie was not the printer or publisher of such a paper so conatining- such libel . Mr Martin replied , that the clause went to make any news-paper , bearing libel proof with jury to
cona particular title , and containing a , competent a vict the registered printer of the newspaper usually bearing that title , unless he could prove the contrary . This would be to invert the on . er ot evidence established by the constitutional forms of law in the first instance ; for instead of presuming the accused man innocent , until his guilt shall be substantiated by evidence on the part of his accusers , it presumes him guilty , in the hrss ; instance , upon the mere exhibition of written or printed testimony , not substantiated upon oath , as the law requires of such testimony , and which may . be a malicious forgery j and it puts upon" the accused person the onus probands
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Irlsh Parliament.
THUESDAY , MARCH 8 . . nPHE order of the day for going into a Committee upon the bill to mdem * . 1 nify those persons who have ° acted" for the public service * **?««* - in , ? insurrections since the ist of June 1797 , . being : read , s * J ° **« J £ and Mr . Dobb . opposed it , on the ground o this bill _ tending , to ni , e . rupt tta course of justice , and to protect persons guilty of crimes against the punishment which they had incurred . , . bill accused Government ot de
-Mr Ti-h said much against the . He . gn ineT by is p wis on ,, tolnde . nnify' Orange-men for the excesses which they ha d committed against the Catholics . He said that Government had committed many ach to prove that their objeft was to . divide he peope ; and among other things , that they had taken commissions in tiie ffliliDAfaom men of weight and consequence , and given tnem to persons unqualified in "oint of property to hold them . ,, . '' The Attorney-General said , that the ohieft of the b . ll was to allow the jury to judge of a man by his intention . Could murder , which always deiAA : J . „?„ .... „ ... U , . rvLned bv such a permission > -Could felony , which
must always be accompanied with a felonious intention be protected h om due punishment , by thus enlarging the powers of the Jury to judge o . the intention of every act which should come before tnem ? If any one passage of the bill could bear such a construction , he would most gladly alter it . Saturday , 17 . The House resolved into a Committee to take into consideration the amendments made by the Lords in the Insurrection bill . _ Mr . Attorney-Genera ! moved , ' That from and alter the passing of this dirk other such
bill into a law , if any pike , pike-head , spear , , dagger , or weapon , shall be found in the possession of any person or persons , in any proc laimed district , after such person shall have been duly called on and required bv any magistrate to deliver up all arms in his possession , sucr . person or persons shall be deemed within the meaning of this act , and liable to the punishment therein prescribed , and , on conviction thereof before a magistral , will be liable to be sent to serve on board the King s fleets , or in his armies having , however , the liberty of appeal at the next quarter sesssions of the peace '—this amendment , with those made by the Lords , being agreed to it was ordered back to the Lords for their further concurrence .
Monday , id . The amendments made b y the Lords in the Libel bill were read by which the title and imprint of any paper , containing a libel , should be , prima facie evidence to go to a jury on the trial of any indiCtment for such libel " against the registered printer of the newspaper so intituled , unless he shall by evidence shiw that lie was not the printer or publisher of such a paper so conatining- such libel . Mr Martin replied , that the clause went to make any news-paper , bearing libel proof with jury to
cona particular title , and containing a , competent a vict the registered printer of the newspaper usually bearing that title , unless he could prove the contrary . This would be to invert the on . er ot evidence established by the constitutional forms of law in the first instance ; for instead of presuming the accused man innocent , until his guilt shall be substantiated by evidence on the part of his accusers , it presumes him guilty , in the hrss ; instance , upon the mere exhibition of written or printed testimony , not substantiated upon oath , as the law requires of such testimony , and which may . be a malicious forgery j and it puts upon" the accused person the onus probands