Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 8 of 12 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
'The accounts received from the North are favourable , and state that tile Rebels are dispersed in all quarters . ' The Marquis Cornwallis having succeeded Karl Camden in the government of Ireland , he commenced his correspondence to the Duke of Portland , relative to the rebellion in that country , on the 29 th of June , as follows : JUNE 29 . — ' I have the satisfaction of transmitting to your Grace an extract of a letter received this morning by Lord Viscount Castle ' reagli , from Lieut . Gen . Lakedated
, Enniscorthy the 21 st inst . and a letter dated the same day at Horn ' s , from Major Genera ] Sir Charles Asgill , which contain details of the advantages obtained by his Majesty's forces against the Rebels in - the c ' onntv of Wexford . Private accounts mention that Lieut . Gen . Lake hail his horse sliot ' imder him . _ ' I also inclose to your Grace the copy of a letter from Sir Hut ; h O'Reilly , Lieutenant Colonel of the Westmeath regiment of militia , which contains a report of an action against a body of Insurgents near Cioghnakilty , and which ' I shortly mentioned to your Grace in my dispatch of yesterday . ' Eztracl of a Letter from General Lake to Lord Viscount Casliereagh , doled ' Enniscorthy ,
June 2 1 , 1798 . ' I have the honour to acquaint your Lordship , for bis Excellency the Lord Lieutenant ' s information , that the rebel camp upon Vinegar bill was attacked this morning at 7 o ' clock , and carried in about an hour and an half . 'The relative importance of this very strong position with our operations against Wexford , made it necessary to combine our attacks so as to insure success . A column , under . Major-Generals Johnson and Eustace , was drawn from Ross , and began the attack upon the town of Enniscorth y , situated upon the right '
bank of the Slaney , close under Vinegar-hill , upon theright , and rather in the rear of it . ' Lieutenant-General Dundas commanded the centre column , supported by a column oh the right , under Major-Generals Sir James Duffand ' Lo ' ftus ; . a fourth column , upon the left , was commanded by the Hon . Major-General Needham . To the determined spirit with which these columns were conducted , and the great gallantry of the troops , we are indebted for the short resistance of the rebels , who maintained their ground obstinatelfor the time above " mentioned '
y ; but ; on perceiving the danger of being surrounded , they fled with great precipitation . Their loss is not yet ascertained , but it must be very considerable . The loss on our part is not great , the particulars of which I shall report as soon as possible . In the mean time , 1 am sorrv to sav that Lieutenant Sandys of the Longford regiment is killed ; and that Colonel King , of the Sligo , was wounded , in gallantly leading his regiment . Lord Blaney and . Colonel Vesey , of tiie county of Dublin regiment , are also wounded ; but I am happy to add , that the wounds of these three officers are very slight . ' :
' Return of Ordnance , & c . taken from ihe Rebels on Vinegar Hill , June 21 , 1798 . 2 bras six-pounders , side-arms complete ; 1 brass ditto ; r metal six-pounder , no drag-ropes ; 6 metal one-pounders , ditto ; 1 metal three-pounder ; 1 brass five and a half inch howitzer ; 1 brass four and a half inch howitzer . —Total 13 . Ammunition Round . — -i-i six-pounders , 30 one-pounders , 11 five and a half inch . Note— -A cart , with a vast variety of balls of different diameters , had been thrown down Ihe hill after the action , and immense quantities of lead and leaden
balls delivered over to the Dumbarton Fencibles Extract of a Letter from Major-General Sir Charles Asgill , to Lord Viscount Casliereagh , dated Borris , June 21 , 1 ^ 98 . ' Having received intelligence that many ofNie rebels , who probably had escaped from their camps in Wexford , had . collected near Blackstains mountain , and were prevented from proceeding further , owing to the posts which I occupied by General Lake's orderson the BarrowI marched yesterday morning from
, , hence with 250 men , in two division-: , by different routes , to attack them . I found them scattered through the country in considerable numbers ; upwards of 100 men were killed , the remainder dispersed , and several arms and pikes were taken . > ' Lord Loftus , of the Wexford militia , commatidecl one party under my orders ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
'The accounts received from the North are favourable , and state that tile Rebels are dispersed in all quarters . ' The Marquis Cornwallis having succeeded Karl Camden in the government of Ireland , he commenced his correspondence to the Duke of Portland , relative to the rebellion in that country , on the 29 th of June , as follows : JUNE 29 . — ' I have the satisfaction of transmitting to your Grace an extract of a letter received this morning by Lord Viscount Castle ' reagli , from Lieut . Gen . Lakedated
, Enniscorthy the 21 st inst . and a letter dated the same day at Horn ' s , from Major Genera ] Sir Charles Asgill , which contain details of the advantages obtained by his Majesty's forces against the Rebels in - the c ' onntv of Wexford . Private accounts mention that Lieut . Gen . Lake hail his horse sliot ' imder him . _ ' I also inclose to your Grace the copy of a letter from Sir Hut ; h O'Reilly , Lieutenant Colonel of the Westmeath regiment of militia , which contains a report of an action against a body of Insurgents near Cioghnakilty , and which ' I shortly mentioned to your Grace in my dispatch of yesterday . ' Eztracl of a Letter from General Lake to Lord Viscount Casliereagh , doled ' Enniscorthy ,
June 2 1 , 1798 . ' I have the honour to acquaint your Lordship , for bis Excellency the Lord Lieutenant ' s information , that the rebel camp upon Vinegar bill was attacked this morning at 7 o ' clock , and carried in about an hour and an half . 'The relative importance of this very strong position with our operations against Wexford , made it necessary to combine our attacks so as to insure success . A column , under . Major-Generals Johnson and Eustace , was drawn from Ross , and began the attack upon the town of Enniscorth y , situated upon the right '
bank of the Slaney , close under Vinegar-hill , upon theright , and rather in the rear of it . ' Lieutenant-General Dundas commanded the centre column , supported by a column oh the right , under Major-Generals Sir James Duffand ' Lo ' ftus ; . a fourth column , upon the left , was commanded by the Hon . Major-General Needham . To the determined spirit with which these columns were conducted , and the great gallantry of the troops , we are indebted for the short resistance of the rebels , who maintained their ground obstinatelfor the time above " mentioned '
y ; but ; on perceiving the danger of being surrounded , they fled with great precipitation . Their loss is not yet ascertained , but it must be very considerable . The loss on our part is not great , the particulars of which I shall report as soon as possible . In the mean time , 1 am sorrv to sav that Lieutenant Sandys of the Longford regiment is killed ; and that Colonel King , of the Sligo , was wounded , in gallantly leading his regiment . Lord Blaney and . Colonel Vesey , of tiie county of Dublin regiment , are also wounded ; but I am happy to add , that the wounds of these three officers are very slight . ' :
' Return of Ordnance , & c . taken from ihe Rebels on Vinegar Hill , June 21 , 1798 . 2 bras six-pounders , side-arms complete ; 1 brass ditto ; r metal six-pounder , no drag-ropes ; 6 metal one-pounders , ditto ; 1 metal three-pounder ; 1 brass five and a half inch howitzer ; 1 brass four and a half inch howitzer . —Total 13 . Ammunition Round . — -i-i six-pounders , 30 one-pounders , 11 five and a half inch . Note— -A cart , with a vast variety of balls of different diameters , had been thrown down Ihe hill after the action , and immense quantities of lead and leaden
balls delivered over to the Dumbarton Fencibles Extract of a Letter from Major-General Sir Charles Asgill , to Lord Viscount Casliereagh , dated Borris , June 21 , 1 ^ 98 . ' Having received intelligence that many ofNie rebels , who probably had escaped from their camps in Wexford , had . collected near Blackstains mountain , and were prevented from proceeding further , owing to the posts which I occupied by General Lake's orderson the BarrowI marched yesterday morning from
, , hence with 250 men , in two division-: , by different routes , to attack them . I found them scattered through the country in considerable numbers ; upwards of 100 men were killed , the remainder dispersed , and several arms and pikes were taken . > ' Lord Loftus , of the Wexford militia , commatidecl one party under my orders ;