Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 11 of 12 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
io inform the officer commanding the King ' s troops , that they are ready to deliver up the town of Wexford without opposition , lay down their arms , and return lo their allegiance , provided that their persons and properties are guaranteed by the commanding officer ; and that they will use every influence in their power io induce the people of the country at large to return to their allegiance also . These terms we hope Captain M'Manus will be able to procure . MATTHEW KEUGHE . ' ANSWER .
' Enniscorthy , June 22 , 1798 . ' Lieutenant-General Lake cannot attend to any t erms offered by rebels in arms against their Sovereign . While they continue so , he must use the force entrusted to him with the utmost energy for their destruction . ' To the deluded multitude he promises pardon , on delivering into his hands their leaders , surrendering their arms , and returning with sincerity to their allegiance . G . LAKE . '
From the Jord Lieutenant to the Duke if Portland . JUNE 21 . — ' I have the honour to acquaint your Grace , that Brigadier Genera ! Dunn has reported from Monr-stereven , that on the 19 th inst . he had sent a strong patrole , under the command-of Captain Pack , of the 5 th Dragoon Guards , towards Prosperous , from Ratliangan ; and that Captain Pack having fallen in with 100 of the Rebels well mounted and appointed , he instantly attacked and defeated them , taking eight horses , and killing from 20 to 30 men . ' Lieutenant-Colonel Stewartof the 5 th Dragoonshaving been detached to
, , Prosperous on the evening of the 191 I 1 inst . found a body of rebels posted on a hill on the left of the town , which fled into the neighbouring bog on his approach ! His advanced guard having been fired upon as be approached , from the town , he brought two curricle guns to bear , upon it , and set fire to part of the town . Much cattle was left behind by the rebels , which they had pinned up near the messroom of the barracks , together with many pikes and drums . Eight of the rebels -yrere killed . ' Yesterday morning a detachment from Mount Kennedunder the command
y , of Lieutenant M Lean , of the Reay Fencibles , and Lieutenant Gore , of the Mount Kennedy Cavalry , attacked a body of near 300 rebels , near Ballinarush . The fire commenced from the rebels , who were posted behind an hedge , on the top of a commanding hill . After an engagement of about twenty minutes , they gave way in every quarter , leaving twenty dead behind them . ' It appears b" letters from Cork , that an engagement has taken place between a detachment of the Caithness Fencibles , assisted by a party of the Westmeath Militia , and a considerable bodv of rebels . The latter were defeated with the
loss of above 100 men . His Majesty ' s troops appear to have suffered but little iri the action . The north remains quiet . ' Extract of a Letter from Lieutenant Pearce , of the City of Cork Militia , to Lieulenanl-Colo-. net Hunter , commanding at Ralhcool , dated Hazel-Hatch , June 20 , I 79 S , ' Having this day sent a sergeant and four men to escort a prisoner to Salins , at Ponsonby bridge they fell in with a number of rebels . The sergeant immediately retired , and sent off an orderly with the account . I instantly dispatched
a sergeant and eight men to his assistance , and being joined on the spot by three of the yeomanry , an engagement took place , in which 25 of the rebels were killed . One of the sergeants received a slight wound oil the hand from a pike . ' p . s . They put the rebels totally to the route .
WEST-INDIA INTELI . IOENCE . Extract of a Letter from Brigadier-General Maitland , commanding his Majesty ' s Forces in the Island of St . Domingo , dated on board his Majesty ' s ship Thunderer , off Mole St . Nicolas , the loth of May , 179 8 . ' On the 22 d of last month I came to the resolution of immediately evacuating the towns of Port-au-Prince and St . Marc's , with their dependencies , together with the parish of Arcahaye ; and it is now with great pleasure I have the honour of acquainting you , that this measure has been carried into complete effect , without the smallest loss gf any kind ..
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Monthly Chronicle.
io inform the officer commanding the King ' s troops , that they are ready to deliver up the town of Wexford without opposition , lay down their arms , and return lo their allegiance , provided that their persons and properties are guaranteed by the commanding officer ; and that they will use every influence in their power io induce the people of the country at large to return to their allegiance also . These terms we hope Captain M'Manus will be able to procure . MATTHEW KEUGHE . ' ANSWER .
' Enniscorthy , June 22 , 1798 . ' Lieutenant-General Lake cannot attend to any t erms offered by rebels in arms against their Sovereign . While they continue so , he must use the force entrusted to him with the utmost energy for their destruction . ' To the deluded multitude he promises pardon , on delivering into his hands their leaders , surrendering their arms , and returning with sincerity to their allegiance . G . LAKE . '
From the Jord Lieutenant to the Duke if Portland . JUNE 21 . — ' I have the honour to acquaint your Grace , that Brigadier Genera ! Dunn has reported from Monr-stereven , that on the 19 th inst . he had sent a strong patrole , under the command-of Captain Pack , of the 5 th Dragoon Guards , towards Prosperous , from Ratliangan ; and that Captain Pack having fallen in with 100 of the Rebels well mounted and appointed , he instantly attacked and defeated them , taking eight horses , and killing from 20 to 30 men . ' Lieutenant-Colonel Stewartof the 5 th Dragoonshaving been detached to
, , Prosperous on the evening of the 191 I 1 inst . found a body of rebels posted on a hill on the left of the town , which fled into the neighbouring bog on his approach ! His advanced guard having been fired upon as be approached , from the town , he brought two curricle guns to bear , upon it , and set fire to part of the town . Much cattle was left behind by the rebels , which they had pinned up near the messroom of the barracks , together with many pikes and drums . Eight of the rebels -yrere killed . ' Yesterday morning a detachment from Mount Kennedunder the command
y , of Lieutenant M Lean , of the Reay Fencibles , and Lieutenant Gore , of the Mount Kennedy Cavalry , attacked a body of near 300 rebels , near Ballinarush . The fire commenced from the rebels , who were posted behind an hedge , on the top of a commanding hill . After an engagement of about twenty minutes , they gave way in every quarter , leaving twenty dead behind them . ' It appears b" letters from Cork , that an engagement has taken place between a detachment of the Caithness Fencibles , assisted by a party of the Westmeath Militia , and a considerable bodv of rebels . The latter were defeated with the
loss of above 100 men . His Majesty ' s troops appear to have suffered but little iri the action . The north remains quiet . ' Extract of a Letter from Lieutenant Pearce , of the City of Cork Militia , to Lieulenanl-Colo-. net Hunter , commanding at Ralhcool , dated Hazel-Hatch , June 20 , I 79 S , ' Having this day sent a sergeant and four men to escort a prisoner to Salins , at Ponsonby bridge they fell in with a number of rebels . The sergeant immediately retired , and sent off an orderly with the account . I instantly dispatched
a sergeant and eight men to his assistance , and being joined on the spot by three of the yeomanry , an engagement took place , in which 25 of the rebels were killed . One of the sergeants received a slight wound oil the hand from a pike . ' p . s . They put the rebels totally to the route .
WEST-INDIA INTELI . IOENCE . Extract of a Letter from Brigadier-General Maitland , commanding his Majesty ' s Forces in the Island of St . Domingo , dated on board his Majesty ' s ship Thunderer , off Mole St . Nicolas , the loth of May , 179 8 . ' On the 22 d of last month I came to the resolution of immediately evacuating the towns of Port-au-Prince and St . Marc's , with their dependencies , together with the parish of Arcahaye ; and it is now with great pleasure I have the honour of acquainting you , that this measure has been carried into complete effect , without the smallest loss gf any kind ..